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Highlights of the Oration delivered by Mr.Somnath Chatterjee, Hon'ble Speaker, Lok Sabha
for the Ninth JRD Tata Oration held on 30th March 2005
This yea~, PFI invited Shri.Sorpnath
Chatterjee, Hon'ble Speaker ()[ the
Lok Sabha to deliver the ninth JRD
Tata Me~orial Oration, held' on
30th March,OS, in New Delhi. The title
towards por?4lation stabilization; at the
same time, good governance has a very
crudal role in stabilizing the growth of
our population apart from providiri~
amenities and opportunities to them.
of the Oration was "Towards
Population Stabilization: Role of Good
For a country like Jndia with over a
billion population _. and we are still
Governance. "
Shri Chatterjee's talk was enligh,tening
. growing exponentially - we ~eed both
population stabilization and good
governance in good measure, And for
and peppered with, significant ciuotes
from speeehes of Panc:!it Jawpharlal:
. . Nehru; - Protessor·Amartya
that to be achieved" it is imperativeihat.
al(stakeholdet~ should.takepro.?c:tiY8. .
. m'easures·'to.:(acilital:e ~the: ielatesr .
. Mr..JRD Tata and Professor Jean Drete·processes.
The 'thrust should be' on
. T_he Hig~lig!tts of the O!~tion
"JRD, as he was ajfectioI1ately called'
, making the, 'yarious 'cQmp.onents of .,
'-good governance 'practices, worK
7 cohesively asameans'to stabilizing our
Shri Sorrlnath Chatterjee,. Speaker, Lok S.al
, paying floral tributes to Shri JRD Tc
by his' friendS 'and admirers"advo.cated
populatloQ; _ In particular) ~6ur-'PQlicies ,
. PQPul~tio.I?,stabilizati,?n'I!ot ~nly.,a:..an. : and programmes', jriust :eD~Qre -' : appropriate g.Qo~tgov~rna~~e p'olicjgs ,
7 inlitrU!Tlentofcurbi~gth,~exp'oneI]~I~py., -'ac,G0uniabifjtyo.S.nd'ligitjm-acy~of'.'-tl].e- ,imqprogramnies-,
' ,'~, '"
,.Jisingp<.?ELi~c::-~on"o.f~InEli~:,~ut,,~ls<.2.~o ,: governmeftt;'respectfQL.t.herule-ofIaw:
' '" _ _,
, s~cur:e for o~r. people a: new mean~I!g"<an<:rfundamental
h'u'rri.anc rights;,
The recent incre'ase in th~ population
of life arid thus enjoy the frun:~' of. , 'transparent ~and consensus-:-orien'ted ' of India and th~:pressures exercised on
-c, ~',yrogress and develc:pment. His \\jew , ' ':adrrlinistration; and 'the: promotion' ,0£ - , ,the, limited resources' of the country
of the 'gravity Of the'crisis was reflected 'social and' economic development in ~
have brought to the forefront th.e
-, in hisutmostconcer.n in adc;lress,ingthe. -'-equitable and indusiv~ man.n~r: "'0
urgency _of 'the' problem of family
, probJem of poverty and protectmg the
- - "." '__'
.. - c'
planning 'and pop"ulation control:"
- -.'" ,e~~iror:m:n.twhkh" !leJel~,:wei-~~'0der , 'The., ~'once~D ' .for : popul~Don_' It is therefore, apparent that 'popu-
~-:' <;lI,meriSlonS,?tthe:p~Pl!I'!-tton cns~s".Ije " staoilization an,d. 9.<5o'd'g_'0ye'rnanCe~, ~ latio'rFcontro! can-be 'achieved 6nlyby
, ': ~:~Il~ UpJ;Jnsu~cess1Ve:govesn!Uen~ tq , ·"ii1deed;c rriiIst lJ~cqm~:the co.ncern ~o~: "the 'r~ducti<5n of the 'birili rate to 'the'
. co.nf~ont ,t~ese challenges on a: high, ,aU' -: wh,ether" we are 'part of,: trre': extent iieces$ary to ,stabilize the
,- ,'. ~n~:mty basl~, ~~D also stressed how'
~,~,Important A was :to e~sure g~Qd
governinfl. structldres. of.th~ country, or, "por;lulatib)1' at a level consistent with
outside: Stafistic~;:tell a fale 'of their: 'the re'qu-irements of the 'national
. :.' governa~~e pradrcesm.-er:abl.lng
own: Qfhow we'at.e adding ,to pl:lr econol1)Y: This can be ~ecuredonly by
-, deveLopment. and:" p~pulatton
.. 'ia-t:
:..:' ath€r 'the-', world
the realization of the need-.for ,family
, 'sta5ili~ati~n: ~twas ~this,!nitiati~e ~~t ' ~~g~ati;~·; by:s,:Cqn9~;' min9.tesaotr ,lfrriit~ti6noon a wiEle scale by.-tbe
~ ~ the.I?tern?tio~al Instt.tute-qt ]?op~ati(:m, :hours:':-,-As'experts in~f!:fefielq •.Y. 6u..are-" ' peQI?J~'",:. . ;'_, ~'
;? ,'~' ",;iud~ef (~s. set, u~ m.,~19S6 'S!Ui:I~ ,,-, al(flJlly a,wa:te~Elf ,the:relat~d JActs~,:' '·Eve~' though w~ had an. early start at-
~8 ..-' e- a ~ IStSU~Sm, p~rsp:'~~ Iveg;l~e ' " figures,'aI\\ci' !errnihqlogies. What, we· ': 'family plan~ing," we have not been
, ..
's,i~turoaVtiol,ne. '
- . 'I
mtJiP' Ru.sD. t~cbe)-na!n:'s,-eeeel srms'gen
Ip'dt iq.-.,i's
in putting
a check
the seconu rT!()stpopu Qus.coun ry ,m 'on the rapid rise of 'our populatIon"
~n .,pop~ a on ~ a w.It~~~onl~~
peOmp~W"a::tio°nnoAuwrear 'd :. e '. ' ,
IN· , the world, sustciining'16:7 per.cen~ of
'-the,'glo,ba!'popu..l,ation- ' on. 2.4, '_p,er cent
. of the earth s surface. area.
Between 1947 and 2001, there.has
Deen ,a trebling of India's population,
Much money was spent, mar;y
, It ,is highly, gratifyihg to see thi:lt 'his ' , .' " " ,'.
; , ", "
programmes announced and put into
.~, ~()ther. ,bl'a!ri~hj]-d,! th.~· PQpu!il..tign ' .,' If,may b~' ,c:on'tended.".' !hat )~ign,:' '"operation; in'bet\\vee_n~ we" graduated
~:.-~-FoundC!tio.n,-of' India,; pas: ~een, do!ng' PQpulation groW-this ba,ceTt9-fn 'exter:it, fr6iti family-planning to family welfare- ,
outstanding work towards populatl()n 'inevitable, especially during the early and' fro'm population control to
,stabilization and e.sta~lishing a balance '~tages of demographic transition; what _ population stabilization. We also
among our resources, environment and is important, 'however, is to facilitate witnessed a critical phase of these
population and in different areas
rela,tii}g to population polley;. nam:ly,
universal primary health care, mcludmg
repr()ductive and child health services,
the'acceleration of the pace. of such
demographic transition. The,-issue is
how to transform our population, into
an asset, converting our hU,man,
efforts during the days of the internal
emergeney. In the eighties and the
nineties, there was a greater awareness
of the extent and gravity of the
empowering women, involving
communities and so on.
porimbal into' a high valu~ added, problem, correspunding to the global
workforce resource for contributing campaignfor populatIoncontrol and
Population ~tabilizati~n and go~d
governance are closely interlinked,
towards raising'the standards of living
of the entire population in a sustainable
stabilization, But, in real terms, th~se
efforts have not curbed our populatIon
especially in the context of a country
like India. We cannot facilitate Qood
manner. These aspects should be kept
in mind while discussina the role of thp
growth as is evident from the f~ct tha~
\\lIO ",ro bet r:>trhin •• "n nn rh,~~ ~-