How the support group meetings have
influenced the lives of PLHAs who
participated in them?
SGM or DLN per se enables PLHAs to have informa-
tion on a range of issues on a single platform, while
other sources may not be catering to all the needs of
PLHA at one go. For instance, doctors usually do not
have time to talk in detail about the basics of HIV/AIDS,
no proper and systematic follow-up counseling is prac-
ticed for addressing the needs of PLHA, their family
members do not get adequate information on treatment
issues etc. On the other hand, the network through its
various activities provides tailored information and
client-oriented counseling. SGM as one of its activities
helps PLHA to discuss sensitive issues like disclosure of
positive status, not infecting others, sexual health etc.
SGMs, especially for PLHAs on ART, help in promoting
adherence as in this forum they get to understand the
importance of ART and the effects of missing a dose.
The results of the study show that support group
offers the individuals various direct and indirect benefits
and also leads to having new perspectives in life. The
participation assists the individual in understanding the
self and others. Also, this study describes that through
support groups, PLHA participants are better aware and
capable of dealing with the situations that are common-
ly encountered by other participants. It is also under-
stood that support groups assume great significance as
they provide opportunities through which social support
is available to the participants. Social support is provid-
ed in the form of mutual guidance, providing monetary
and emotional support, and providing feedback. As dis-
cussed earlier, support groups are regarded as the 'third
network', the primary network being kinship and neigh-
bour relations, and the secondary network being vari-
ous professional support systems like the relief offered
by social-welfare and health-care settings. It has been
found that the information and psychological support
they get from the support group members are comple-
mentary to the psychological support they get from
their families, friends and spouses. The group helps
them in coping up with the problems they face; help
them prepared for anticipated challenges; remove the
feeling of abnormality and make them more capable of
dealing with potentially traumatic experiences.
Support group meetings serve multiple purposes.
They are useful in socializing; sharing and getting infor-
mation; getting peer and professional counseling; and
getting psychological and emotional support. As seen
under the previous section, SGM benefits PLHAs who
attend as well as who do not attend SGM. For example:
the advocacy activity of the networks that resulted in
age relaxation for widows living with HIV (or who lost
their husbands to HIV) will be useful for even those
PLHAs who had never been to SGMs. In addition to the
unique benefits of attending SGM, it serves as one of
the many entry points for PLHAs to get various servic-
es from the networks and other agencies (linkages and
referrals). SGM is closely linked with community mobi-
lization and organizing for rights.
There is still scope of improving SGMs at different
levels by different stakeholders.
The networks involved in conducting SGM need to:
• Document success stories and lessons learnt out of
the advocacy activities carried out on the issues
identified in SGM
• Initiate bereavement support meetings for spouses
and negative family members
• Train the SGM staff on facilitation skills
• Ask one of the network staff to co-facilitate the SGM
• Not use certain English terms and jargons which
may not be understood by all PLHA
• Link up with community organizations working with
various marginalized groups like MSM, FSW, and IDU
so that there can be cross-referrals.
Other stakeholders need to have great role to play in
making SGM more effective through:
• Preparing operational guidelines for conducting var-
ious types of SGM effectively
• Preparing a training manual for training facilitators
and co-facilitators of SGM
• Conducting training programs on organizing SGM for
facilitators and co-facilitators of SGM
• Capacity-building in documentation of the lessons
learnt in conducting SGM
• Conducting training on how to be sensitive to the
needs of PLHA from various subpopulations (MSM,
Hijras, IDU, FSW) in SGM and how to mobilize these
subpopulations of PLHA