population growth.
JRD Tala Receives 1992 U.N. Population Award
I have always believed that no
real social change can occur in any
~ a glittering c:eremony· arid amidst. thunderous ovation from a select gfobal
audience. at the. U.N. headquarters in New York, Mr. 8oI.J,,"os8oI.Jtros-GhaJi United
Nations Secretary Generaf.presented the1Q92 U.N. Population Award to Mr. JRD
Tata, Chairman of thel=amily PlannirlgFolJndation •.on.Septembert7,,199.2. •..•..•.•.•.
society unless women are educated,
self-reliant and respected. Woman is
the critical fulcrum of family and
Mr. Tata Is the secondln~an after our late PrimeMmisterSrntlndi~~~hi
~ •.•.•.•.•• community prosperity. Frequent re-
the first industrialist In the VtfOridto have txaen honoured f)ythjs piSstigiolJs awai-d for . assertion by the Prime Minister of
his role and efforts ai~at stabilisationofwpulation gr9wth.fcJ~'Ii811C)ver~year~'
these objectivesisheartwarming, but
We will present a detallecl report 0fttle Award giving ceremony and¥t'"fata's
acceptance speech in our next issue~ . .
'.. ;.,.-:.,:;
we hope that his visionary enthusiasm
will transform the thinking of the
rank and file of the ruling party, and
contd. from page 1
Popu.lation Control .....
Another positive result of these
that other parties who had accorded
small improvement in litera,-]' and an important place to the population
even in the birth rate, but it has problem in their election manifesto
emphasised that the annual growth . in the last two elections, will come
efforts has been an increase in rate is still exponential at around 2.11 forward to participate in the forging
awareness and knowledge about and that the sex ration is still adverse of a powerful national consensus to
family planning. But it is a,sobering
thought that after an effort of 40 odd
. years, only 45 per cent of the 150
to women. An analysis of the present
total population of 860 million or so
fur.ther highlights the fact that most
give the popualtion
programme real strength.
million eligible couples in the country of it consists of the younger age group
""-;'-"-usesoll\\e forrn.of cOll.uaceptioll.:-The"" which means that the present
remaining couples are exposed to the momentum of population growth is
threat of' unwanted, untimeiy and likely to continue till at least the middle
stressful pregnancies which usually of the next century. It is now
change people's lives beyond universally accepted that India's
population will cross the one billion
The question arises as to why so mark by the year 2000, only 8 years
many people choose to remain at risk hence and, if international projections
when modem technology places at are to be believed, it could still be 1.5
their disposal several simple and billion in the year 2025. We have
effective means of contraception. One arrived at the threshold but have yet
could go mtotne'enfuecomple5tof to enter the stage of demographic
contd. from page 1
Spotlight on.....
experts devoted to the cause of
population stabilisation and
environment friendly development,
leading lights of indusny and
commerce, policy makers and
planners as also representatives of
international organisations in India.
In the same function Mr Tata released
three booklets published by the
Foundation under its "Encounter with
Population Crisis" lecture series.
reasons - cultural, social and economic, stability. The speed with which we
The Minisny of Health and
institutional and the rest - but the work and the. firmness with which
Family Welfare sponsored a special
simplest reason in my judgementis we purslle populaimnstabilisation
World Population Day supplement
that the pleple of India have so far goals will make or mar our future.
in leading newspapers in the countxy
failed to acquire that sharp and keen
It is customary for India to be
on July 11, 1992. In this supplement
awareness of the value of a small compared with Otina though both
Chairman, FPF, Mr Tata made a
.,-It" £am'ily.whichEuropeandseveral
countries have followed different
significant contribution in the shape
countries of Asia and the Pecific approaches guided by a different set
of an article entitled "Population
acquired in the current century, as a of political principles. The Chinese
Control : Need of a new National
result of which their demographic
transition was smooth and fast While,
during my own childhood in France,
I often saw or met large families,
today the size of most. families has
shrunk to 2 to 3 members, and a
whole new matrix of values
concerning economic fulfilment has
taken firm roots in French society.
The 1991 census, of which the
provisional results were made public.
early this year, has rendered a good
service to the country and to!ts~4ers
and administrators. It has noted a
population reached 1335 million in
1990 as compared to India's 853
million. The population projection
for Otina for the year 2025 is 1.7
billion as against India's 1.45 billion.
That means that by 2050, India will
overtake Otina's population. Since
both these great countries are in
competition for changing the lives of
their peoples and laying firm
foun:da~ons of self-sustaining
economic growth,. it would be a matter
for continuous anxiety if our aims
were thwarted bythe pressure of our·-
As a follow-up to its recently
conducted project "Family Welfare
in the Organised Sector" QIlderwhich
nine regional workshops and a
national symposium were organised,
the Executive Director of the
Foundation Mr Harish Khanna,
addressed a communication to the
Secretaries General of Chambers of
Commerce and Indusny who had
helped organise' these··workshops,
requesting them to intensify their
partidpation in thefamily planning