It has at the same time participated
in the confabulations preceding
the formulation of national
policies and strategies on the
programme. To a considerable
extent, the Foundation's approach
finds reflection in the government's
long-term strategy.
Spread of awareness and knowledge
in relation to family planning as
well as its close link with
development is the responsibility
of the government's own large
information network. The
Foundation has sought to impart
new dimensions to the process
through a variety of programmes
ranging from induction of
population education in the
integrated child development
scheme at the grassroots t6
highlighting the role of incentives
and disincentives in family
planning. Through studies
sponsored or supported by it, the
Foundation has pinpointed the
deficiencies in the programme and,
through actual demonstration
projects, it has shown how these
deficiencies can be removed.
The projects initiated are spread
over a wide areas, from Kashmir
in the North to Kerala in the South
and from the c)astline in the West
to the hilly tracks in the North- East.
subjects. It has at the same
time demonstrated the
efficacy of promoting
community- based distribution
of contraceptives.
India, like the rest of the world,
has been searching for
contraceptives that are convenient,
locally acceptable and create no
problems. While this major area
of research is the direct
responsibility of the Indian Council
of Medical Research, the
Foundation has financed a
number of projects undertaken
by eminent scientists in support
of the cause. Some of the
findings that have emerged
from their scientific investigations
hold good promise for
the future.
Simultaneously, the Foundation
has encouraged studies on the
socio-economic aspects of
popUlation growth, causes
underlying low performance of
family planning in some of the
states and a variety of other
connected subjects, including the
age at marriage and the
relationship between fertility and
high infant mortality.
Integrating health care and health
education with development has
been a priority item on the
Foundation's agenda. It has
supported pilot projects on health
education, demonstrated how
health and family planning can be
integrated with rural development,
financed innovative projects
from the same end in view ahd
given assistance to eminent "
educationalists for bringing out
authentic literature on the
Currently, the Foundation is
involved in a study of infant
mortality in about 800 villages, in
35 districts, in five states of the
country. This study is being done
in collaboration with five
prestigeous institutions as well as
the International Development
Research Centre of Canada, It is
an action-oriented study and
should inter alia throw up viable
solutions in the form of
interventions in health and
community action strategies
appropriate to the peculiarities of
the areas covered.
The low status of women is known
to be one of the principal reasons
responsible for high fertility rates
in India The Foundation has
encouraged in-depth studies into
this grey aspect of the Indian
situatio n, not just from the po int of
view of family planning but, more
importantly, to highlight the role
women, given opportunity, can
play in their own and in the
society's development. It has
supported projects for the training
of grassroot-Ievel women
functionaries. One of the
significant programmes financed
partially by it relates to the well-
known Working Women's Forum in
Madras. The Forum h3S already
demonstrated the efficacy of a
feasible mechanism for training of
women's organisations and their
involvement in family welfare
The Foundation is filming the
activity in order to project it as a
model for possible adaptation in
similar conditions elsewhere.
Management of health services
at the grass roots has been
recognised as one of the weak
links in the health delivery system
in India. To identify the actual
weaknesses and to throw up
possible, viable solutions, the
Foundation has encouraged a
number of studies, These range
from health services arranged in a
camp situation to those in
operation in an organised
Creating mass consciousness
about family welfare and