I. Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
2. Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad
3. Indian Council of Medical Research, Delhi
4. National Institute of Immunology, Delhi
5. Mohanlal Sukhadia University, Udaipur
6. United Planters Association of Southern India, Kunoor
7. Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi
8. Gandhigram Institute, Dindigul
9. Indian Institute of Health Management Research, Jaipur
10. International Development Research Centre, Canada
II. Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and
Research, Chandigarh
12. All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi
In fulfilment of its primary objectives, the Foundation has
all along striven to supplement the efforts of the government.
Towards this end it has submitted policy papers and memoranda
to the government based on action research projects and
research studies supported by it.
The areas covered by the projects can be broadly classified under
the following categories:
T Interface with policy makers at different levels, programme
administrators and the voluntary sector to co-ordinate
••. Promotion of attitudes and opinions in favour of the small
family norm
T Encouragement to group and communities for active
involvement in the programme
••. Encouragement to research and experimentation on family
planning determinants
••. Development of strategies to take care of existing and fresh
••. Promotion of field based action projects as programme
••. Identification of gaps in action programmes and finding
••. Development of contraceptive technology
The Foundation has supported, sponsored and funded
projects covering these areas and continues to do so. Of late, it
has started developing its own projects based on in-house
research in priority areas. These are carried out through suitable
field agencies with the expertise and capacity to handle such
projects. The Foundation helps them in pre-project surveys,