- Control of deaths due to diarrhoeal diseases:
Education and use of Oral Rehydration Salts are
advocated for early treatment of diarrhoea and
to prevent deaths due to this disease. ORS was
introduced in India in 2004.
- Supplementation with micronutrients such as
Vitamin A and iron.
- Universal Immunization Programme: Children are
immunized against six vaccine preventable diseases.
They include polio, measles, DPT and BCG.
Integrated Management of Neonatal and
Childhood Illnesses
Integrated Management of Neonatal and Childhood
Illnesses (IMNCI) was started on a pilot basis in 2004
through UNICEF. It has been incorporated into RCH
since 2005. By 2007, the initiative has been launched
in all districts. Its strategy encompasses a range of
interventions to prevent and manage five major childhood
illnesses. They are: Acute Respiratory Infections,
diarrhoea, measles, malaria and malnutrition and the
major cause of neonatal mortality, sepsis. It also teaches
about nutrition including breastfeeding promotion,
complementary feeding and micronutrients.
The major components of this strategy are:
• Strengthening the skills of the health care workers
• Strengthening the health care initiative
• Involvement of the community
According to latest government data, 37,337 health
personnel have been trained in IMNCI. 7
Table 6: Statewise Breakup of Personnel
StatesNo. of personnel trained
Madhya Pradesh
Uttar Pradesh
Jammu & Kashmir
Arunachal Pradesh
Tamil Nadu
Andaman Island
Source: Annual Report: 2007-08, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt of India
Home Based New Born Care
The government has approved the implementation
of Home Based New Born Care. Accredited Social
Health Activists (ASHAs) will be trained in identified
aspects of newborn care during the second year of
their training.
The programme shall be launched in the five high
focus states of Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Bihar,
Chhattisgarh and Uttar Pradesh. In addition, facility
based assessment of the needs for newborn care is
being carried out in 10 states so that an appropriate
facility based newborn care model can be initiated.7
The eleventh Five Year Plan (2007-2012) aims to develop
specific interventions to address malnutrition, neonatal,
and infant mortality. Home based neonatal care will be
provided, including emergency life saving measures.
Traditional Birth Attendants shall be trained to turn
them into Skilled Birth Attendants. They would ensure
proper deliveries, whether at home or an institution.
Immunization programmes shall be strengthened to
eliminate neonatal tetanus and emphasis shall be given
to breastfeeding and reduction of anaemia.8
1. “Health Status Statistics: Mortality,” World Health Organization (see
http://www.who.int/healthinfo/statistics/ indneonatalmortality/en/).
2. “Annual Report: 2005-06,” Ministry of Health and Family Welfare,
Govt of India.
3. “Report of the Steering Committee of Family Welfare,” Steering
Committees for 10th Five Year Plan, Planning Commission, Govt of
4. “Neonatal and Perinatal Mortality: Country, Regional and Global
Estimates,” World Health Organization, 2006.
5. “Student’s Handbook for Integrated Management of Neonatal and
Childhood Illnesses,” World Health Organization and Ministry of
Health and Family Welfare, Govt of India, 2003.
6. “The State of the World’s Children,” United Nations Children’s Fund,
Dec 2007.
7. “Annual Report: 2007-08,” Ministry of Health and Family Welfare,
Govt of India.
8. Eleventh Five Year Plan 2007-12, Social Sector, Volume II, Planning
Commission, Govt of India.
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Issue Brief
• Mortality during neonatal period (0-28 days) is considered a key indicator of both
maternal and newborn health. In India, about two-thirds of all deaths during infancy
take place during the neonatal period.
• Although improved access to immunization, health care and nutrition programme have
resulted in substantial decline in infant mortality rate, decline in neonatal mortality rate
has been very slow.
• The major causes of neonatal mortality are pre-term births, severe infections such as
sepsis, birth asyphixia, tetanus, and diarrhoea.
• The neonatal mortality rate is measured by the National Family Health Survey (NFHS)
and the Sample Registration System (SRS). India’s neonatal mortality rate is measured
as 39 according to NFHS while it is 37 according to SRS.
• Infant mortality rates are sensitive indicators of inequity and poverty. Therefore,
neonatal mortality rates vary based on differences in socio-economic characteristics
such as religion, caste, and wealth.
• The largest absolute number of new born deaths occurs in South Asia but the highest
national rates of neonatal mortality occur in sub-Saharan Africa.
• The government has initiated various measures to tackle the problem of neonatal
mortality. Some of the important measures are the Integrated Management of Neonatal
and Childhood Illnesses and Home Based New Born Care.
• The Eleventh Five Year Plan aims to develop specific interventions to address
malnutrition, neonatal, and infant mortality.
Prepared By
PRS Legislative Research • Centre for Policy Research • Dharma Marg • Chanakyapuri • New Delhi – 110021
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