Focus 2005 January - March

Focus 2005 January - March

1 Pages 1-10

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Volume XIX; No.1 January-March 2005
-,---R~~~~~:.~g,~.,~.~0t,i:ni~u;~;~o~!:~~~~7jt:a~~~~:~.~~~~,~d'~l.~':,foift:f~,i~:; ~~_=~
..poptila.tion stabiJizatron, the' Minister of Onssa,.said thatthisw;uld
PH Goverrung Board, presented the-
Population Fo'undation of India.: ~-provide policy makers with inputs to.- vote of thal).ks.·· "',
.-.-. WFI}or:ganiseda-two-day' confl?renc'e-'" . ,mainstre~m health indicators in policy --.--,
- ' _ .~-.- \\' .- . '.
~ -'-~-on -'Population .Stabiii-zafion.,Health _. ·'"Con·seq.uehfly,.·. .-:r.he.first-s,ess~~wtt ~~.-o~'Populati?1!,_ . .
7:,~and~Sodc;l-::'D=evelopmentI'-ssu~S;'iit , ~:~the.-ne·edo't·the people in the.he'~lili ;~~ .I:i~a,~f~.ap~~~b(ift:l 'Q~~~I,~p~~~r;'~,.-::c,
--J:"Bnu1:5~nes.warO:,'pn '21~iari(:i"22~c' ~':se'ctbrW6ukt:eeadeEiuate!~aiadre~sed":-: ,,,--~~ej19rio,in9~ss9'·JJxe-:~~s~ion~a~.: .•
',~ "January,200S:
.' , '. . . ,by -the frp.ming' oLpe'ople,.ce~tiic --' ch?ire~ by Mrs. Justic~' ,Lei!a Seth, -,-/
. -f _ '. ',' -, '., '~: ~". _~,,~_. ,-_~; ,-. develop'o:leritP9licies, Also,.presenJon: -,an?_S<;>~~_ha:ir_~IcvL!r~-.YR_~.N,~enapat\\,_
, -The ~o-dav conference, pToVloed-a, the' oce-aslon- :w~re -Shri' BljayshH, 'Pnm:;ip-al. ,,'--:'$eE:re~ary{ , H_ealt!},,-.
_:.:> ~omm.on, prat!w:n,:fo-r f!1e eke)' _:_.,R' autraY,:.I:-I~n'bleMiliister:for Health .. :"<;Jov:rnm~t o:,qris':~cDr:: ~ma~~Ali"
::.~~. take~ol~ers_t9 del!berate upon',:~--and Famjly Welf.areoas fhe"Guest cie,·.· S.e!1:ror- Advr§or,:,-:.,:PfI'l1Jad~ a~_'
::i-f~~'f~t~~~}f~-~.~,1~, r ~-~~jJ~~J~~~I~ r'-':~~~:~·~~r:~ii~~~~t~~~~~}:a1~!s~;:1:u:.
Sa~;;~~~,:~~~~~~ ;::~--:~o.~~,~~~~~~
:._.~~~~~~~ate_g~ps;, ~etwgei) ~polici~~-:arid__: ,,-::~Agt:}ih6'iri;:':5ecreta~~yW: omirr::~-nd:': _,,--Q.~. e~!('Jpm~n,t-:-S~~I}<1Ij<?,::jp::Qri~':s'"~.
,~__,,-th~ir i~pl· Oii,ssa:~ , -""Child'Devefopmerit~_.., :.: ::, --' '- ,- ,OT- :§_~,-B" Agnil1<itri" '~.e~~~tarY';' :.'
_,.'c: The _st~~eholders <:6mp.ris€,d..the " c. '---:' ' " , '- - _' _' ... .... _'_ .' WC:;Hhena.fle:tJ~hild: Development, ...
_:,repres~ntatIves 'of the state's political - Shri" Patnail(-released -a, wall_ch~rt; 'Dr.- N.'H_' Antja4rorrl the foUndation: ..
'.' leadership" administrators, social,' ,-districtprofiles aIjd audio-cassettes of _ -Jp,r Rese-arch in Com~unity He~lth , ,
,'< . \\ :sci~mtists;':.pu,01k_h¢alth expeJts,,: 'the <;:omrrllinitY,·r~diopr9grainrh~.:-_, (FECI}) arid DI)¥I;Prakashamma-_: _:
__-:. -derilograp.her~ ri-a.tion-~I~:~lid-_ '.;Mr.'A _IrN~-r1da,:~ _w_~elcome_d"'!l-!e-" ,'ftomtb:e-Acac:!e!fly~tN}lrsing.Studi~s: '
-:-::.i"pt~rnl;l.tiorigl'oi.9anisa~ionsand. J:lpri-:_· ;:gat.hertng :'_,'-,Qt.':-Bh\\:lrat ~"Rai:D;:~_ (ANS),.we.re1hg rri~in-spe~ers ~t lli~. ,';.:
Qn . --~. ~-overi:.lIn-e."ntalO~@nis~.t-ioflS'(.~:G(:rs) - _ CJl?.:i:rman,e':PEL..C;Q- .Y-''r(1;-'_:~-: _~~ss'i.f).J.1... _'-TQe~--ne,x,st_:~s.s_i.9. ~- 'was-
- -.... -
- -.. ~- -
State Level Conference on Population
Stabilization, Health and Social
Development Issues in Orissa - 1
National Workshop on Strategic
Communication for Effective Change
and Empowerment for Family Welfare
and RCH in EAG States - 3
Initiative on HlV IAIDS-Reproductive
Health by the Global Fund - PH-led
NGOlPrivate Sector Consortium - 3
Towards Population Stabilization:
Role of Good Governance - 4
Prcj~ets- 8
Community Radio Program launched
from AIR Sambalpur, Orissa - 10
Workshops - 11
Fnrthrnminn Futmt<:.- I?

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The first quarter of the New Year has been an enriching
experience for the Foundation.
During this period we have attempted to position the
debate on population stabilization within the framework
of governance. For a developing nation like India, the
concept of population stabilization has to be linked with
norms of governance. It is the institutional edifice of
governance that provides an enabling environment for
people to access quality healthcare services.
The JRD Tata oration by the Hon'ble Speaker of Lok
Sabha, Shri Somnath Chatterjee, provided the ideal
platform to raise issues of concern regarding population,
development and governance. The Hon'ble Speaker aptly
pointed out "It is essential that the gap between the 'rich
and the poor should be narrowed down, leading to
balanced development of our human wealth." Balanced
development is only possible if we can ensure the quality
of care in our public health delivery systems. This is a joint
responsibility of the providers, stakeholders and the people.
The Population Foundation of India (PF!) has always
believed in the concept of community ownership in
healthcare. Our interventions have supported services that
are accessible to the rural poor especially women and
children. The interventions and partnerships aim at making
the system responsive to equitable, affordable and
accountable healthcare. It is in this context that the
Regional Resource Center initiative of PH in Chattisgarh
and Bihar needs to be viewed. Our endeavour is to position
effective RCH programme implementation within the
ambit of the public health delivery system. Under this
initiative we also aim to establish better linkage ,between
the key stakeholders of the public health services in the
two states.
The National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) re'cently
announced by the government is a bold attempt to bring
about architectural changes in the backward regions of
the country. The concept firmly believes in the
decentralization of health management. It reaffirms its faith
in the community participation and ownership of public
health. It is hoped that the NRHM and phase two of
the Reproductive and Child Health programme
(RCH II)would be operationalised within the spirit of the
National Population Policy, 2000 and the National Health
Policy, 2002.
The Population Foundation of India has entered into a
series of partnerships in critical areas with key stakeholders
in both civil society and public private domain. Our
objective is to realize our vision through varied institutional
capacity building. Our new initiativescover a range of issues
in areas such as HN / AIDS, tribal health, adolescent health
and quality family planning services.
Non-Government Perspectives in Orissa.
The session was chaired by Mr.B.G.Verghese
Member of the Governing Board of PFI and
co-chaired by Dr.Agnihotri, Secretary, Women and
Child Development, Orissa. Dr.Nupur Basu Das
from the Child in Need Institute (CINUand Professor
Saras.wati Swain, from the National Institute of
Applied Human and De~elopment
(NIHARP); were the main.speakers at the session.~
The next 5ession was on Community Based
Initiatives where Dr.Nalini Abraham' from PLAN
. ,International,. India and Mr..G. Manoj , General
_ Manager, Hindustan Latex Family Planning
'~,Promotion Trust,·.anq·'Mr.Ayappan, Mana'ging
Director 'Hindustan Latex Limited made
,~ prese~tat.i'ons.The- ;econd day'? s~ssion,started with .
"":.' a session on·the:CentraLCind.State ,Government's..
Pe~spe,ctiv~s, which wa~ chaired. by Mf.J.G.Pan!"
Member, Gbvernihg Board, PH :rhe speakers were
. Prof.N. KSethi, Director, National Institute of Health-
,and Family Welfare,(NIHFW) Dr.KS.Ganeshan~ ,
,~Te~m Leader of the ~Pe1ky:and .5trategy.l?lannfqg I
:. Unit CESPtJ)'and'Qr,Geeta'rylohapty,Jpint Di~edor,'~-,
, "fa'm.ilY)A!etfar?·,'-qavernrrieljt -9f 9~issa.:-:-Tfrerie?<~"0:-
,,',:session.-focus:ed ,en lnte.r:.oatipnaf J~aftners anCL:_
Elo'n~rs, Perspedfves; w~~r~ :Nr. S, Ramanatha!1"'"
. fromUNFPA
'Oris-sa a.nd:Mt.._T,o'-rri ,Olsen ftom
"UNICEF,.Orissa.: A ses'sioh.was'also cI,~vofedtoihe--
'" emergIng advocacy issues" in ,Orissa, in whil:h
.:o-r:M.M,.Pradl1an, .Depu~/'ProJect Dire-ctor~,
:" :' Inte'g~atedPOI?ulatiOI}: al:1dDeve]oprp.enf-(IPDr, ;.'
,,~ 'Pr9fe-ctencl' Prof~5drc B.C~.I{as~,Direqor,~Stat~.- " , _
<' :,'.'..:.'-.:.".:>,: .: ;,,~:,Institute.of Healti1',and family' WelfC\\fe'.(SIHfW),::_ ~:':
:.", ~e~e'tJ:e ~,airi ip~ak~~s.',:: ":::
;-_-,_Tnk b~oaaage~da?'~f fhe"\\:oiiferE;ince: coye·red ~-.,
, th,e ';aried 'pe.r-si:i~ctives 'of the 'c'eritral(stC\\'te
" '.g6vernments, tion-gQvernment organizati9ns' an.d"
f; ','-':'iilternaH0hal partners/donQ-r;;:onpopwati.Cm~ :h~lfu·~~.
::":.:c#~s;Q~iC\\~l ev~lop~e~t ~;sU~s.~~~Pris~~J~lo~~(th:i:i~,.::-.·
:,--:tWo hundred: and tWentYjJaitiClpants ,<;ltt~.mdethd~,-,
= :-'c'oh1e~eDc~~' ,eprese:rihng~:a~pidmentS'~n,d::'_ .
. inst'itt1j~n~ 'of :th~{ state·g·overhments,. medical . ~ .
: ~:Xcind'(jitademic>Jn~sfilutio'ni; 'nc;h~g,ovei:'nme~taL '-,"
,organisations imd 'hmding age,r1cies.:'
A ten-minute film comprising a parody of
famous song picturised on the legendary
Raj Kapoor is being used as part of
a programme on Behaviour. Change
Communication and Advocacy on HIV/
AIDS. "Kehta Hai Dilwala" aims to spread
awareness on HIV/ AIDS at the grass roots
level. The Church of North India-Synodical
Board of Health Services has made the film,

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ed let) eo
T~e role of communication as an research institutions and media
mtegral component in the "experts. WelcC5mingthe participants,
process of national development
Mr. A.R. Naoda, Executive Dfrector
planning has been wicjely accepted. PH, emphasised the importance of
The Population Foundation of India information, education and
has been actively involved in the communication
as strategic
advocacy and communication sector in.terventions towards effective
by providing valuable inputs to- change that's in. consonance "with
facilitate planning a,nd the successful people's needs and a,spirations."
In March 2005, the PH signed a
i'!1plementation ohiarious population·
grant agreement with the Global
programmes. As parLo(thisinitiative, COnimunie:ationexperts-
the PFI has developed a communi- - Mr;: ChaitanyC! p·ra·s~9, Deputy
Fund to implement the first phase
of the HN / AIDS project in the
cation .strategy on Famil)lWelfare and Secretary (IEC), Mini~try of· Health
six high prevalence states - Tamil-
Reproductive·and Child Health (RCH):" & Family ·Welfare, Govt of- India.
Nadu, Andhra Pradesh
for the eight socia-demographically Mr. KL Chugh, Chairm~n Emeritus'
backward (EAG) states - Rajasthan~' ITC Limited a0d M,?mb~r,Governin~:
Maharashtra, Karnataka, Manipu;
and Nagaland The Indian
pn ~: __'
Madhya ?ragesh, 'shattisgarh, l)iha~:., -..Board <?f an9 ..Dr.~N.B~askar
.J:har15hand,· ·0. Uftar ....~::-pradisli~·". >':Ra,o,· Cen:teJ::for Media Studfes ..
Network of Positive
(INP+), the Engender
ploje'Gt . pt.- "v.~··~-~tt:raA~nal· imd 0ris~a.~Th~
isb~ing:ill).plemelJtedin collabcmition . ~~as· Ali of the:PFI presenteao~--,'
..with the ~i~istry 0f Health andEa~ily the g~n~s!s aDd' backgrol!J19 .Of thg· .
Welfare~ GoVt. of India. ': .. ".".<... study, .'whlle "Dr: Sanjeev"oKumar' ....
. _. . '. . 0:
0_ o·pr~sent~g the. st.~dy"fthdings~ and
" 0". -. ' •• T<.?dlsse~_mate tbe .findihgs_of the" . _comqiunica~ion·str~tegy. Thanking' '.~":
.:- :, study, 9-_one~0aY·!1~tlot}aWl s>rKshop","p€artiCipants -DcLalitendu
Society, the Confederation of
Indian Industries (Cll) and the
Freedom Foundation would
implement the first phase of the
project, during the period April
2005 to March 2007. These
?:~::~~:_~~-~a.~srga~~:>edo'n22ncf,:~a~ch2.~~5";~' '\\JC1gat~eb.expnissedthe·hope:thatih~{:':" organisations, along with PFI,
'. . ,~ ~at the }n~i~l Habita~' .ce~tre -in . rr~n ·?elib~i:atiOi}s'a~cf:sugge-~tion~:··_ would be responsible for providing
NeYJ DelhI. .The ~vent was we!.l . woul<;hf elp t.o further strengthen the
care and support to People Living
t" "
.atte.n:ded,··:~lth mor€". than: fifty . Qover~ment-NGOparfnershfpirrthe
with HN / AIDS (PLHA) on anti-
partlclP.ants representing central and· "'development sector, p~rtic~larIy 'i~
retroviral therapy (ART) in the
stat~ gover~t1J~nJs, ·int~rnationat., """the areas of population, health and
above-mentioned states. District
~r~anizations, N~~:,_?-cademic. and· comml,lnicatiorL -....
level networks of PLHAs, Positive
- - --=-::--~ ::~ .-•::-.. -':;: - -
Living Centres, Treatment
Counselling Centres and
Comprehensive Care and
Support Centers would be set up
and their capacities would be built
up for quality care and support
services. In addition, advocacy
Left toright:
. Sh"ri AI?.- Na~.da, _
Sfu-i ¢hait~nya Pra~ad,~"
Dr. L. "·JagatdEdJ and· -
would be used as a tool for
corporate sector health facilities
providers to facilitate ART
Dr. Sa njee v" Kumar.
Left to right:
Shri AR. Nanda,
Dr. Bhaskar Rao,

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r b'
Highlights of the Oration delivered by Mr.Somnath Chatterjee, Hon'ble Speaker, Lok Sabha
for the Ninth JRD Tata Oration held on 30th March 2005
This yea~, PFI invited Shri.Sorpnath
Chatterjee, Hon'ble Speaker ()[ the
Lok Sabha to deliver the ninth JRD
Tata Me~orial Oration, held' on
30th March,OS, in New Delhi. The title
towards por?4lation stabilization; at the
same time, good governance has a very
crudal role in stabilizing the growth of
our population apart from providiri~
amenities and opportunities to them.
of the Oration was "Towards
Population Stabilization: Role of Good
For a country like Jndia with over a
billion population _. and we are still
Governance. "
Shri Chatterjee's talk was enligh,tening
. growing exponentially - we ~eed both
population stabilization and good
governance in good measure, And for
and peppered with, significant ciuotes
from speeehes of Panc:!it Jawpharlal:
. . Nehru; - Protessor·Amartya
that to be achieved" it is imperativeihat.
al(stakeholdet~ should.takepro.?c:tiY8. .
. m'easures·'to.:(acilital:e ~the: ielatesr .
. Mr..JRD Tata and Professor Jean Drete·processes.
The 'thrust should be' on
. T_he Hig~lig!tts of the O!~tion
"JRD, as he was ajfectioI1ately called'
, making the, 'yarious 'cQmp.onents of .,
'-good governance 'practices, worK
7 cohesively asameans'to stabilizing our
Shri Sorrlnath Chatterjee,. Speaker, Lok
, paying floral tributes to Shri JRD Tc
by his' friendS 'and admirers"advo.cated
populatloQ; _ In particular) ~6ur-'PQlicies ,
. PQPul~tio.I?,stabilizati,?n'I!ot ~nly., : and programmes', jriust :eD~Qre -' : appropriate g.Qo~tgov~rna~~e p'olicjgs ,
7 inlitrU!Tlentofcurbi~gth,~exp'oneI]~I~py., -'ac,G0uniabifjtyo.S.nd'ligitjm-acy~of'.'-tl].e- ,imqprogramnies-,
' ,'~, '"
,.Jisingp<.?ELi~c::-~on"o.f~InEli~:,~ut,,~ls<.2.~o ,: governmeftt;'respectfQL.t.herule-ofIaw:
' '" _ _,
, s~cur:e for o~r. people a: new mean~I!g"<an<:rfundamental
h'u'rri.anc rights;,
The recent incre'ase in th~ population
of life arid thus enjoy the frun:~' of. , 'transparent ~and consensus-:-orien'ted ' of India and th~:pressures exercised on
-c, ~',yrogress and develc:pment. His \\jew , ' ':adrrlinistration; and 'the: promotion' ,0£ - , ,the, limited resources' of the country
of the 'gravity Of the'crisis was reflected 'social and' economic development in ~
have brought to the forefront th.e
-, in hisutmostconcer.n in adc;lress,ingthe. -'-equitable and indusiv~ man.n~r: "'0
urgency _of 'the' problem of family
, probJem of poverty and protectmg the
- - "." '__'
.. - c'
planning 'and pop"ulation control:"
- -.'" ,e~~iror:m:n.twhkh" !leJel~,:wei-~~'0der , 'The., ~'once~D ' .for : popul~Don_' It is therefore, apparent that 'popu-
~-:' <;lI,meriSlonS,?tthe:p~Pl!I'!-tton cns~s".Ije " staoilization an,d. 9.<5o'd'g_'0ye'rnanCe~, ~ latio'rFcontro! can-be 'achieved 6nlyby
, ': ~:~Il~ UpJ;Jnsu~cess1Ve:govesn!Uen~ tq , ·"ii1deed;c rriiIst lJ~cqm~:the co.ncern ~o~: "the 'r~ducti<5n of the 'birili rate to 'the'
. ,t~ese challenges on a: high, ,aU' -: wh,ether" we are 'part of,: trre': extent iieces$ary to ,stabilize the
,- ,'. ~n~:mty basl~, ~~D also stressed how'
~,~,Important A was :to e~sure g~Qd
governinfl. structldres. country, or, "por;lulatib)1' at a level consistent with
outside: Stafistic~;:tell a fale 'of their: 'the re'qu-irements of the 'national
. :.' governa~~e pradrcesm.-er:abl.lng
own: Qfhow we'at.e adding ,to pl:lr econol1)Y: This can be ~ecuredonly by
-, deveLopment. and:" p~pulatton
.. 'ia-t:
:..:' ath€r 'the-', world
the realization of the need-.for ,family
, 'sta5ili~ati~n: ~twas ~this,!nitiati~e ~~t ' ~~g~ati;~·; by:s,:Cqn9~;' min9.tesaotr ,lfrriit~ti6noon a wiEle scale by.-tbe
~ ~ the.I?tern?tio~al Instt.tute-qt ]?op~ati(:m, :hours:':-,-As'experts in~f!:fefielq •.Y. 6u..are-" ' peQI?J~'",:. . ;'_, ~'
;? ,'~' ",;iud~ef (~s. set, u~ m.,~19S6 'S!Ui:I~ ,,-, al(flJlly a,wa:te~Elf ,the:relat~d JActs~,:' '·Eve~' though w~ had an. early start at-
~8 ..-' e- a ~ IStSU~Sm, p~rsp:'~~ Iveg;l~e ' " figures,'aI\\ci' !errnihqlogies. What, we· ': 'family plan~ing," we have not been
, ..
's,i~turoaVtiol,ne. '
- . 'I
mtJiP' Ru.sD. t~cbe)-na!n:'s,-eeeel srms'gen
Ip'dt iq.-.,i's
in putting
a check
the seconu rT!()stpopu Qus.coun ry ,m 'on the rapid rise of 'our populatIon"
~n .,pop~ a on ~ a w.It~~~onl~~
peOmp~W"a::tio°nnoAuwrear 'd :. e '. ' ,
IN· , the world, sustciining'16:7 per.cen~ of
'-the,'glo,ba!'popu..l,ation- ' on. 2.4, '_p,er cent
. of the earth s surface. area.
Between 1947 and 2001, there.has
Deen ,a trebling of India's population,
Much money was spent, mar;y
, It ,is highly, gratifyihg to see thi:lt 'his ' , .' " " ,'.
; , ", "
programmes announced and put into
.~, ~()ther. ,bl'a!ri~hj]-d,! th.~· PQpu!il..tign ' .,' If,may b~' ,c:on'tended.".' !hat )~ign,:' '"operation; in'bet\\vee_n~ we" graduated
~:.-~-FoundC!tio.n,-of' India,; pas: ~een, do!ng' PQpulation groW-this ba,ceTt9-fn 'exter:it, fr6iti family-planning to family welfare- ,
outstanding work towards populatl()n 'inevitable, especially during the early and' fro'm population control to
,stabilization and e.sta~lishing a balance '~tages of demographic transition; what _ population stabilization. We also
among our resources, environment and is important, 'however, is to facilitate witnessed a critical phase of these
population and in different areas
rela,tii}g to population polley;. nam:ly,
universal primary health care, mcludmg
repr()ductive and child health services,
the'acceleration of the pace. of such
demographic transition. The,-issue is
how to transform our population, into
an asset, converting our hU,man,
efforts during the days of the internal
emergeney. In the eighties and the
nineties, there was a greater awareness
of the extent and gravity of the
empowering women, involving
communities and so on.
porimbal into' a high valu~ added, problem, correspunding to the global
workforce resource for contributing campaignfor populatIoncontrol and
Population ~tabilizati~n and go~d
governance are closely interlinked,
towards raising'the standards of living
of the entire population in a sustainable
stabilization, But, in real terms, th~se
efforts have not curbed our populatIon
especially in the context of a country
like India. We cannot facilitate Qood
manner. These aspects should be kept
in mind while discussina the role of thp
growth as is evident from the f~ct tha~
\\lIO ",ro bet r:>trhin •• "n nn rh,~~ ~-

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r --"-""--:'
Over the last five decades, successive and reducing the infant and maternal
in population stabilization which,
governments have come out with
mortality. It is also due to intensified
experts assert, have been made
various schemes, policies and
efforts to enhance the quality and
possible because of the high rate of
programmes to confront the challenge
coverage of family welfare servic~s that literacy, awareness, health care and the
of population growth. We had taken we could achieve declining trends in like. The human development indices
the steps for ·promoting economic
the Total Fertility Rate (TFR) or. the in Kerala are also highly commendable.
development by integrating tOe ~ _av~rage number ,of births per couple.
States like Tamil Nadu and Goa have
- ~- population aspect also into the·
.' pla_nr~ingpr~cesses. - . .
---- -A numlser-of factors have to- be-
__Notwithstanding the trend of. Hie -
deCliriing ferlifjty rates, our falling infant
~lso been able to address the challenge'
~~fe:.ulation _~~oWthto a_considerable.-
'. addressed wheD we talk ofpopulaJion
.-will spur an increase -ofaf:Ieast 300
Thus; ~e_ h~ve" to~fully i:ecog~ize th~
-stabilization in -our country. Th(2se million peoplecby 2-020. According to . necessity, ot- enhancing~ the State's.
'include, besides .the - size' ot 'our
tI1e-Planning C9mmission projection:'
capacity to carry out-new fUnctions -and
population, vaDouspolitical, social and. _ the total populat\\o"nofIndia-will exceed, redefined _roles. 1 'helie-vethat
.' . ecoilOmic ;co.nsequ~nce-s of such~--- .1.3 -billion -in.:2 02.0 .. A-marked
eradicating _eXtr~me '--p9verty _and-; - --
:_~- unbridled growth. '-Iridia is:-pluralistic i;"1_ ~'~Slow90wn iD-birth crates wilr .leav¢fhe ',' _-_hunger, achieving _universal prim9-rY...
-:- - -;~~ll' "-o",,!ays-'fhan';-o~n~_--:-p' o fiVc a[;" - ?'tinger-lS P9.put~ion~t.ioughly'- the ".: - eEI1,lc9-tion"pr0\\1loting geIlci?r ~quallty,- . -"__
~-'---:- ~ ..c!imatic,)inguistic religipus-and:many _, ....same'siieas;, ,,j:eai.\\c;irig- d~ild- inort.ality~;improvJf:lg~:, _
>-: :, _' mo-re. - DevelopmepLitSelf has °geer'i: --_thai the 'pressllre:;for: ~xpinsiononhe:-
rDateinal hea:lth,c6mbatjng.HiV! AIDS
.,, - ·:.lopsided-across the1ndianlanclmass.
'.- --:In.:tJ-le-years. sinc-e :rndeperjdeh'ce;
e!=hicational system"'wj!i come:-from -: ~and other "diseas'es~, -a"Qd'ensuring
iI1creaSlnfienl:"olfri.ent~fin:)Ui~duc~t1brlcil'~ \\inVjrQfllnent-a1 :iustalnability 'should b~-,
.. '. economic iniquities have-wfd~ned -: - -institutions. The pOp4latiqn:over 60- ·Ol}-top,oftheagendpin,~ve.iyc9t.intrY;
__. withip the cOUnf!yas a whole and m.ore....--'. years ()fage is.:estiJi!at?d to double frain,.-: -~spe~ially-i~ -th~-ca?e of·rndia with a-' __
'""~ ~~" imp_ortan~y"wfiliiriindivi"dllalState~:We:'''- ,--60- -to 120.[flilltofL_people pH.9: .t.lie~<·-.populatio.fl_.oC ov.,er-~o-ne'bilJiqn_:to- :"-.: "
<~:V:nd,islanQ's-Q~ afflu~9ce- surrou~d~d- by~c. ~'-:~Gov.eriuiJ~:nt:0!IF:be~dLity.· bou~d-, t~,~:c.- s-~stairt., - -It_'ls:'_es?~ntfatEhaLthe., g.ap<:: :-
.__ -';;poverty;]ir{vation ;~~_d-p:enur)l.~:,:rJje.-::.'~a9opt $pe~ial-iiieasure~ tci-suPP9.rt _the._-~- betwee~)h.e-:ticl1 and thep6Q.r :shoul8::-" <-:.,
-~-'-::-~-.--~c ,:SQcj.aI'-~rjcreCQnomi&- t-6sfs --'9"f:judl~: -~V- \\;llrieraoJ~..grOiip~wniCl:i?-WimlI.Cltid~--a--::-,:Qe'r-r-arrowed:~own~Jeaclirtit0hiIanc€"d~:'::-·
<". - _,~.'dicB9to"r~y-in developmerltha~e-been": '_-high perce-ntage'o(i1literates"-C,- d€veIDf,jltierW~Of-ou{hl!inan~wea!tfi-:-- -- ,
-,'"--" ,,~e,ri9r_m~:;~s-p,utting cQnsic.!erabl~_str?irl ~" arsa' )us~~phl?le -1:o~hoth-r:I}a,lnllb-itiqf(~ ~Affordg.oili.tY.~6fJi:~{atment ,al1a.,acc~ss, ~
. ~; -·on·tn~ 'n-atfon"-and :its' gOVe"iflanCe: . arid: health'::r~lated problems. 'J:'II:iI~s"s-' to-· rrieth~oa.L tlf:prevEmtion::~liRe'c.,,_- _
>:_~ _-~;" -_.. -s.truCtunf,: We see:-ilil;! consequences- - ':W?, tcike clppropriate·actiori,:w.tmc;ly- .- imn:l\\.lf.l1ZatJon ttn& family plannin!L _'
~=-:-~\\ all aroUnd uS~-':P9v~iiy; youili 'urire$t;~;~ "'.have- hOrace -a:B~t~cha.llertge -pose¢~::: ~--C:9hfribute "'"to -a ¥r~~:~c9no-mically;~
.c':_>~~;~~ < ." :-~ ·unimploymenf;.laCk'- 9f,-educationat :~: -by~):1I1equalrates -Qf, pORufatic)n: aii~t~ -~·r:>Toqt.idive--popUlatfoh-.-If~nti::'poverty-~' .: '
iofra?trirduf~;::ctl-riniefs .b_e_t\\i!ee~-~he<_,~:;econgrniG,~gt;O'Alth;::\\:iihfc-b1S.!ikelY:'f<;Y:~.':-sJrat~~fi~",:'af~"lnrr~etr-with. iri)pto\\le~j:c.:<·-
-::-~_'-'.-_;~)cindlpr.ds~-:an9-:':tI1e:-ran'dl:es?~·,pffi:aQle.:-~lu-roth:er:::a'gg1:~ \\;;a te::;th:e.':,::r_egiO·IiaL-·,:'.- healfh i:areJQr--tn~..:pooiWith ~dlJC:atioif-;::-':
::~:::::>:""ccmditfoi:}"{::Of_wom~n~ ;child-reIi:~.toe." ,~-at"~parities-Wftl1irU:h~-co1:intry'.-', -;";'~~- ":::-'at-a11ageand'abllit~develS-~itwillpr6te~ - -,c
.:-- -.. -~:\\N9tking_class; migration >_:-,-- :::--:~, - _>. ::':-::.-;:. ;'. -:: -~-~~ ..t&-6~- a:'keY:ingreC!1ent-ir.l.':fedJcing or :,
-::~·';-':lr.qi=_lcn~~ter?) putting' f~Tthej--P!~SS!1F~"-:-A-'r:~~i9i}a:L~_P9~ul~t~:)!cY':9-n.~:~~::. :~even_:~.e~(~Jp:a:t.iitg·~po:V~t't)L~~~Tge-::?"_
.. t'i?n ~'·the. -,a:Ifead'y:._·-",tralned_:-,civic~ :apP!op'nat~·, deyeloplJ}e.nt.?tro:t~~~".lNI~I::'-, eFSic1;iven~ss:;(~f. 'an.t.i:pc)I;iertY'.cu1d:--'.-
.:_ :-'.'-"':."_infrasttuctur~; '~i-ime and-vjoleric~~"c-: hqve. to ~e. s.Yt1~1!~0.w._zWede~~anI!Qt-;: _·.h.e.atthcar~c_progri:!mmeS dep~'nds-- _
'_,::-', -.' ~g\\ler~e)mpact-6ri'.!h~ ·erivfr~~m';.~~ ,!gry_~t~th~,-fac!~tlj~t~ricppp-c5~e~?r?W!h'" ~_·sjJbsf.slotiallY,'Oll: Hi~_ efticleocy _a~Ct-,·_-'
_-.:" ;-:-:,. 'strain on -the. avaUa,ble -land'ani:! :.-':~Qt_;.po.p~I~,tiQn~-c~~:;=:':._de_tnme~tal :'- :accounfability,:-6f"ooth-the- Uriien and '--.
,.-:' -,:._.>c:erI1pha:si~shifted to d~'<;e~Dtr-9'-t~eq- ·~nsuringa decerit- ari.d-aignifie"Efli£e-to_" -:-r.oeli~\\Te .Ib.~tge~ent~altz_ati.oiLfs.:> .--
;-:~ '-, -~--I?I~nr::!ing~-at'fh.e dlstlj~t l~ver~~s,?~:-.6ri·-.~o_Ji~peopl~..:A~.perce·ptiye::_ popqfatidIf. :- r:ie~es~~~l?~belp. _c:rea.t~.-an en:ab.l.fn~~:-_.
.~_.' '. an assessmentbf cQrnrnunity needs tlI)d ' ~-pblicy should 1Je:an esseritiaLthe Iimitecr \\ ':"Efi}yiroQ.!11enfot r q·',li.oli~tic, people· ~.~. ~
,~~ ~ t~e '9f :CfelaJe~<~ resource-co'rl:JpO,l1ent-ot the overall:'_ :.=_ c~nter~d·apprb9di locar~-:. __:
:_ -" ' _~.progra-m-r:,n~s:,.s9-riJ~':of -the -rp~jOT_, <developmentRr6gram~e{btheiWiSejn:
-.:p~.rfid]5atioi)--,'!ri'pI~u)hing,c impt~<. -
-0:' -=: ~- c2riC?rnS'C9uring~!?- p~ri.6si;.w~re .to:.- ~~ittiationtliat we:-ari1aced '-with:;:~'the':--~rr-i_en19tip.ri';rhjnitorif1g-~nd ~vaI\\latiE>.tL',' , :_'
-w951 r . :;.- >- r~duq~'~~:j'<:W o[ pop-t,lI~tiQ~
l :'-P9Pulati~ri )~"E~()i{SJ~,9~d:tQ. ~di?-f4[~-_~~_.A!"gr<san:e.Ji0e,,~SV~-:sf!S111dk- ~~p)~-:-;::~.-
:o~~,:tJpg ~n~'p'~ea forcbl!.~r~~ep!:ion!:.~: : the~sQCiql,~econOrriic-ai:!.cl'-politkiOrli}fe'c- -: rtlll:~d~that pqr!lcl~atJon )$ -ns)"less ,a -:--
--:gHhe:Cbllhti-y as we!l.a"s}trgoverharice,~. .' -and_..politi~al~- ac~i~ity: which ,-
- . -.-
_ ,-.,'
'" - _-c-.-'-'-
-." ,- _. '- C-c· - - reqwres awareness,_ -organIzation and
. _Family _pl9Iinirlg measures -a1oiw- are mobilization-- if It is to become an
- -not sufficient to contain the groyVth of -, -effective, ,reliable _and
pbpulati6n in ;a-countrY; 'what i~-mo"re,· mechanism' of" dects'ion' making imci'
- jmportant- is_ econ·omic -and-social'
action. So,' for: a successfuf imple"
-_-transforJpat:lo!}. yJehgve exall].ples Qf '. _ mentation .o. f-a qecentralized policy, we_ .
s~veral-c9uofries Iik~ 'where Joe _. jriu~f follow a:--jjrocess qf £raduaI anc:!"
I impact of ,their huma0 resou-rce':- . ~trategic capacity-building .a.nd trtJst;
development, especially education and _ besides fixing our goals according to
skill devel?pment, is reflected not 'only the- needs arid_ priorities for the well
in their economic growth, but also on
_____ .. 1_J..::
.•...•_1 l\\.f __ •.•__ L
being of the local population as the
_~.,. .•._1 ..-•• :...I: __ ~ ...•.•....•...;..•....•....."•.".•f.;. -_ •...•

1.6 Page 6

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C 1$
in order to assume the role oL
facilitators in the, healthcare system.
The participants felt that a public-
I temming from the state-level
S. conference in· Orissa- on
'I.' pop't.ilatiO'n.stabilisation .~as a series
The traditional approach, in which·
the goverQment was visualized as:the
sole provid~r. of ·services·,had to 'be
private partnership was vital to
mainstream public health initiatives
across th~ state. Advocacy through
'elected representatives would ensure
of critical indicators. These were in a~ended: The. governrri~nt, along: 'pubJic· acceptance -of these issues:
the. conte'xt' of popul'ation . with NGOs,could. play the' role' amongst the. masses. At the same'
stabilization, health. and soCial 0{ facilitator to 'empower .the-' ti~e, strategies had to be developed
developme~t, and theyw'efe
"c,;m~unity. As povertY alleviatio~: 'to ensure politkal coinrnitr:?ent. .'
id,mtifiecl a~d summar.isecl "as 'social.development,
recommendations: '
·population·stabilization.w~re,·CIosery ,Th~~~ short'ctorn~f}t~s, within Jibe,
• :'
gQvernme0 ,sys em were a sO
~~urri~arY~_of:~ '.-.
•. '., - -
... ' R~co'mmfiI1dations'_c
. -" '::, ,- . . _.ID!e,~:r~J~te...~o. ,ply ,ap .~J.l:t~W~J~d)'!.nd_' ,touthed'upot1atthe conference. Latk~-
r- -.~. -.. " . -.
-: :"_."'
comprehensIve- n.rogramme -could
• ,- .
..' --:'
_ k-' - _ -:'
:: -_----- -.
-.'o._f-.-mar'·1··rpD"w- ~r,c~"le.-l:a"y-e--d"r.e;:s"-p~o. 'n. se.a~n-d-·::. ,.
. _ ~- -' effectIvely-address these Is;;ues.It.wa-s..- 'I':'
~'f th'" -
-. . : I
d h 'h" lth
- " t~asunal2n:notl~ya~ree tat ea
'.sctro' n'gIdly':
'the programm'e
-, "d'-.,- 'd-' '.
- __ow mOlv~ 10 nbW0rbesom~ .0, ~
- ',probl~ms cltey·dt e: partIcIpants.
Was re flec t·Ive 0f' a state 's SOC.-IO- ..,.S.,H. oa, m" c UThe gen .efr· an e.q"u1Ity ,ljet, 'desp'.l,te SUC1:. Hsh-0itcomm. gs, th e
W·s.Ittha.~_t .usm., crWeih;l'sICeh_d"WsOt a.Uetld__,a--."c'od~ndfcree.'sr.snes".d· ke."y'coen.cce..orn-n''s,.:.e1r-1"e't1.nh'--c"'e-e-f-cf-,o.'."natesOx-tfo
pgroov.VerI'.~d. l·Te'.r.!..~-0n, tf.-"sree..,m~va.lmC:.s_es~.tTh,t''~fg'oe-~ste.,'._.
. _.,-:.s~~~in~~on ~~e?I:~,!t~wf9e~l!·. y~.:t,~c~_s_~~<?-:~~~7~r}!~~~i.IJt~~:~~df:f~2~is,.~_b~@_·-r:~~e_!~o~~m~~~e-;to~_'
,_,'._·twh-ee.,b~!J11C.r~-eIs"'Jp1~..:_mp:,mug'b5s:.'ll11I'cI-!-.Y'F.i?1~,'''~'9111l!.!j."..-:-.:~I-m-~'.S"p~roS.v~l.m'~gD·~t?hp'.e'Q-,n.~'ugtn_t?l~o~"na'-~.-.I{?sttea(lt"'-~u-s;.>-0-f;-'."..'-;~'n.Im.~,-p.Lle1mr~en.t.te,h-9.-a-fcI.:'..t~-S;--m1n.a.,'oa-·tYe.._eI.n"P}tmh.-~~" ns1---_:;-c.',.;-
stakehofd,ers ~ the governinent,.·~omen
a?~ dilldr~n were 0 ;pn~e : regard, NGOs_muld lead the way oy
. N. ·GO?, '.C.I'V'1I--S' O-.G' I~-ty'.,,.mstl,t.u. t'.Ions"., "rrnpo.~r'tance'.In_the co..nt_e-x, t_.o,cf,t~h.e'_S.-t-,ate,,'- '$.en-sl"h' e :-. gov."er-n:.m- ..e' nt, to:
in9ividuals ~:nd tfle cO!TImt:mity.)n - :
• _.
. .'
.' _ ._
;' •• ,.
-'; The imRact .
- 0~9_eLt9translate iaeas": -;-:rh~:p~r:!k~pant~:stresse::I~: t1F?ncthe ~. of the gQv:erh.m~rit~NGOpartn€,rsh!p
, actio'n,':i( was:agreed that ?-·.~Tas~ _. -1!~edfo im~~rI;jnforr:hat~~non h.l?Altp--:- itthe·grtissro.ofs reve(~a-s que-stioned' ;...
me' ,Force"forthe state-of Oiissa·.would .---tg·the P'~OR~,s,oas to efnpo~~r·tJiem_· ;:.'--iL.Was -relr.:f=hat· rt :_was
-::~ .:b~;'~qQ~t-ilb1ed: ':~Th~':pQPlI!at.i:o.n· ,:\\!()··l~~l:<I~.,!e.rt.fs:J~·-~-~9~.Ss:P:'-6Iisibilit&.:C;f.ho.fhgC6vthe~rnmei1i:::;.·.
. ,- Foundation-- 9f h~dia, "w'rth, ~the:: :f¢tt tnat 9is'!?'-a~es.cou1d-~'rtQt):ie'; a~d NGOS- t~~d~;e!op'rriutUal1:rustat.:· .-
_ : cooperatid:n oftlie .51:9te government:.~ ..·.e.t'?ei~ah:idby 'te~hn~c~li~ttr:'-:eriti?i1s.: .' aiL-levels:,~.'. :-;~''.: ..'- :"_ . .:
.' -w6iJlclb-e the fadlifatorfor·this mission.- ".)Jone. People heed- ~ob·e~sen.sitised-: .. :..' _.: ~ . _ ,'"
.' .
.'" . _,.. _.,. .
. .. _ _.
-. Another.issue~aised was the danger,
'. - -.
~fth~'g'8v~rri;n~nt co-.~pting·NGOs. '
:- "Some f~1tthatit-was-possi5Ie t6,wor!5 .
--c' with tl1e-§oCci-~ment~pdstiii criti~ize.- ~
.': " it."AckiltiQnallY'N,-GOs were c~mtioneet-
and advised"to'6i1I~rcommit to tasks '-
they are tapabfe of, rather than taking
up -pr;jects because- the go~ernment
funded thetri·. ·It was· felt that .by
working ~ith the go~ernrnent, critical
. data could be~coilectedand jJresented
, ~t_~lqoi:1m.:'·.- .:c~ '. ~'. _ :.~~'-
It was also felt that the Panchayati
-RaJ had to be strengthened, with
greater financial power and
institutiohalisation based on the
healthcare delivery system. Cultural
. and caste barriers could be overcome
, thro~gh ~n appcroach in ~hich the
I community serves as the starting
point for all discussions. The
involvement of citizens at the
qrassroots level in any initiative is

1.7 Page 7

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such as Dr, Abhay Bang's GadchirolL important health products like anti-l were prepared to pay for what they
mcde! and Dr. A.r.tia;s Parir.chey tubercular drugs need to be an integral perceived as quality products,
model are examples in themselves,
Their plans of action could outline the
mechanl'sms to provl'de I'ntegrated
serv_icesto the unity,
part of the framework, Despite the
government supply of various
commodities such as condoms, rural
people opted to buy social marketing
It was further suggested that cost-
effective, sustainable and community-
based ~ealth insurance and healthcare
methods were required. The
During ·the_tWo-day deliberations. 'at -produ~ts, Factors' I{ke better universal regisjratipn of marriages,.
or 'lhe conference, -the.. role' 6f social packaging and a ge~era( perception . pre.gnanci~s';' births and death.s
. marketirtg in popu~tion 'stabilisation: . better qua'titY cont~i1)ute to fhis il)jJOlvingcommunity '{olunteers at
- and. socio-economic d¢veI6pm~rit' . h:end, As such, social marketing minil1}um' . cost was_ also
. was discuss~d e.~tensivelY.'In. the' efforts sh~uld focus 6nrur~La~eas
recommended .. A greater emphasis
, social n1arketing fra:mewor~, Oral. 'Without ~?inpromislng on quality of . ml,lstbe laid.onevidence-based, rather
Rehydrating Solution (ORS)and other':". care,' It was
'.' .. ;.~'._-
-. .' ..
asc'ertainec! that
-.- -.-
. '.-'
~- -.
'. -..
An intensive advocacy campaign against female foeticide is being carried out in all the nine districts of Delhi.
Supported by PLAN International, India, the campaign has mobilized a large number of youth, The campaign
is being implemented through innovative features like news reporting competitions, road shows carrying
audio-visual equipment, candlelight vigils for missing girls and information dissemination in schools.
- - ~-
"'-->~··:;~~~.'~C~~t~:~~j;~8:~~:':i"f;~a:g:~?~;5:'(:~-- "'~b~~~J5~~t~~~,~i'~1;1 :..._..;-::-:>:: .. ~~:<-~-:-.~:'- "..-.--, -;; -..;~_::::
_.' -:-: .'.;: --. -; :---_-7· -": - .~-•. ..;:.."-'. _. --.-- .. _.
~ -"-" -. ---.-- .:.-:.:
'"'._~-:- _.
<~~~~~~'~ti~n\\\\~'pl~~h;~~t~\\;~i:~'~~~h"i:ld; ~W~h~~{,t~:'::,~.
',' '-'. -, - ... : .".. .other:·a_rea~J,o.,whi~h~.,unfortupaJely; being sOLlgfiUobe'tbrough ' .
o~ . .'lJfllanJ~ 1!lJlJilflil!lIRSta'!ilUJ11!ffJlI:. e ~ .. ' no proper' "~.tte:ntionhas-6een-g1Ilen.: leg'islative-qr'punHivemeasures can =
:'. !!1J!ap!:.Gi!.IJt!..Gl!ve'!'8l1ca , ..' > .·so.far:·'-· ._ .'.
.. ..Qest ..realized tn!oughlit~r(icy: Qhly.
~._. ~'_ :- :-..-~. .~-:~.'' _
·~::~·~:~i~<Vi~~ ;l·th~:k~~~~[la~ied:by·-~oin~~.~.·~=t~iOUgh.·edqcat!?~nf·:_:eb~~cXdallY~j~I.i~ih:.e~~
'~\\/ .S:~ •-
".'- '_''..'.'','.-'
.c~5tl-e--.--:.l-£t'~.'.'~~'..:--Jt.~.-W:."!J'.~1~:~:'-....·-;·C:vwaC.itt-P-~etst~h-el::I",Or~ig,K·h·l·.:Ot·,ig.ttbb.·~-e·~t'·~wnto~'.-ict:n:.OIelledcn"toj.o'r.nms-J,6',~:..:,-:-·o-·Stf--f~a..rl·ee·spw~9p<ic:h!L":q1r.~e.t.a~~r~a'_el_t,l·i·h-.e,-e;'·-:w'.in.~..tbe'rr'm'm' sg.~,
a ," : '-::" .': :draw..,,:ttenJ~o,tt1o.Jwq, fac, 9l!e,. :the.! 'Ra' Instifutions:,.wnich,. . g0o.J!' ~!1_~!:t1~?}fc1hii,\\a_nge'::l,T~n~~~":':' .
., " ~. 1:he recent efforts to brmg .m:the two';: '---h··" ' .. ' ,- '! ,J. -, .
d~'; I ' ·-Iarg~sectlons ,ofth~ POpu]91'1onfi;rstly
. ~. .-- ~.:cnil9'obrr:ri, and,.-,tw6~:.tne·alarming .._.'a~e:: SI~C~ t-~e~~lv~ ~ JU/~~ - on .. the· '~_odCl;"1 ancl~: econo!TI~c ...
f. '1" _.:.,':
"'situation:Qf- gender ·imbala·n€e,t'haHs, .'
. 1..:--' ,
B.a-,,ti9(CS' R),--,."D~spite-,.
.·peonpu5a:'llrO~At~sf:I1I~n>::n.-.t.h~es~.emaS.aJetos-!~afir.le?' : .
'. e ~
,.·effe'ct dE(rived of their ri htto'confest
..s.i.m.~~pol'-inc-.d-~?l,~ti'on'Qs'--.n'.ho'·U't areg:-e.·i.m...fpaomr~"ifaine,s0c,e,a.".r?'lfd',--..
- < - '.the.sh9ht ove~allimprovemer:!!'m the;,
-. -,~ SexRafio,theCSR;.inIndia'asawhble-·
. --h' C€t.~·eclons
in society. : ",.. '-
:,-'.-, -=- has,-d eC'Il'Oed s.lg01'fl'Cant1y·,-·~~ro- m-'!9-1i1:5' - .---n-od Itf-!"c, Ol}Isto'·nthance W"It· anf t'"m' -a7y3..bde'
.--,,' -
'. '.- -
. - -:"--in.i99-'1to'9'Z7-in 2QOl, Itisestimated'- .:sal ·0 Ylo~a.e._e s.p!n ~. :J1~ .. r .:' - It we r~~ognize tbe-import~mc.e of·a'.,.
"..'ft~nna"'f1-at1Ele.l~e=r"',,-eo:-·fa~rIeL., ,a3g'5.e-s-m";,(l~nI1II'0nId:-ila,m'·a"ls.5-:.:"
-'-rA·"frne.n.. t-tok.the C..onr .stl.tu"tl.'Qn','1h- ef,''
.'~--r~~ges .-:n~u,~r,-~=ol-:. ~cas?s::\\"o ',:
:-pe'la'er'mti:ec"~ip!a(-~.t'of-r§y·' O'--,'pb-r<o!c-~es.g''sc>iavseriitihme-.'<:kqe',,ue':;t(I".-.
, the: 2001 Census. A p'art of. the '91IsqtiL!ahf~~atl<:f>ftrnohm:--contht~:,trlO~. ,'p-o}ic'ie:s and. programin~es for
--c'deditling'CSR i~due to continuing'anti~ '. e ec _0!-1ws..q.S}J.'!r1e erence~0f . ISa~,' - population stabilization will find wider ..
-'fema.:Ie ,r.a- 't"es omf··a·fn t: anu:.t c·h·I"··ld: 'dW' omeln'f'fodrmeddth4.1dpeIr'd'c"entof .thQ'sde- 'acceptance' .among: the people a.nd',
_._ mortality."In India, a·figure of 105,male-. I~quaI I~ an,.: .e..-a It5"a Iva~lsan .' _.. w~uld lead_tobetter resul,ts:We lJ{C?ul?
-......._"cb~'Irn't.s'-nl.'sderef o··rd
ad,n"ISo(vj~eajr'w!fI' eh''."delmm.g'.
,. ·aelm.s'o·pdhoa'''·-s,wi'se. Ir'oton·re..c.,".'aellcoPnaonmdiitc..,Neh-r-uan'"sd'
'.~ e.?tirnates'~o.r1998.~rev~al··an"a:ll:!ndiiL--,:1i i$"'thus'Clear'that -givelJ the_.sfrgn~t' . eQ}lcat~onal",pIG,gress_~s~Jhe _only'.:.
_' ligare of 111 male$ per 100 females, _'patriarchy in,the country and thus.the jOU!:1dationon ~':i~h ~ec9nhave any
. , O'r1e reas'on mall''~ _-ide,olOgyofson-preferen~e: particularly ." e~ec~v~:"pr6gr?SSin r~garg-t~ .fan:ily
. abortion ~SSA)of feinales,inarked
in'J:!1ehigh fertilityareas ·of~he' . pl~:mlOg , Our pop~latlon stablhzatIon
-. "
, -. ,.
It appears that dunng the penod of
a.bou.t s-ix'. and .a haHye.,ars betw- e. en"the
publication of the
FHealIth RSurv'(eTyFsR)I'
. rertiltyht alft,~h'ld
a mos a·a c I , eplacement evje
fertility nas been reached in several
, States. However, I't I' SSt'IIIh'Igh'10Uttar
coun1ry, a lligorou5-purs.uitof the tWo-·· go,,:lsare re.achable 10the ~oreseeable .
. h'ld . '1'1< I t h
t future if we can also achieve much
! ucndIeS.inraobrmle coISnseleqyuence0s aasv~It cmoousld:
!-ink that cOrrlpellecl- tbe Chinese
0f educatl'On,
especial.l.y girls" eou,-c.a.'tion pu"blic
,health ' water and sam". tation nutntio, n '
eITIplpyment.aryd poverty _alle~~~on.-
t ff ~ II 'b -'d "t based on-eqwty and gender-sensltivlty-
80~erhn,mldenfOo'llCla y a an O1l: IS. all of. which haVl~a b€mririg on. our
one-c I per ami y 'norm,
Pradesh, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh and In fact, one of the points where the j
Rajasthan although there is a declining objectives of population stabilization ! JRD Tata's vision and passion, let us
h~~..l ~,,~., ;~ .hncn C:''''m, Tr. ",...h;"o"
"nr! ",r.",r! ",,,,oorn"nro c:h()lllr! r()n\\lPr<1P ! hnnp. will nermeate our decision-,

1.8 Page 8

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Primary RCH services via mobile
In a major initiative to improve RCH In collaboration with the Ranbaxy
services in tribal areas, the PFI Community Health are Society During the extension phase, mobile
Governing Board has approved the (RCHS), the PHs 'Total Integrated clinics will serve the entire block
. 'Comprehe~sive Reproductive & RCH Package' for the Dewasblock through 35.fixed service delivery
. Child _Health Programm~_ for Malto
TribaIs hJharkh~I!d'. The Emmamlel
of MadhyaPradesh completed its'first pOJnts(30 r~:a1 and 5 urban centres).' _•..
phase of three "years; The si.iccessoI -Traine(i women volLlnkers will ;be ~.
Ho~pital"Association will implem'ent th~- pr.ojecf ha? led -to' its ext~nsi~f!' positrOned-at points as depot holders-: ~.
the projed. - The 'PremJyb-tL-for
a peri~5cLoftwo years. . -~
at the vinage -level. An additional'
-CarmnunitY.Health aDdpeveloprilent· _.- .
,str9tegy in Phase IIco~nst~tutes-afocu~
, Project (CHDP) to be enforced in the The objectives·.ar"the' se~;nd phase' o-n-'the invOlveme'nt :,Of"males in "
." 'Sahibga'nj Dlstrift Df Jnarlgland will ~ '-ha0e' been- outlined keeping in r:nirid. healthcare,: so~ial- marketing. arid
_cover a population oU, 14;000 Malto the:. experiences" ~fthe.firs{ ph-ase.: -_assudn-g fhe.availabilityof itrieigency:
. -- fribalnesldi~g in,the Rajmahal'Hlils: , - This time round, special focus is being . funds. at· th-e yillage level; - The -
:_<:~." ,:-.: ,:.~} ;. <'". ~'- _'~-',':~:;".:' giy-en:;:-ta:--ca'pacify~bQilail)g-'-o{.· _p_rogfel1:rime:woulGall~o inc15r:p-oratEt-a,--.
.::: The~ proje~t~;js.airn~d~t~.:vards~t.n.e:.·.". v()f~nteers' a{t1je comFhU~;tYr'evelc;iY'- - stt(;Dg'~<;::t"corn,pone~t:::~ cihe~pt: ~'. -.
,., betterm~n.t·- of RCH in the tnoat .issues: relale'ci t~ geri~ral h.~afth,.' talinkworrien:to'!nE:ome~'generafirtg - ,
'-- ~::'C9~!TIutlltyT,hi~'WoLild~include:." :-_J;Yslie~aeil"d.RCH: Thifist6'~n~~ie:- '~ai:fiVihes·throagh~SeItR~tp: Groups
.._ • Safe.motherhoop
·.'their invOIveroentiri-making'primary. : (5HG~)willalso be made in the project __
.• ' Re(\\ucing-the incidence-bf ""-.: _:heaIfh.~:s~~i~~s'·a~~-~ssj~I~-?t~~fh:e.::,~r~a.;.:.:". ";.' . -: .:'.~'; -,.-;.' . .\\._
.'.,.~. ·l:1l~?~t~.}~.,.~~St~!~~1~f,i~~~1t~·h17·f.i[t~0%~t~r~Yt.~t;~~e~hf~
- ,.' ' " with 'the'u-se'of co~t~a'2~ptives'~." ".: ah:d .COTIi,!!1t:!6CcatLoriJ~a.r.r.~d~~· ~:' Piat;lesh;:gQ~~f~iri~n,f,:"t~~.Z, ila·.q:~e:t<.~,
. ~'.:•. Providing se'conda~-2arefaciliti~S: ~·~J3e}J~.\\Ii,"92nir.1JJpi-~_(._J~?-m_:P,a9~.~~y?t~;.:'}0~)!is!rl9-t.
,".. ". -
ceamt' ,arefr'gfoe"n'dca'yu1:.1e"o.bc-s-otsettr's"i'c.',s-apree,CI.-.Jac·IyI'O.,·.·.If~:''·~tco- ,.i_:a:.T"is.qet:iao.wnarp!ero..lgi'~ra~r?n:"m, es-..?'.,:a~?,.?r~nb~e,ri~h~g..b,._u~,s9e:d.I'~1±.-~1.:P":.?l"-ca,irI.)~.n.a.frn?:,.g'·-..'C!.'1oqmrvr;rn-.,i·U~-ee'"~,:j.5:ea·..·.1(pp~c::.qt,Q-..Zl"}~5.·gl"a~.:·.~·:',.
,..". .'
' . ~-:_ :..'
and, aCHi:unpngst c.o.mll).un~ty.->· Cholthra.f!).:CoU~g~,of.NtlrsJrtgqnt(hie ,c' :;-
'•." ~':rhe'-project 'ais'b --aims ·to_r·ecluce~.'·.--~:5t:aJ{ehQrd.~rS-'~-G~c:)~{: te·cicn~i~,"-:'~)D~Q·re,'-~cn~6·b}.'Q.t;$:o~t~I·Wo'r:k·'····
.","~1~;~~i!Ci~;Bf;~~!~f~:~l*~;;~- ~f?:l~~~~
i '--' :~bJ~dhl~,of t~eproJlid fs tosprecid: : ~:Ilisln~f~ilirl~I~IeSflhl Chi~dl1m~Nli~nmist~t[1jjiif(C,~::t"il,j:':,':?~:
.. Covenr:g. ~40 :vIllage; wo~ped. .:UfecY§:h~,~pa2Aedppr-oacn"..::-tlli(pFf' A ~as~lJn~>s~rYeSl.b?c'CINf:In the. =-
.: 1~ c1~sters, tb~.:p~?Je~t wllI',as It~. -
' - 1''- - . '1' ';}' ' - .. ;, --:,preljec~a~eC!'oar1.o es!ml9tednumber .
'pnmary strategy,. promote vlllage-._ .. ml~latrv~resentycp~?_~t~uope~ea!:. ~.-.'
-. -,"-- .:-
•• -'.
• '"
The objectIve of· the'project was·to· : C?f1500 ~hglblew01Tl~n.rev,?(iledthaL
~~ft~'1;:~f~~~ T~~C!1~f'~:~d~~~o.:,~~~. ,~:'de~etop:a~a. '~~ple~·ent)'l.if~-c~.~t~~'. ,".'; ""Th~~~:i~~~~~~"I~~v~J~'f a~?r~ne~s ,:
frairi~ed :co'mmunity.' - .. bc:s~d,-cqrq.mumty.-level·mtef:'eQ.t!()n " on "Anti='Natar Check Up (ANG),
. ~volunteers,' couple~ -with.-Behaviour . -' t~;.QugDpau_r:c:r~G.o~. !!:!1~l~meQ.tecl_,-.:. ':",deliyery;·"ta~Tuo~x'cis! .
'- ..'-C~'ange -Gommuni"c~t·io,n::..(BCC) " .. ?y,_the,nf~e~:-Q.I,~L:.~n'~-7.t~.e';-"·.~:-··c.'·in}eCtlofIs,--Iret1'andFo!i<;:·Atid·-a-nd.<
'. activities: ,'in: the ·absence· .··of~ ,.Nav, Bhar3i!' JagntI ~endra II].!h.:e ; ~ :,:'childho'od"; - ;. im~t..inis'ati~n:- .
, government health'servkes in these' '., -.Churc~u ,Block of Haz51~~a;ghdistriCt;,: -_.'. :.HE)~ever;Kriowie~~ pertaining to
'remote tribal areas:
,.-Jharkhand: the project cov~rs_ . the dangeJs of 'pr-egnancy aria
,a pc:pula:lOn .. ot_ ~.20 . .Jakhs: :., signs-, 'of HIV)RTI/STI is
A.12·bed health centre' with facilities Co~m~r:cIng I? Apn~" 2-00~,. t~e
for basic lab and x-ray investigations, prO-jed.ISoperatronal for:a penod of
emergency medical tr~atment aDd five'years:~:'
_ obstetric and' surgical services ?t
'~"'There e~i~tsa wide gap between'
knowle-dge: .arld ,"practice,-
Chandragodda willserve as a referral
centre, The centre will also support
.l ' The p,rojeet aims to $trengthen .the .
capacIty of four partner NGOs to
Complete ANCcoveragenas only
,.touched 24,9%.
an outreach service through a mobile provide integrated RCH servicesl
clinic, which will provide basic
usina lifecvcle anoroaches in l ~ 90% of rleliveries hi'lve hep,n nonp

1.9 Page 9

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~ There is a lack of awareness on The three clinics serVe as referral services. As an incentive, the
the importance of institutional centres for the already established entrepreneur receives a share of the
deliveries and newborn care network of 'Titli' centres in the area, profits from the clinic. Over a
which are, in turn, monitored and period of time, the clinic would be
~ The complete immunisation
coverage among children is 24%.
supported by 'Supertitli' Centres.
Trained community representatives
, run both these ,centres. Recently, a
handed over to him and the seed
money used would be recovered and
used to establish other Janani-style
~ Awareness of terminal methods of
family planning is so'und.
However! it is poor for condoms:
three-day training camp for'
grassroots workers was'conducted at
the Purnia clinic., These workers -
would focus on increasing referrals
Janani also possesses a chain of
franchisee .surya clinks, where
~ The Contraceptive Prevalence
a Rate (CPR)js fow, at 40%, and.,
there is great need for family
,pla.nning,'.: '.
J' - 'Thebaseline' survey has also br0ugnf
to the cliniCs.'
The clinic in Purnia is now a 24-hour'
-f?-ciIity. Janani ha·s evolved an
innovative'method of .coITuiltlnitY
a participatiori~::'Ith, as inv~rved locaf
selected doctors are trained and
subsequen,tly brought under a
franchising framework. This is to
ensure utmost qU2dity of caie ..
The ,pric'e-for. the' bench·,
,marked fo be. between 30%-5D% of .
ouf that mo'st, A\\1xiliary, N~rse enfrepreneur (a -private r-m:lctitioner) the 16~est comme-fcial·sedor' prices:'
.l _
fv!id~ivl?s(A' NMs)do not even visitthe
' villages. Pri~ary Health <;::entresin
who is willingto invest in th? clinic,
to tak~ on -it~~ownership and" exe;f
The three PFl·Janani clinics wjllqct·
as capacity: bui"Jdingcentres for the'
the area are ,providing services of!ly,..: pressure to imp~ove the quality of,_~' Sllrya clinics. . .
for li~fted ~~e p.erjods. ' ,
I"," ''.."~, :A)na:joiity· are Hindus Jjehnging'- '
"-"':-::~'to .-S'ched.Li!'ecf :'c-a'SJ~s,'';ESCI'
','.' Scheduled Tribes' (ST) or' Other
f' YOiall1l!ll Ada;OIS: Brmladlll1D
;a~ Stl9D1lBllIlD "'Ii E
e 'mlll' Po na" IS biDms till)O
'Backward Caste.s (OBCrcate-
b~ !meeting th~ Reagll'o Illl&ti' 3flDI1Il SeKuaw Heahh ~~eS G
gOfies, are living in kuchcha
holises.' ~_~
lI,~',•'".~~·'~' ,--. ----<~ ~T,e ~81: 1~, 'TP.~n:i~d~e!ore~~';':
,:the-!,,'~.tI~~18, __tfrE!."meQI?-~,!1e,of
I , _ '. ',' marriage b~ing 15-~LYearS'. " '
Y@lIIiall AlIIIaa§llS tlBrrQJl8.ll\\illllilldvocac18 1~I!itiatiues
Supported by the Packard Foundation, the Supportive Environment for Young
Adults programme is a three-year endeavour in Bihar and Jharkhand.
The initiative focuses on advocacy intervention with stakeholders through
state-level sharing. To meet the reproductive and sexual health needs of
: .:
young adults, advocacy kits have been prepared and concept papers compiled
'~'.··~-, TIi'&ynr-gf "'Vim; 'Il'S:: " - ,
l;" ..;~;" ~ chn, ~a~ ,,~~~ces~88 ",.--
f.: c:.;':':-:, D~m",illriBDgs-fa ilV'PlallBnBIID~r<:- :,~
l__''-- i:- '~-~ia~!caelrm' lod~fl~rOBB;'h,,':.::'
PO. Hic;Pr"v 'Ie ae'
eel D'S
on issues that emerged during interaction and other initiatives With young ~
people in the state. To facilitate the process, sub-district level workshops
involvingall stakeholders to share their findings were organized. Local NGOs .. _
were also involved for the purpose of information gathering at'the community
level. -
The aim of the project is to primarily promote the participation of young
adults at the community level. Additionally, it also attempts to provide inputs
to both governmental and non-governmental fora.
This PFI initiative took shape with the
' __ aim to' provide, 'acce'ssible training',::-
fqcilities to d~Ctors~,md ANMs fro~ .
I _,~ - private, 'NGO and.j)ublic ,sectors ,in:' -:
.the distrids' pf 'BLhar._'. Impl~me~ted'
' ,by JANANI', Patria~the,projed would
-...deliver" large volumes- of fcimily-
planning serVices at affordable prices
to the low and low·middle income
groups; An important aspect of the-
project will be to, benchmark and
, promote quality of care.
Initiated in March 2003, the Jeimani
endeavour now has three new clinics
in Purnia, Gaya and Motihari. The
clinics deliver services pertaining to
The first phase of the project began in September 2003, covering the Ranchi
and Hazaribagh districts of Jharkhand. This phase concluded on 30th March
2004. The second phase will start in Bihar with effect from April 2005.
Individuals and agencies working on the issues of young people have also
collectively prepared District Plans of Action (DAPs) for Ranchi and
Hazaribagh. The district-level workshops were organised in Ranchi for
12th January 2005. The same for Hazaribagh took place on 23rd-24th February
2005. The DAPs were well received by development agencies and
government departments. After the finalisation of the Plans of Action,
a state·level dissemination workshop was held on 28th March 2005. NGOs,
government officials, donor agencies, the Nehru Yuva Kendra and other
stakeholders attended the workshop. Areas requiring immdiate follow-ups
were chalked out during this meeting.
The participants at the dissemination meeting expressed the need to involve
young people in development programmes. It was noted that meticulous
planning, exclusive resource allocation and the convergence of efforts are
______ J.!._l l
: __ .1..
J.: __

1.10 Page 10

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r ,if"'-'
community radio program titled
'UKIA' was launched by the
Hon'ble Chief Minister of Orissa
Shri Naveen Patnaik from AIR
Sambalpur, Orissa on January 24,
2005. Using radio as a medium to
reach out to the masses on the issues
of population and development, this
is PFI's second program in Orissa.
The 52-episode series goes on air
every Monday at 7.30pm. The series
has been 'produced in Sambalp'uri, a
local dialect oUhe region. The reach
. 'of the p"rog~i3min. cludes di~tri~ts of - ,
Bargarh, Sundargarh, Balangir,'
S.onepur, BaudhcAthmalik, Angul,
Jharshguda and Deogarh covering a
total popl}1ation of about s}~tylakhs .
Launch of the Community Radio Programme 'UKIA'
by Shri Naueen Pqtnaik, thief Minister, Orissa.
.27 bt6~d;toRics .00 health .Elnc!~ther. '"
.' .socia-l is;Ues.· fike cnTid'health~& _: ~e}1t,Iiter~~~~~d g~nd:iTeq~a1i!Y~ill
im~uni;-'2..tfun,[Qri~ ,-be addressed'individua1ly in the 5Z
importance of girl c.hild, adolescent 'drama episodes. . _'
t"1ealthd, i~rrhiea, 'male responsibility:-
early marriage,- HIV/ AIDS, family To ensure the maxir~'iumoutreach of
planfling,' Qopulafiori.-pr,e"ssure&' --the program, 50 listeners,' clubs have
development, ,w~!T!eo empow~'r- -' been formed. Working in.assqciation
- --.,.--
;- ---
I,VithManav K~yimPr~thist~m,. ~ lQ~l," ,
NGO from Samhalpur, these Clubs' -
with a network of more than 30
NGOs working at the grassroots level,
will also provide audience feedback.
the Foundation will distribute free
radio sets t6 seiected clubs.
~ I I i Jj mE ~.
SI1:IiaI~I~EI~fatJ[ID[2ml! ~!,
arresting the decline child sex ratio
and maintaining gender balance.
The response to the workshop was
Continuing in its efforts to involve
medical professionals to play an active
role in curbing the practice of female
foeticide, the Foundation organised
an advocacy workshop with the
members of the Indian Medical
Association Hyderabad City on
February 5,2005 at Hyderabad. The
Senior Advisor, PFI e.mphasised that
this attitude had to change. In his
presentation on the present
demographic scenario of Andhra
Pradesh, Mr RW Durga Prashad,
Deputy Director, Census Operation
Andhra Pradesh shared the details
of the child sex ratio in
overwhelming with more than
hundred senior doctors participating.
Most participants felt that the PNDT
Act was implemented to embarrass
the medical fraternity. It was
suggested that PFI should take up the
issue of birth registration with the
RGI in Delhi.
theme of the workshop was the state and the birth
'Population and Development:
Gender Balance and Importance of
Universal Birth Registration'.
Inaugurating the workshop Dr. R.
Jayachandra Reddy, former national
president, IMA lauded the efforts
undertaken by PFI and Plan India and
said that such workshops were very
crucial in today's context.
registration mechanism.
Dr P Balamba, an
eminent gynaecologist,
made a brief present-
ation on the PNDT Act
and the misuse of
modern technology.
Dr Kadambari, an
eminent gynaecologist
and former Principal
NIVEllSAlllilll R[G~lIAmJI'
.05 lliACI\\.,k.k
Highlighting the fact that the
discrimination against girl child starts
from the day she is conceived in the
womb of the mother Dr AIm"" Ali
of Osmania Medical
College, made a presen-
tation on the role of
_~..l: __ 1 ..l __ '-_ .•_ :.-

2 Pages 11-20

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o sensitise the media on the issue
of sex selection and pre-birth
elimination of females, an advocacy
workshop was organised by PH, on '
- February 2; 2005 at -PHD House,
New Delhf.
Speaking on the :topic Dr Almas Ali,
Senior Advisor, Advocacy, PH said
that population arid developmenL
should be treated 'in? holistic manner.
_ He urged.~ l1!idiato join h9ri.dsi,rith~'
the NGOs,Jo"disse-i.rilnate· correct.
information' on fue':rights of the'girl'
AdvocacyWorkshoOtp WI
I I ill
Dnd Pre-Birth E1iminoHon of female Child and Import
of Universal Birth Registration
February 2, 2005
PHO House, New Delhi
Sharing his. views ,on the' is'?!1eand _,,
the role.of media,~MrBasarat Ahmed, <- ~
Director,-C~ht'ralProducH6n Centre,,_ '- , " , . .,.-
-;< ~.;.' DDordar~han'-~aid-fI:;at-thedlstorted"
-::-=--_~-:~'.::- , - :',' ','
was· child"s~~)'-gtio~' ~s~'ala~~Jo~:&s~" -:',-~;t ,,-:':.~t;,:_,:" .-, .,-:'
,'. L-e[t-;to -r:ight~,br; Nanni-:' Ali,-;>:c
" Shrl Basarat: Ah:m!,!d a~d.f?~r'·Qf.ovardh'?1) ~$nrirm(;r:':::,~
~;~~~~SHR,~~,:a~~~i~rr~~~~,~~ , "~iric!s~i~.~tp~oPle i~-L~ti-~A~~~.c~n - It '~~s ~Ug.?~s·ted'th:at ;;~!~I filrp;'
I' d"
n la
<', d<' ': ' .-"h-
mo eratmg t e
C0untnes, an.d even m Pakistan.
'.- .:.
•_ ' .
worksh0P.$a•"ld.:.~t-f.i'a•t. m t_he la"st J..ew',".-;, ,The. r_o.le' of m_e'.d' ia in the confext o-f
should be given equal Importance and
a bu'd ge. t sh ou'Id .b'e .ea"rmar ked' fo'r
d'Issemm. altO:' n
f' ,"h
0 -StiC
fI:Im' s._ A w-.e11_-'' ' .
~. '0-,_ y~ar~ 1?9.-mIF~<2r:J_~gl~Ls.~ha:ve:,g~'-nje~':.s~lecti~1)and pre-J?irthelimination' '-planned ~ampaign 9n ,a-s~dal issile, . J
'\\ mlssm~ ~}.rl~l~ aE!.9C: ~m~ a!2d...;nC?,-,::gffeJI1al~s.~i!~extensiyely_~eli~e@~g,d could-also"oe-ari'effeetive' ,', J
matter:'~,#al ~~ '<f~~~~'w~e'-,~~A.!l..q,f,~.-:at~e'\\A1Qr~Flop.Jt W9S l~ftthat'i'!GOs bring-abotlt cha~ge ·in-lhe,;odetY._E'::~. . :
~do th~,ap~rbach the1T1ediaon regUlar learning co).lld also be. Seen as,_a"ri
It had cre.~t~d.:f;!9~~.ver:,~be f~~,th9t." " b,asi~'_'0!i!D_.::ews,ocial-de~e1bPn:eJ?t ' option.' Do~(.darshan was identified .
we could-,~?veolir ~~e~g~n~eri;'A~'?· f611ow-up'resei'!icnand' for'policy:aavoc-acY.·
by actir:!g·in-tl)e!.ig0t direetiop today.:_ :audienc~ ,aqalysis . of ~ocial
Highligh_ting' the :tmportali.c~ 'anc.l-·.' -'deyeiopll}ef\\t-.st6ries:was a mu_st.To,' The workShop w~s.-~ttendedby ~ore'. ~'.-
on - effectivefJess' 9f. :edu:·entertaiiirri.~nt . :increaSe the :recalf value of. soci~11: than thirty, senio'i.- -producers;:
-- ~ ~-she sai(rthaf.s0arY~6p~9-s· g.!"}- s,0c1al:c:--~r-fi,es-~ag~s;-,SF>()ts ,so'cial :lsmes' " programmers-Jr:orrt-varleus_elecfwniy:-- '~,
issues .h~(r~hq:p~iJ,the,~tfitu~~·'9-~~t:' ~-:,~~~uli,~e:!iJ,ade: ': :-c :-::, ,- '. "
and . channels fteel~n£e-lilm:]3iod~cers';:''"
'---: .~
\\.,./ MIfDl:aCJl
Encouraged by the response from an advocacy workshop organised on May 2004 with corporate/industry sector in
Delhi, the Foundation organised a similar workshop with the industry sector on March 17, 2005 in association with
the Punjab, Haryana, Delhi Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PHDCCI) in Delhi.
Speaking at the workshop Mr Suresh Goel, eminent industrialist and Chaiiman of the PHD Family Welfare Foundation,
appreciated the work undertaken by PH and Plan International, India and thanked PH for involving the Chamber.
'll Citing examples of women like Kalpana Chawla and Kiran Bedi he said that by practising female foeticide we were
killing future genius. Mr R.K Ojha, Deputy Secretary, Women and Child Welfare, Govt. of India highlighted some of '.
the initiatives taken by the government to curb the practice of female foeticide. He welcomed suggestions and help
from the NGOs. Dr Almas AIi, Senior Advisor, PH made a brief presentation on the present demographic scenario
of child sex ratio in Delhi and called upon the industry to take up the fight against such practices by joining hands with
NGOs and the government. Eminent industrialist Mr Jaswant Rai in his concluding address said that such workshops
should not end within these closed doors and assured the gathering that PHDCCI will take the issue forward with its
individual members.
The participants unanimously felt that the political and corporate commitment towards such issues was still lukewarm.
The> innl,c;tm k in rl nnc;itinn to influence the aovernment policies and should use its privileged position for better

2.2 Page 12

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Buoyed by the response from an advocacy workshop organised in
May 2004 with the corporate sector of Delhi, the Population Foundation
of India (PEl)organised a similar workshop on March, 17, 2005 in assoCiation
with the PHDCCL More than 30 industry n~presentatives participateq at the
workshop-. 0-
~n Speaki~g at the workshop was Mr: Suresh' Goel, ehuneot industriali;t a~(:r
Chairman of the PHD Family'Welfare Foundation. 'He spo~e II} appreciation
of the work undertaken by the. PFI arld,Plan India, and thanked the PFI for
involving the Chamber in such,endeavouis_Citing exainpies-of women such as
Kalparia Chawla and Kiran· Bedi, he added that by practising -female-foetic::ide_
we w.ere killing the future genius. Mr:RK·Ojha"Deputy·Secr.etary, Women
-9-nd'ChiHWelfare, Govt: ·of India,.,highlignted sqme-eJ the initiatjvestaken,_by-
- the· govl?rnmenf to <:urb-tbe pr..adice" of.Jeinale-Aoetjdde~ B~w' elc0rn~d~': "
. sugg~stions'~ndasslstance from -NGO's-.'Dr: .AlmaS.All;-Senior 'Advis6~, PH,' ',.
'made ~.brief presentation o~· the prese~t,.derriogtaphic sceD~rio of chiid sex_
by ratio in. Delhi arid called: upon tne~industry to fight ag~inst such- p{actices
Bringing with her over ten
years of invaluable experience
in coordination, administration
and relationship management,
Ms. A. Banerji
has recently joined the
Poputation Foundation of India
as Consultant, Advocacy and
joining hands with NGOs and the gov~inmen~. Eminent industrialistM~.Jasw1mt
. "_.B-aiin. his: con~luding addr~ss, s~ch\\Nbrksb0p. Sh'9~ldnqt'enCI WhhiI). _.
-- ..::.:.~the_s~:·cb~ecfCloorasntd:turtnef .assured .fuaU;h.i::'PJjDCCI Will~fak~Jh-eU~su-'€.. -
.~.:~.(:?iWa.r~_~i0~~~~s?~vf'.r~T~~~.~'~::.'~~.;:~;~~'.~~>~.~~..':~' :~<?':\\.~.' _:;:;~/:..
.: The '~articipantSunanimqdsry feIfthcitthl/politicar and:-C;orPoratec~ommitment '.
. , such issu~s:~as ,~tilL1ukewarm.-Ih~in~tustrYisIn 9-po~iiiC?nto influence -'.-
.. .., ·the government 'policies and shoUld use:its privileged' positiorr for"b.etter sodal
. -', p.olicies:·'·. '.
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Dr. Sanjit Nayak
is a Public Health Specialist '
working in the field of
Reproductive Child Health.
He has joined Population
Foundation of India as
Program Associate for the
GollUNFPA supported
Regional Resource Centre
:..• ' Advo~acy workshop'on,sex ~election.and pre:birth .elimination:of fe~~les .. - _
...-- wfth.!he cOr:Porate/industry-se~t~r of Mahara~hiia,._on~ApriL'U'2()05~- ._ . -'
'c- :-~~~-Adv~Jaciw6~ks~;;o~;;o~~I;~i~~·~~j.~:J~i6~~~nJ~ ~e~~ef~al~~~~;~-nd- '..~.
at ... " :impertailce of"t.miversal birth-r~gisti-atiQn-iN\\thMLAs of"Anqhra Praaesi1;;'~' ,:.
on May' 19, '2095' Hyderabad.:·
- . - : ... ' . -. .. ,. .' "
.' ".' Advocacy woikshop"on po~~atio~·aild development: geri.c!erbalance and
., importance of universal birth registration with. school principal~/teachers
. of-H.yderabad, ~n May 20: 2q05, at}-:Iyderabad .' , -
. '•.~-Worksbop,on '~Prornot!l)'gS~fe Abortion S.ervice~through theP'yblj<;·Health- -
:. System",' on M~y -26-27,.. 200.5; beil)g~organisecU)y' PEI,~Ipas and, th~,'
National Institute of He'alth and Family Welfare .. _ . --
• State level advocacy workshop on maternal mortality on 28-29 April, 2005,
at Bhubaneshwar.
Editorial Guidance
Mr A.R. Nanda
Ms A. Banerji
Editorial AS-iistance
Ms Shalini Prasad
Editorial Committee
Dr Almas Ali
Dr Kumudha Aruldas
Dr B.P. Thiagarajan
Published by
Population Foundation of India
8-28, Qutab Institutional Area, New Delhi-1100 16, India
Tel: 91-11-26867080, 26867081 Fax: 91-11-26852766
e-mail: website: www.popfound.or_Q