Experience and Lessons by
Dr Abhay T Bang, Director, Society
for Education Action and Research,
focused on the development of the
actual model and process that led to
its acceptance by the public health
system. The challenge now is how to
effectively transfer this method into
the National Rural Health Mission of
the Health Ministry and make the
HBNC available in 500,000 villages
of India by training ASHA, the new
community health worker of India.
The second presentation, on
"Scaling up the Community
Health Volunteer Programme in
Chhattisgarh: Experience and
Lessons from Mitanin" by
Dr Sundararaman,
Director, National Health Systems
Resource Centre, dealt with
developing and scaling up of a model
within a state health system driven by
political and civilsociety activists. The
Mitanin program was integrated with
a range of health sector reforms
especially strengthening the supply
side to be responsive to the demand
for services being generated. It
became the flagship of the health
sector reform agenda, leading to a
substantial increase in state
investment in public health. The state
in partnership with key constituents
of civil society established a State
Health Resource Centre, an
innovative and autonomous
institution outside the government
that guides and supports this
program. The challenge of the
Mitanin programme was to upscale a
health worker
programme in a limited time frame,
in a context of limited human
resource availability and weak
institutional structures. The attention
that the Mitanin programme attracted
provided the backdrop for the ASHA,
an integral component of the NRHM.
The third presentation made jointly
by Dr Richard David Kohl and Dr
Rajani Ved, Management Systems
International on "Scaling up
Successful Pilot Projects on
Maternal and Child Health:
Lessons from India",discussed the
challenges in the application of a
management framework for scaling
up reproductive health projects in
India. To deal with the challenge of
scaling up, MSI has developed a
strategic management approach to
the scaling up process, funded by
the MacArthur Foundation. The
framework serves as both an
intellectual structure for thinking
rigorously about scaling up and as a
strategic management framework for
actually scaling up.
2. 'Empowering People':
(' A Rights-based Effort for
Policy Advocacy in
Addressing Sexual and
Reproductive Health
in India
This particular session reflected the
experiences of ongoing efforts that
enable government and other
stakeholders to formulate policies and
programmes for reproductive health,
family planning and adolescent sexual
health. The main aim of all these
efforts is to involve the community,
especially young people, and building
their capacity to influence health
programmes at the state and local
levels. The objectives are to effect
change in Bihar, Jharkhand,
Chhatlisgarh and Orissa states where
the Government of India is making
special efforts.
The chairperson of the session was
Dr. Almas Ali, Senior Advisor, PFI,
where as the rapporteur was Mr Satya
Ranjan Mishra, Project Manager,
Population Foundation of India.
The session included three
presentations. The first on "People's
Health in People's Hand:
CommunityMonitoringof Health
Services under the National
Rural Health Mission" by
Ms Sudipta Mukhopadhyay, Project
Manager, Population Foundation of
India, shared the innovative approach
of working with the community and
the government at each level of the
public health system to improve the
planning and delivery of health
services. The programme is being
implemented in diverse settings in
nine states as a part of the National
Rural Health Mission. The second
presentation on "Rights-based
Policy Advocacy Experiences
from Bihar, Jharkhand and
Chhattisgarh" by Dr Sanjit Nayak,
Programme Officer, PFI also shared
the experiences of policy advocacy
in the states of Bihar, Jharkhand and
Chhattisgarh. It reflected the process
of community involvement in policy
advocacy at the village, sub-district
and district levels. The third
presentation titled "Let's play:
Involving Youth in Sexual and
ReproductiveHealth Programme
Assessment" by Ms Namrata Jha,
Programme Associate, the David and
Lucile Packard Foundation was an
experience sharing of working with a
group of young people to develop
their leadership in designing tools to
assess and analyze the reproductive
and sexual health programme.
The conclusion drawn from the
session was that people's health