Among several areas needing
Foundation took cognizance
that the urban slum population is a
group which are hardly reached by the
current planning and work pattern of
public health and family welfare
system. Their unmet needs in terms
of family welfare and RCHservices were
considered to be the highest and very
potent in accelerating performance
results in Reproductive and Child and
Health and Family Welfare.
The Foundation in collaboration
with Community
Department(CMD) of MGIMS, Wardha
took the initiative of implementing the
project with the help of Institute of
I netgra t e d Deve lopmen t , a Non -
Government Organization, in slum
areas of Nagpur and eight villages in
rural areas. The main objectives of the
project are to understand the
• WITH INDIAN MEDICAL .. attributes of reproductive health in
~··_···-ASSOCIATIOrf(rM-A),-ALiGARFf slums and rural areas of Nagpur; to
The Foundation,
association with Indian Medical
Association, selected slum areas of
Aligarh town covering nearly one 'lakh
decrease the morbidity and mortality
among neo-nates and women in 15-
49 age group and to promote spacing
methods of family planning.
The project is
implemented through local NGOs
based at Aligarh. The -s~rength of the
project is gained by establishing five
"Health Posts" covering 20 thousand
population by each post. They are
manned by paramedical staff and
visited by a lady doctor once a week.
The services offered are care of mother
and child, contraceptive services
including Cu.T insertion, treatment of
RTI/STD, counselling. The workers are
also conducting regular door to door
visits in the area.
Apart from providing health
services through Health Posts, Health
melas are organised in which maximum
number of slum women participate.
Audio-visual shows and group
meetings are also organised on
Reproductive and Child Health issues.
The staff of the NGOhas been
trained by CMDon various components
of RCH. Advisory Committees are
formed for both rural and urban areas
and regular meetings are held.
Partnership has also been developed
with Government Sector. Reproductive
Health Clinics providing antenatal,
postnatal care, treatment of RTI/STD,
and counselling of contraceptive
services have also been established in
seven villages and- all slum areas in
collaboration with local authorities.
The Foundation in collaboration
with SHED implemented a project
"Integrated Health & Family Planning
Education in the entire slums of
Dharavi. The main objectives of the
project are to develop a formal
networking with all suitable
organisations and with community
'participation, an integrated and
sustainable Health and Family
Planning consciousness among the
people of Dharavi, with special
emphasis also on Mother and Child
Care, Adolescents and STD/HIV/AIDS.
The whole area has been divided
into 10 blocks. One female worker with
leadership potential has been selected
from each Mahila Mandal, and work
as community health promoter for that
area. She has also been trained on
health and social development
activities in order to work as Link
leader incharge of the blocks, assist~d
by girl volunteers and members of the
respective Mahila Mandals. Youth
groups and female social workers also
work with them to identify the
problems and needs of the community.
Target groups are women and children,
adolescent girls/youth; young married
girls; eligible couples; TBAs/Medical
personnel from other NGOs/Private
practitioners; school children/college
students. Camps and workshops are
regularly organized in different areas
by rotation for various target groups.
The topics covered are Mother and
Child Health Education, Immunization
and Water borne diseases, Family
Planning, Adolescence, STD/AIDs
awareness and environmental ~