The Population Foundation of India was established in 1970
and has ever since been in the forefront of non-
governmental efforts to check the runaway growth of
population of the country and establish a balance between
resource, environment and population.
The Foundation was established by a dedicated group of
industrialists and population activists led by. Bharat
Ratna, the late Mr JRD Tata, who guided it as the
Founder Chairman until his death in 1993. The Founding
Fathers believed that a movement of social development
such as family planning should not and cannot remain
the sole concern of the private voluntary enterprises.
The Foundation has, therefore, always worked in close
co-operation and coordination with official agencies and
programmes. In its independent role, it has tried to
guide and influence the national population policy and
to serve as a catalytic agent to promote programmes at
different levels directed towards the ultimate goal of
. population stabilisaton. The Foundation's activity, in the
words of the late Mr JRD Tata, has been focussed on
"advancing the cause of human welfare through family
The basic aims of the Foundation, as enunciated by its
founders, are:
• to help raise the level of family planning beyond its
traditional confines, by focussing on critical variables
restricting its operation;
• to support innovative research, experimentation and
social action from the point of view of bringing the
grey areas of the programme into bold relief, and