Self-Help Groups of Women (SHGs) are
becoming increasingly popular in the rural areas
in most parts of the country as organization of
groups of women from marginalised sections of
the society towards economic empowerment.
Launching of income generating activities for
women with the help of loans given by the
banks forms the core activity of such groups.
The re-payment of loans from banks and
NABARD taken by them is close to 99%
compared to high default rates prevalent in the
re-payment of loans taken by rather affluent
people, politicians and industrialists from
nationalized banks. Women seem to have a
higher sense of moral responsibility in re-
payment of loans. The women constituting such
groups are thus bound by common interest and
are often faced with multiple problems relating
to reproductive and child health. Empowering
these women with the knowledge of RCH can
go a long way in improving the basic health
conditions in the marginalised sections of the
In the strengthening of the Self-Help
Groups and empowering them with knowledge
on RCH, NGOs can play a major role.
Volunteers can be selected from NGOs of
considerable social standing and can be
sensitized on the basic concepts of RCH. The
volunteers can be selected on the basis of his/
her qualifications, social orientation, articulation
and motivation, etc. They can be trained
intensively in groups with the help of external
agencies. Refresher training can also be held
from time to time to upgrade the knowledge and
These volunteers can playa major role in
the creation of awareness on Reproductive
Health of women, both among women in the
Self-Help Groups and other segments such as
women panchayat members, mahila mandals,
etc. They can also be motivated to maintain
basic records related to number of pregnant
women, number of contraceptives distributed,
immunization of children, RTI/STD cases etc.
They can also act as depot holders for
contraceptives as well as basic health supplies.
Since increase in knowledge of members
of the SHGs has also been linked to skill
building and better income generation,
members of the SHGs can continue to work for
their own health needs as well as that of village
It is expected that by strengthening and
empowering women in the SHGs with
knowledge on RCH, and with the NGO
volunteers' initiatives to address the
reproductive and child health needs of the
community, many of the primary health care
needs of the women can be met. SHGs offer a
window of opportunity by improving the
reproductive and child health of the population
~~.9... _ in the marginalised sections of the society.
(Dr. K '§inivasan)
Strengthening of
RCH Services in Delhi Slums
Mobile HeaLth Clinic
To provide effective curative,
promotive and preventive
health care services; and also to
improve reproductive and child health
status of women living in selected
slums of Delhi, the Foundation in col-
laboration with Society for the Promo-
tion of Youth & Masses (SPYM) and
PRAYATN implemented a project on
"Reproductive & Child Health Promo-
free referral services to the patients
referred to them by PFI doctors during
their visits to slum areas.
The mobile van is visiting the
field areas regularly and is well received
in the community. Around 80-100
patients per day are getting the
services through mobile van with a
large percentage of women and
children. The services include
tion in selected slums of Delhi through
Mobile Health Services and Self-Help
Groups (SHGs)".
The mobile van provides services
to about 60,000 population in six slum
clusters. Through SPYM, the van with
the medical doctor and medicines, is
reaching to 30,000 population in slum
areas of Rangpuri Pahari near Vasant
Kunj and B P Singh Camp near
Tughlakabad. Through PRAYATNi,t is
covering 30,000 population in Sanjay
Colony and Manav Kalyan Camp near
Okhla. Sir Ganga Ram Hospital provides
identification and treatment of general
health problems, RTI cases, ANC/PNC
check-ups to women during pregnancy
and after delivery, counseling to
contraceptive users and children.
Group meetings with women,
adolescents, community leaders and
families are organised to provide
information on safe motherhood,
family planning, immunisation, HIV/
AIDS, balanced diet, etc. Formation of
Self Help Groups is also an important
component of the project.