Advocacv initiatives on population and development
As part of the PFI's advocacy
programme on population and
programmes, based on participatory
methods of discussion and opinion
development, supported by the building on critical issues related to
Packard Foundation, media population, reproductive health and
workshops have been organized in gender mainstreaming in population
Jamshedpur, Giridih and Dumka in and reproductive health programmes.
Jharkhand, and Nalanda, Bhagalpur The participants at each programme
and Muzaffarpur in Bihar. The media comprise senior government officials,
has a significant role in building primarily administrative officers,
perspectives and opinion related to from all states, in three batches. The
social development issues and first of the three programmes was
keeping this in mind, national and held from November 7-9, 2005,
local media in Bihar and Jharkhand at the NIAR campus in Mussoorie.
have been identified as an important Government
officials from
component of the advocacy
Uttaranchal, Delhi, Punjab, Haryana,
programme. The media initiative has
been taken up in partnership with the
Manthan Yuva Sansthan in Ranchi,
Jharkhand and the Bihar Voluntary
Health Association in Patna, Bihar.
The media workshops have
generated a lot of interest, particularly
amongst young journalists, reporters
and stringers from rural areas. The
aim of the workshops is to introduce
"Building Supportive Environment
for Population Stabilization by
Meeting Reproductive and Sexual
Health Needs of Young Adults
Through Advocacy Initiatives in Bihar
and Jharkhand: An Initial Step"
is a three-year programme in
Bihar and Jharkhand.
the subjects of population,
reproductive health and rights and
to build writing skills of the media.
At the end of the workshops,
participants come up with ready to
print articles written collectively.
Some of these articles have already
been brought out in mainstream
newspapers and local magazines.
Media kits are being prepared for the
two states. The kits provide a wide
range of information on the critical
population and health issues in India
and particularly in Jharkhand, the role
of the media in highlighting social
issues and the basics of writing on
development issues. A similar kind of
a kit is being prepared for Bihar.
The media kits for Jharkhand have
been published by Manthan Yuva
Sansthan. The state level
dissemination meetings are being
planned over the next four months.
Chandigarh, Himachal Pradesh and
Bihar participated at the programme,
at which there was good interaction
and active participation of the officials.
Presentations on some of the
successful programmes in their
respective states were made by
officials from Punjab, Bihar and
Jharkhand. The presentations also
provided an insight into the factors,
which facilitated and those that were
an impediment to the implementation
of population and reproductive health
programmes. Dr. Abhijit Das, Advisor,
Sahayog and Ms.Renu Khanna,
SAHAJ, supported the Population
Foundation of India in the
development of the design of the
programme as well as the resource
materials. Mr. D.S. Mathur, Director,
Lal Bahadur Shastri Academy of
Administration, Mussoorie, addressed
Another advocacy initiative on
Population and Development is an
orientation programme with senior
government officials. This is a
collaborative programme of the
Population Foundation of India
the participants and raised the critical
issues in population and development
in India. Dr. M.H. Khan, Director,
NIAR and Mr. K.J.R. Burman, faculty
I member of the Institute have been
instrumental in working out this
with the National Institute of collaborative endeavour with the
Administrative Research (NIAR), Population Foundation of India and
Mussoorie. The overall programme , in taking the agenda further within
comprises a total of three three-day f their Institute.
Supported by the Packard Foundation
the project on "Building Supportive
Environment for Population Stabili-
zation by Meeting Reproductive and
Sexual Health Needs of Young Adults
Through Advocacy Initiatives in Bihar
and Jharkhand: An Initial Step" is a
three-year programme in Bihar and
Jharkhand. The initiative focuses on
advocacy intervention
stakeholders through state level
sharing. To meet the reproductive and
sexual health needs of young adults,
advocacy kits have been prepared and
concept papers compiled on issues
that emerged during interaction and
other initiatives with young people in
the state. To facilitate the process,
sub-district level workshops involving
all stakeholders to share their findings,
were organized. Local NGOs were
also involved for information
gathering at the community level. The
aim of the pr~ject is primarily to
promote the participation of young
adults at the community level.
Additionally it also attempts to
provide inputs to both governmental
and non-governmental fora. The first
phase of the project began in
September 2003 covering Ranchi
and Hazaribagh districts of
Jharkhand. This phase was concluded
on March 30, 2004.
The second phase of the project
was started in Bihar in May, 2005.
The programme includes in it's
geographical range, 38 blocks in two
selected districts, with the help of the
local partners, followed by district
level workshops where a District Plan
of Action would be prepared.
Although the project started late due
to elections in the state, the project
team in Bihar is all set to compensate
for the delay. After finalizing the
partnerships with 16 NGOs in the
districts of Gaya and Vaishali in the
last quarter, the team organized an
orientation programme for the NGO
functionaries to collect feedback from
the community on issues related to
young adults. The information
collected in this way would be
shared by the NGOs at the block
level workshops. Four block level
workshops have been organized
so far.