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India's demographic scenario has undergone a sea change.
Presently, we are all confronted with the problem of sex
selection and pre-birth elimination of females. The problem
is acute as suggested by the census 2001. While 1991 census
reported a child sex ratio (0-6 years) of 945 girls per 1000 boys,
it further declined to 927 during 2001 census. Over the years,
this ratio has fallen from 976 in 1961, to 964 in 1971 and
962 in 1981.
In states such as Haryana, Punjab, Delhi and Gujarat, this
ratio has declined to less than 900 girls per 1000 boys. Seventy
districts in 16 states and Union Territories have recorded a
more than 50-point decline in the child sex ratio during the
decade 1991-2001. The irony is that some of these are the most
prosperous regions of our country.
It is in this context, that PFI has initiated a national
advocacy campaign against "Sex Selection and Pre-Birth
Elimination of Females" involving corporate/industry, commerce
leaders, political representatives, government, media and NGOs.
As a part of the advocacy campaign, workshops have been
organized in Orissa, Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana, Himachal
Pradesh, Delhi and Andhra Pradesh. .
Advocacy is a strategic intervention tool which has been time
tested on several occasions. Political representatives are people's
representatives and the right medium for spreading the message
at all levels. They occupy an important position in the country's
development and social change process. Advocacy through
political representatives provides the momentum for transition
into positive behavior change and mass social acceptance. A
representative speaks the language and understands the problem
in relation to the people of the area he/she represents. A social
crisis such as sex selection requires sustained pressure and action.
People have to be tutored, counseled and motivated to fight this
attitude towards the girl child.
Sensitization of elected representatives can create a chain
reaction at all levels. The issues that need mass consciousness can
only come from sustained efforts and far-sighted leadership.
Political representatives can playa significant role by
acknowledging the existence of the problem and promote effective
implementation of the laws, policies and programs to combat
these practices.
Given the complexity of the problem and the urgency to
improve the imbalances, the challenge is to generate requisite
political will, develop realistic policies and take concerted action.
Pfl Prlse. 'lilara~
A film on No Scalpel Vasectomy (I\\/5V)
Since its inception,
have been female
and not
much has
been done to popularize male sterilization tools
• like No Scalpel Vasectomy (NSV).
• NSV was introduced in the 1990s in addition to the
: traditional vasectomy. It has severaladvantages over female
• sterilization methods. To
: disseminate information and
• popularize NSV through
: audio-visual methods, PFIis
: in the process of making a
• film titled 'Kinara' on NSV.
: The realisticstoryline will help
: the audience to relate and
• identify with the cha racters.
A scene from the film 'Kinara" -
: The objectives are to present a film on NSV made by PFI.
: NSV as an effective male sterilization tool and dispel myths
• and misconceptions. By presenting scientificfacts within
: a cultural context, the film is expected to bring about
• attitudinal change towards male participation in
: contraception and lead to behavior change.
• The film issupported by three spots, which will be shown
• on various channels as promotional tools. PFIwill also screert
......-...•-.•-.... : the film inall project areasand on cable networks.
HIV/AIDS control and prevention activities need to be
• evidence based. In this regard, PFI in collaboration with the
Population Reference Bureau, Washington DC has prePsrria
series of user-
• friendly chart books
• and fact sheets on
HIV/AIDS for the
country as well as
• for states. PFI and
PRBin collaboration
• with Karnataka State
• AIDS Prevention
I n d i a - Can a d a Mr A R Nanda, Executive Director, PFI
Collaborative HIVI releasing HIVIAIDS Chart Book in Karnataka.
• AIDS Project jointly brought a chart book titled, 'HIV/AID-S1ffi
Karnataka: Situation and Response'. This bilingual chart book
• was released by the Honourable Chief Minister of Karnataka,
Shri Dharam Singh on World AIDS Day, 1 December, 2004 a"":r
a function held at Bangalore, Karnataka. Mr A R Nanda,
Executive Director, PFI and Mr Carl Haub, Demographer, PRB
were present along with other dignitaries at the function.
Subsequently, the chart book was disseminated in the state