PFI Brochure 2008

PFI Brochure 2008

1 Pages 1-10

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of ll1bia
Promoting Fostering Inspiring
Sustainable Human Development

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PFIwill strive to realize its Vision by promoting and
formulating gender sensitive and rights based
population and development policies, strategies and
To this end it will
collaborate with central, state and local
government institutions for effective policy
planning, formulation and facilitation of
programme implementation.
extend technical and financial support to
individuals and civil society institutions and
promote innovative approaches.
undertake and support systems, action,
translational and other forms of operational
~ create awareness and undertake informed
advocacy at the community, regional, national
and global levels for socio-cultural and
behavioural change.
~ focus on un-served, under-served areas and
vulnerable sections of society and address the
challenges of an emerging demographic
mobilize financial and human resources from
all sources both national and i termational.

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The Population Foundation of India (PFI), since its inception
in 1970, has dedicated itself to the cause of human welfare
through Family Planning, Reproductive and Child Health (RCH)
Services and other population programmes. The Foundation
being a pioneer organization has been funding and promoting
population related activities in the country. From an initial
vision to make planning for small families a socially acceptable
and sustainable behaviour norm, its activities have moved to
implement family planning and RCHprogrammes within a wider
canvas of population stabilization
and sustainable
development. Its commitment and work for the welfare of
people at large, has placed it amongst the leading non-
governmental organizations at the national level.
Noble Expression
In 1970, a group of enlightened,
industrialists, led by late Mr JRD Tata
and late Dr Bharat Ram, established
the Family Planning Foundation (re-
christened as Population Foundation
of India in 1993). It was a noble
expression of their concern for the
welfare of the people and a positive
response to the Government's call
for stabilizing
the country's
through effective
implementation of the national
family planning programme.
The unique position of the Foundation found recognition when its founder
Board Chairman, Mr. JRD Tata was conferred the prestigious UN Population
Award for the year 1992.
Changing with Challenges Ahead
The Foundation constantly observes the changes in the national and
international demographic scenario, plans its policies and priorities, and
fine-tunes its activities in line with the changing perspectives and ground

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Guided by its Governing Board and Advisory Council, population
stabilization has been at the heart of PFI's programme mandate. However,
based on the recognition that population and health are inextricably
connected and in consonance with the country's National Population
Policy, PFI strives to create an environment supporting the rights of
individuals to reproductive freedom and reproductive choice. PFI
promotes the provision of a comprehensive reproductive health care
package including issues of gender and sexuality within the overall rubric
of primary health care.
The Foundation's thrust areas include providing technical support in
formulating and influencing population policies and programmes and
serving as a catalytic agent to promote programmes at different levels
directed towards the goal of population stabilization and development.
A composite socio-demographic development index computed using
key variables that influence reproductive health and social development
has been used to identify the socio-demographically backward districts.
290 such districts from various states of the country have been identified
as the geographic focus for PFl's core activities.
PFI activities are currently spread over 20 states. These include RCH
service delivery projects through NGOs and corporates, advocacy and
capacity building initiatives and care and support activities for people
living with HIV/ AIDS.

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PFI projects are
currently spread
over 20 states

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Advocacy and Communicatio
PFI has identified advocacy and communication as a central feature of
its agenda. Issues of national and state level significance are identified
and taken up with relevant stakeholders such as Parliamentarians, State
Legislators, Corporates, Media, NGOs and other civil society organizations
through initiatives such as :
Conferences on population, health and social development issues at
the national, state and divisional/ district levels
JRD Tata Awards for the best performing state and districts on
population and reproductive health programmes
All India Radio Awards for population and reproductive health
JRDTata Memorial Orations
Networks, alliances and coalitions to advocate on key issues
Creating an enabling environment for policy formulation and policy
Advocacy for scaling up of successful pilot interventions
Documents and wall charts for advocacy on population/RCH/
HIV/ AIDS/adolescent health issues
Orientation workshops and seminars with media
Communication strategies including community radio programmes
and other communication tools on RCHissues
Behaviour change communication is an integral component of all PFI
supported projects.

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Service Deliver~
PFI collaborates with government, non government and corporate
organizations to provide community based RCH services with a focus on
un-served and under served areas. Programmes are implemented in
coordination with the Government health system to supplement!
complement the existing health delivery system in rural and tribal areas
and urban slums. In this process support is also extended to strengthen
Primary Health Centres and Sub-centres of the public health system
through NGOs. A major part of the grants from the core funds of the
Foundation are channelled towards action-demonstration programmes
using two strategic approaches:
Innovating pilot interventions with the potential for change at large
scale including public private partnerships
Providing support to the grass roots initiatives of corporate bodies
and NGOs, on cost sharing basis
The Foundation supports NGO initiatives in promoting safe
motherhood, unmet need for contraception, child health, adolescent
health, RTI/STI, HIVI AIDS (prevention, treatment and care continuum)
and male involvement in reproductive health within a rights based
framework and gender equity. Details of the guidelines for funding
support and selection process is available on the organization's website

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The Foundation works with organizations to build their capacities
either through direct technical assistance or through a network of
collaborating institutions. Capacity building initiatives are undertaken
primarily with Panchayati Raj Institutions,
Organizations, Community Based Organizations including Self Help Groups
and Adolescent/Youth Groups. Core areas for capacity building include:
Reproductive and child health/adolescent health issues
Care and support for people living with HIV/ AIDS
Perspective building on quality of care
Community based planning and monitoring
Skills building for advocacy and communication
Visioning for scaling up
PFI has supported capacity building of select large organizations to
function as Regional Training and Resource Development Centres
(RTRDCs). These RTRDCs in turn work on strengthening the capacity of
other NGOs at the regional levels to undertake RCH interventions. PFI is
functioning as a Regional Resource Centre (RRC) under the Mother NGO
scheme of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India
in the states of Bihar and Chhattisgarh.

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The Foundation undertakes and supports independent research in key
areas to strengthen programme and advocacy efforts in population &
development and RCH issues. In response to the growing demand for result
based management, the scope of interventions undertaken, include:
Addressing changing policy and programme needs through operations
research, action research and formative research studies
Instituting comprehensive monitoring and evaluation systems in projects
for evidence of impact
Bringing out publications highlighting key issues to support the advocacy
efforts based on primary and secondary research
The Resource and Documentation Centre at PFI has an excellent collection
of books, reports, journals, documents and audio-visuals on subjects related
to Health and Demography.

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PFI seeks donor assistance and collaborates with partners to the extent
that the ideology and principles match with the Vision, Mission and Strategy
International Development
Research Agency (IDRC)
Plan International, India
Population Reference Bureau
Sir Dorabji Tata Trust
The Bill and Melinda Gates
The David and Lucille Packard
The Ford Foundation
The Global Fund for HIV/ AIDS,
Tuberculosis and Malaria
The John D and Catherine T
Mac Arthur Foundation
The Ministry of Health and
Family Welfare, Government of
India and State Governments

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The Advisory Council, consisting of experts in related fields, such as
Sociology, Demography, Communications, Health Services, Environment,
Education, Management, Women's Development etc. contributes to the
formulation of the Foundation's policies and programmes. The distinguished
members of the Advisory Council are:
Dr. M S Swaminathan
Mr. T V Antony
Dr. SO Gupta
Dr. Usha R Krishna
Dr. Saroj Pachauri
Dr. Ragini Prem
Dr. K Srinivasan
Dr. Bobby John
Prof. G P Talwar
Representative, Ministry of
Health & Family Welfare, GOI
Ms. Rami Chhabra
Dr. B K Joshi
Mr. Ajay S Mehta
Dr. Yash Pal
Dr. Gita Sen
Dr. Leela Visaria
Ms. Mirai Chatterjee
Mr. Yashodhan Ghorpade
Mr. A R Nanda
Executive Director, PFI

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Population Foundation of India
8-28, Qutab Institutional Area. New Oelhl- 110016. INOI,
Telephone: +91 11 42899770. Fax : +91 11 42899795
emall : website: www.popfound.ori