PFI Annual Report 2023-2024

PFI Annual Report 2023-2024

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...achievement of
demographic objectives is
entirely dependent on a whole
set of societal responses and
policy initiatives which go well
beyond contraception.
- J. R. D. TATA
Jan Samwad in Nawada district, Bihar

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About Population Foundation of India
Governing Board
A Message from the Chairperson and
Executive Director
Highlights of 2023-24
Our Accomplishments & Initiatives
Legacy & Impact of Community Action for
Health (2005-2023)
Shifting the Narrative
Youth & Adolescents
Working with Communities
The 16th J.R.D. Tata Oration
and 7th J.R.D. Tata Memorial Awards
Stories of Change
Financial and Operational Highlights
Population Foundation of India’s HR Policies
Our Partners
Cover Image Workshop with adolescents on safe online
behaviours in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh

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Founded in 1970 by the
late J.R.D. Tata, Population
Foundation of India is a
leading non-governmental
organisation (NGO) in the
fields of population dynamics,
gender equity, and sexual
and reproductive health
(SRH). It addresses population
issues within the context of
empowering women, men, and
young people, enabling them
to make informed decisions
about their fertility, health, and
well-being. The organisation’s
approaches include
strategic engagement with
policymakers, media, and other
key stakeholders; knowledge
generation and dissemination;
leveraging technology; scaling
up pilot projects; and social
and behaviour change
communication (SBCC).
Population Foundation of
India also collaborates closely
with and provides technical
support to both national and
state governments, as well as
other NGOs.
We advance gender-sensitive
policies and programmes
focused on the health
and well-being of India’s
population, especially women
and young people.
Team Population Foundation of India

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Prof. K. Srinath Reddy
Chairperson, Population Foundation of India Governing Board; Founder President of Public Health
Foundation of India
Mr. Rajya Vardhan Kanoria
Vice-Chairperson, Population Foundation of India Governing Board; Chairman & Managing Director of
Kanoria Chemicals & Industries Limited
Dr. Ajai Chowdhry
Co-founder, HCL
Ms. Ishita Chaudhry
Independent consultant and founder of The YP Foundation
Mr. Kiran Karnik
Chairperson, HelpAge India; former President NASSCOM
Ms. Maja Daruwala
Chief Editor, India Justice Report; Senior Advisor, Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative; former
Executive Director, Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative
Ms. Priya Paul
Chairperson, Apeejay Surrendra Park Hotels Limited
Mr. Ratan N Tata
Chairman Emeritus of Tata Sons
Dr. Shireen Jejeebhoy
Demographer and Social Scientist; President of International Union for the Scientific Study of Population
Dr. Soumya Swaminathan
Chairperson, M S Swaminathan Research Foundation; former Chief Scientist at WHO and Director General
of the Indian Council of Medical Research
Dr. Syeda Hameed
Former member of the Planning Commission, Government of India
Prof. Vikram Harshad Patel
The Pershing Square Professor of Global Health at the Harvard Medical School, Harvard University
Mr. Vinod Rai
Distinguished Visiting Research Fellow, Institute of South Asian Studies, National University of Singapore;
former Comptroller and Auditor General of India, Government of India
Ms. Poonam Muttreja
Executive Director, Population Foundation of India

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Executive Director
In April 2023, India surpassed
China to become the world’s
most populous country,
drawing global attention to
its population trends and
intensifying discussions on
changing population dynamics
The world is currently
witnessing two distinct
population trajectories.
Developed countries
face ageing and declining
populations, presenting
complex challenges for social
and economic sustainability.
Meanwhile, certain regions
in the developing world are
experiencing population
growth, characterised by a
large young population with
enormous potential. This stark
contrast in demographic trends
highlights the multifaceted
nature of global population
dynamics, necessitating
nuanced policy approaches to
address the diverse needs of
different regions. Any present
or future programmes must
consider these population
Against this backdrop,
Population Foundation of India
has emerged as a thought
leader at the national and
international level, fostering
an informed discourse on
changing population dynamics.
We have analysed global
population trends and their
policy implications, reaching
audiences in over 20 countries
through mainstream and
alternative media channels.
Our evidence-based narrative
challenges alarmism about
population growth in
developing nations, advocates
for pro-immigration policies
to facilitate the exchange of
skilled labour, and underscores
the importance of investing in
young people and women as
steps towards leveraging both
the demographic and gender
In December 2023, we
hosted the sixteenth J.R.D.
Tata Oration, as part of the
lecture series instituted
in 1995. This event allows
Population Foundation of India
to pay tribute to its founder,
Mr. J.R.D. Tata, and invites
thought leaders to address
issues of population, health,
and development. Mr. N.
Chandrasekaran, Chairman
of Tata Sons, delivered a
compelling oration on the

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pivotal role of India’s youthful
population in realising the
country’s economic potential,
particularly relevant given
India’s young demographic
landscape. The event also
featured the seventh J.R.D. Tata
Memorial Awards, honouring
five states, 13 districts, and one
union territory for exemplary
performance in gender,
population, and reproductive
health indicators.
Our commitment to building
and leveraging evidence has
always been complemented by
transformative on-the-ground
initiatives. This is evident from
the impact of the Community
Action for Health (CAH)
programme, which concluded
last year after a successful
18-year run.
In 2005, the Ministry of
Health and Family Welfare,
Government of India appointed
Population Foundation of
India as the Secretariat
for the Advisory Group on
Community Action, overseeing
the implementation of the
CAH programme as an integral
part of the National Health
Mission. The CAH programme
evolved from a pilot in nine
states to becoming the world’s
largest community-action
initiative, reaching 230,000
villages and 145 cities across 25
states. Over the course of this
programme, we trained over
50,000 government officials
and hosted more than 3,000
public dialogues, significantly
enhancing healthcare
accessibility and reducing
patient costs through active
community involvement and
robust partnerships.
Building on our on-the-ground
efforts, we launched the
UMEED Project in Uttar Pradesh
to advance family planning
services and community health
education in six districts:
Balrampur, Bahraich, Gonda,
Sitapur, Unnao, and Barabanki.
This initiative, undertaken
in collaboration with the
Mobius Foundation, aims to
empower communities with
the knowledge and resources
necessary to make informed
health decisions. We plan to
strengthen the public health
system in partnership with
district-level authorities.
resilience and adaptability
have been key to our sustained
impact. The steadfast support
of our partners – government
agencies, donors, and other
civil society organisations – has
been fundamental in advancing
our shared objectives.
We extend our heartfelt
gratitude to all stakeholders
for their enduring support and
partnership, enabling us to
continue our mission toward a
healthier, more equitable India.
As the landscape for
organisations evolves, our

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OF 2023-24
This year marked the successful conclusion of the
Community Action for Health (CAH) programme,
a key component of the Government of India’s
National Health Mission. From 2005 to 2023, by
Government order, Population Foundation of India
hosted the Secretariat of the Advisory Group on
Community Action (AGCA), comprising eminent
public health experts. The AGCA guided the
expansion of the CAH programme’s implementation
to 230,000 villages, 145 cities, and 450 districts
across 25 Indian states, establishing it as the
world’s largest community action programme and
integrating the public into public health. Efforts
were made to enhance capacities of the state
community-process teams to plan and execute
implementations, leading to the capacity building
of over 50,000 trainers and facilitators at the state,
district, and block levels.
Successful conclusion of the world’s largest
Community Action for Health programme
230,000 145
Engagement with international and national media
Population Foundation of India has helped
shape the media and public discourse around
India’s population. Over the course of the year,
Population Foundation of India had over 250
media engagements. This included 24 articles,
156 quotes, 67 interviews, and eight panel
discussions. In addition to mainstream Indian
media outlets such as The Indian Express,
The Times of India, Hindustan Times, and
Deccan Herald, there has been unprecedented
international media interest in India’s
population issues. We have contributed to
prominent international media such as The New
York Times, Reuters, Time, ABC, Al Jazeera, Le
Monde, El Pais, BBC World, CNN, and The Globe
and Mail.

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National Consultation with Members of Parliament on
“Unpacking India’s Demographic Advantage”
Population Foundation of India and the United
Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) India co-hosted a
National Consultation with Members of Parliament
titled “Unpacking India’s Demographic Advantage”,
to enhance their understanding of India’s
demographic journey and the need for effective
policy making, with a focus on young people.
The latest version of the SnehAI chatbot,
launched in 2022, integrates content on online
child sexual exploitation and abuse developed
as part of the Global Partnership to End Violence
Against Children (EVAC) Fund. Since its launch,
SnehAI has reached 160,000 users on Messenger
and WhatsApp. Through on-ground outreach in
2023, the programme has expanded to 10 Indian
states, reaching over 15,500 adolescents with
information on safe online behaviours.
UNESCO features Population Foundation of India’s assessment
report on Comprehensive Sexuality Education in India
Population Foundation of India’s in-depth
assessment report, titled “Comprehensive
Sexuality Education in India: A Review of
Government and Civil Society-Led Curricula
and Strategies”, was recognised and included
in UNESCO’s resources on CSE.
Through our digital learning platform,
Educately, 400 Bharat Scouts and Guides (BSGs)
in Uttar Pradesh (reaching a total of 308,224
Scouts and Guides), members of 50 youth clubs
in Jharkhand, and 40 Child Care Institutions
(CCIs) in Manipur were trained on adolescent
reproductive and sexual health.
Online and on-ground reach of SnehAI

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The 16th JRD Tata Memorial Oration delivered by
Mr. N. Chandrasekaran, Chairman of Tata Sons
A National Consultation on Population and Development
with 36 leading civil society organisations
In December 2023, the Population Foundation
of India hosted the 16th J.R.D. Tata Oration,
featuring a captivating address on “Harnessing the
Power of India’s Youth” by Tata Sons’ Chairman
Mr. N. Chandrasekaran. The event also featured
the seventh J.R.D. Tata Memorial Awards,
honouring five states, 13 districts, and one union
territory for exemplary performance in gender,
population, and reproductive health and family
planning indicators.
Population Foundation of India produced
several videos, employing social and behaviour
change communication (SBCC) frameworks to craft
messages and narratives for our Comprehensive
Sexuality Education (CSE) campaign, targeting
adolescents and their parents in Uttar Pradesh and
Jharkhand. Our videos garnered 23 million views
and our outreach extended to approximately 30
million individuals. Notably, one of our reels went
viral, amassing 8.9 million organic views, 844,000
shares, and 373,000 likes.
In October 2023, Population Foundation of
India, in collaboration with UNFPA India, organised
a National Civil Society Organisations (CSOs)
Consultation on Population and Development.
With representation from 36 national-level CSOs,
the Consultation aimed to generate insights,
perspectives, and recommendations on the
priority action areas outlined in the 2013 Asian and
Pacific Ministerial Declaration on Population and

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Adolescent girls at a workshop in Rajasthan

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10 ANNUAL REPORT 2023-24
Community action has been one of the key
pillars of Population Foundation of India’s work,
and last year saw the conclusion of a successful
18-year run of one of our key programmes called
Community Action for Health.
In 2005, the Government of India’s Ministry of
Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) created
the Advisory Group on Community Action
(AGCA) to provide technical support to state
governments for implementing the Community
Action for Health (CAH) component under the
National Health Mission (NHM), and Population
Foundation of India was appointed as the
Secretariat for AGCA. The AGCA, comprising
health experts, guided the initial pilot across
nine states and 36 districts from 2007 to 2009,
covering 1,620 villages. An external evaluation
revealed that the pilot built trust between
communities and health systems, improved
health service coverage, supported frontline
workers, and significantly reduced out-of-pocket
expenses for patients.
State level training of trainers on Jan Aarogya Samiti in Bihar
Orientation of Village Health Sanitation and
Nutrition Committee members in Tamil Nadu
Jan Samwaad (public dialogue) at Najardih Health and Wellness
Center, District Nawada, Bihar

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A meeting of the Village Health Sanitation and Nutrition Committee in Chhatarpur, Madhya Pradesh
Following these positive outcomes, CAH
was expanded over the next two decades to
230,000 villages, 145 cities, and 450 districts
across 25 states – making it the world’s largest
community-action programme. This expansion
included training over 50,000 facilitators and
organising more than 3,000 Jan Samwaad (public
dialogues) to boost community engagement.
These efforts enhanced healthcare facilities, staff
responsiveness, and resource allocation tailored
to local needs.
The AGCA Secretariat played a crucial role
in developing national guidelines, providing
feedback on ground-level issues, and contributing
to policy reviews through participation in the
Common Review Mission (CRM). It also conducted
fact-finding missions following health crises
in Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh, which
influenced policy adjustments.
In 2023, the AGCA transitioned to a technical
support role within the National Health Systems
Resource Center (NHSRC), continuing to foster
community action under the NHM. Population
Foundation of India maintains its commitment
through a Memorandum of Understanding
with Bihar and Uttar Pradesh to support family
planning, adolescent health, and social behaviour
change communication.
Since 2016, Population Foundation of India
has also been aiding the governance and
management of public health facilities in Uttar
Pradesh. In 2024 alone, around 3,200 members
from 44 districts were trained on governance
aspects, enhancing the capability of local health
management teams and ensuring effective
health facility governance through structures like
Rogi Kalyan Samiti and Jan Arogya Samiti.
Through these sustained efforts, CAH has
strengthened grassroots democracy and
paved the way for universal health coverage,
encapsulating the principle of “Bringing public
into public health” and achieving significant
improvements in service delivery, infrastructure,
and equitable resource distribution across India.
230,000 145

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12 ANNUAL REPORT 2023-24
In 2023, India became the world’s most
populous country. With the largest young
population, engaging in informed discourse on
population, fertility, and family planning
is crucial. Global evidence suggests family
planning intersects with all seventeen
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),
highlighting its role in women’s empowerment,
socio-economic development, and gender
equity. Population Foundation of India, through
strategic engagement, aims to build a common
understanding of sexual and reproductive health
and family planning needs in India’s large young
population, considering changing population
dynamics and women’s empowerment, among
key stakeholders in government, civil society,
corporates, and media.
Evidence Generation
Population Foundation of India created
the Strategic Engagement Handbook – A
Guide to Effectively Engage Key Stakeholders
to Prioritise Family Planning (available in
English and Hindi). Sharing four decades of
experiences and learnings, the Handbook
offers a step-by-step guide for strategic
engagement on family planning, applicable to
other areas as well.
As India became the world’s most populous
country, Population Foundation of India
developed knowledge products, factoids, and
briefs drawing on lessons from the Indian
experience relevant to other countries with
high population growth. These documents
address the gender-based digital divide,
the financial inclusion of women, the
ageing population, and climate change.
These knowledge products highlighted
the importance of including population
issues in the G20 agenda and were shared
with relevant stakeholders, including the
Government of India’s Ministry of Health
and Family Welfare (MoHFW), international
donors, and the G20 Secretariat.
Population Foundation of India’s Strategic Engagement Handbook (English and Hindi versions)

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To effectively engage Parliamentarians and
stakeholders on critical population issues,
Population Foundation of India, in partnership
with the United Nations Population Fund
(UNFPA) India, developed three strategic
engagement knowledge products: India’s
Population Growth and Policy Implications;
The Sexual & Reproductive Health Status of
Young People in India; and Men’s Participation
for Better Family Planning & Reproductive
Health Outcomes. These evidence-based
briefs have been crucial in sensitising
elected representatives, media, civil society
organisations, and other key stakeholders
on family planning, sexual and reproductive
health, and gender equality, shaping positive
policy narratives.
Engaging Policymakers
Release of knowledge products at the National Consultation
titled “Unpacking India’s Demographic Advantage” in New Delhi
In August 2023, Population Foundation of
India and UNFPA India organised a National
Consultation with Members of Parliament
(MPs) titled “Unpacking India’s Demographic
Advantage”. Esteemed Parliamentarians and
experts from across party lines, including
Mr. Bhubaneswar Kalita, Dr. Sanjay Jaiswal,
Mr. P. D. Rai, Dr. Amee Yajnik, and Mr. John
Brittas, discussed crucial aspects of India’s
changing demographic landscape, focusing on
key areas such as health, education, skilling,
employment and empowerment, and the
need for effective policy making focusing on
adolescents and young people.
Policy brief on Men’s Participation in Family Planning and
Reproductive Health
Partnering with Civil Society
and Global Networks
Population Foundation of India, in partnership
with UNFPA India, organised a National Civil
Society Organisations (CSOs) Consultation
on Population and Development in October
2023 in New Delhi. With representation from
36 national-level CSOs, the consultation
aimed to generate insights, perspectives,
and recommendations on the priority action
areas outlined in the 2013 Asian and Pacific
Ministerial Declaration on Population and
Population Foundation of India represented
CSO voices at the Seventh Asian and Pacific
Population Conference held in Bangkok,
Thailand, in November 2023.

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14 ANNUAL REPORT 2023-24
At the round table on “Health, Including
Sexual and Reproductive Health and
Reproductive Rights”, Ms. Poonam Muttreja,
Executive Director of Population Foundation
of India, presented recommendations from
the National CSO Consultation, highlighting
the importance of investing in women’s
On International Youth Day 2023, Population
Foundation of India, in partnership with
Family Planning 2030 (FP2030), organised a
webinar titled “Emerging Global Population
Dynamics: Investing in 1.2 Billion Young
People”. Chaired by Ms. Poonam Muttreja, the
panel included Dr. Pawan Kumar, Additional
Commissioner (Maternal Health and Family
Planning), MoHFW; Dr. Samukeliso Dube,
Executive Director, FP2030; and Ms. Sylvia
Wong, UNFPA’s Asia Pacific Regional Technical
Advisor, Adolescents and Youth.
Webinar on “Emerging Global Population Dynamics: Investing in
1.2 Billion Young People”
On World Environment Day 2023, Population
Foundation of India and Action Research
and Training for Health (ARTH) organised a
webinar on “Sustainable Menstrual Hygiene
Options”. We were joined by 100 participants
from various sectors. The event served as a
platform for insightful discussions led by key
speakers, including Dr. Soumya Swaminathan,
Chairperson of the M.S. Swaminathan
Research Foundation and our Governing
Board Member, Ms. Suktishita Bhattacharya,
Special Secretary of the Panchayats and Rural
Department, Government of West Bengal.
The Centre for Contraception Research (CCR),
a unit of Action Research & Training for
Health (ARTH), collaborated with Population
Foundation of India to host an online
consultation on “Repositioning Emergency
Contraception in India” in December,
2023. The consultation was attended by
96 participants including public health
professionals involved in family planning,
clinical practitioners and academicians from
medical colleges and representatives of
international agencies, non-governmental
organisations and the pharmaceutical sector.
Representation on Global Platforms
Ms. Poonam Muttreja, Executive Director,
Population Foundation of India, was invited
to serve on a Study Committee of social
scientists of the National Academies of
Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM),
USA, for a comprehensive study on “Women’s
Empowerment, Population Dynamics, and
Socioeconomic Development.” She brought a
strong civil society and community perspective
on population issues to the Committee.
Population Foundation of India’s knowledge
management team also actively contributed to
the report, including drafting policy
recommendations, brainstorming innovative
approaches, and prioritising family planning/
sexual and reproductive health (FP/SRH)
for young people in the study. The final
study report is scheduled for completion in
September 2024.
Ms. Poonam Muttreja represented Population
Foundation of India at the first meeting of
the FP2030 convening series on “Accelerating
Access to Postpartum and Post-abortion
Family Planning” for select Anglophone
countries in Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia, held
from October-November 2023, in Kathmandu,

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Dr. Sanghamitra Singh, Chief of Programmes,
Population Foundation of India, represented
the organisation at a two-day policy
consultation on “Upholding Bodily Autonomy,
Rights and Choices: Measuring Women’s
Contraceptive Decision-Making” organised by
the European Parliamentary Forum (EPF) for
Sexual and Reproductive Rights and UNFPA in
Lisbon, Portugal, in June 2023.
Prioritising Family Planning,
Sexual and Reproductive
Health in the Corporate Agenda
In recent years, Population Foundation
of India has integrated family planning
and sexual and reproductive health into
the corporate and philanthropic agenda,
promoting greater awareness and
understanding. Since 2022, it has leveraged
the Asian Venture Philanthropy Network
(AVPN) platform to engage philanthropies
and social sector organisations in India. At the
AVPN Global Conference in June 2023 in Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia, Ms. Poonam Muttreja,
Executive Director, Population Foundation
of India, highlighted the interlinkages
between health, specifically Family Planning/
Sexual and Reproductive Health (FP/SRH),
gender, climate action, and equity at a panel
discussion titled “Championing Change:
Learnings from G20 and Looking Ahead”.
Population Foundation of India at the Asian Venture Philanthropy
Network (AVPN) Conference, Kuala Lumpur
Population Foundation of India has provided
responsive support to corporates through
capacity-building programmes and training for
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) teams on
FP/SRH, menstrual hygiene management, and
gender. In response to a request by Yamaha
CSR, Population Foundation of India facilitated
a training session on SRH, focusing on
menstrual health, hygiene, and management
(MHHM) for girls and women aged 10 to
55 years. The training was attended by
100 women and girls from the community.
Yamaha CSR sought inputs on creating
more sustainable options for menstruators,
including disposal of sanitary health products.
They plan to conduct these sessions regularly
and include topics on gender identity and
expression in future trainings.
Media Engagement
Population Foundation of India has emerged
as a leading voice in shaping the global
discourse on population dynamics, particularly
after India became the world’s most populous
nation in April 2023. Understanding media
needs, Population Foundation of India
ensured timely and evidence-based responses
with statements and communication,
fostering healthy media relationships and
ensuring wide dissemination of information.
Its media engagements involve publishing,
substantial efforts to educate the media,
simplify relevant data and evidence, and
provide necessary information for accurate
reportage. Population Foundation of India
had over 250 media engagements during
the reporting period, including 24 articles,
156 quotes, 67 interviews, and eight panel
discussions. Population Foundation of India
featured in Indian media such as The Indian
Express, The Times of India, Hindustan Times,
and Deccan Herald, as well as international
media including The New York Times, Reuters,
Time, ABC, Al Jazeera, Le Monde, El Pais, BBC
World, CNN, and The Globe and Mail. These
engagements have significantly shaped
media and public discourse around India’s
population issues.

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16 ANNUAL REPORT 2023-24
SnehAI: A Companion to
Empower and Protect
SnehAI online safety workshop in Lucknow,
Uttar Pradesh
SnehAI is an AI-powered chatbot that provides
information on adolescent sexual and
reproductive health (SRH) and well-being and
online safety. Available on Facebook Messenger,
WhatsApp, and as a voice bot, SnehAI, was
introduced in April 2019 based on the learnings
of Population Foundation of India’s transmedia
social and behaviour change communication
(SBCC) programme, Main Kuch Bhi Kar Sakti
Hoon (MKBKSH; I, A Woman, Can Achieve
Anything). In its latest version, SnehAI
incorporates content related to Online Children
Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (OCSEA) –
developed as part of the Global Partnership to
End Violence Against Children (EVAC) Fund.
SnehAI’s integrated content includes quizzes,
stories, and videos, which raise awareness and
promote knowledge about online safety.
During 2023-24, online posts around
SnehAI reached an impressive 81 million
people, raising awareness about safe online
behaviours and adolescent SRH and
well-being. Nearly 160,000 users across
WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger
exchanged over 5 million messages with the
chatbot, with 42% being returning users.
Complementing the online campaign,
Population Foundation of India conducted a
series of interactive on-ground promotions
and workshops in 10 states across India. In
partnership with educational institutions and
foundations such as Jindal Steel and Power
Limited Foundation (Jharkhand), Block
Resource Center-Samagra Shiksh (Gujarat), and
Assam Rifles Public School (Manipur), these
workshops engaged with over 15,500
adolescents and stakeholders, fostering
discussions on online safety and child
A voice bot was developed on a pilot basis
to reach new users, arising from Population
Foundation’s interactions with on-ground
participants who identified the need for a
voice-based communication channel. The
voice bot is available on
An independent endline evaluation in the last
quarter of 2023 revealed that 41% of SnehAI
users were twice as likely as non-users (21%)
to view the internet and social media as high-
risk to safety and privacy.
Proportion of users likely to view the
internet and social media as high-risk to
safety and privacy
SnehAI users

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Adolescents in the intervention group
demonstrated better awareness of both the
laws and rules aimed at preventing OCSEA in
India (74% vs. 62% in the comparison group)
and the platforms and helplines for reporting
OCSEA (62% vs. 43% in the comparison group).
Additionally, 87% of users reported that the
information gained from SnehAI is readily
applicable to real-life situations. The chatbot
successfully retained user attention for an
average of 2.3 minutes, which is considerable
given the prevalance of today’s short attention
Online workshop for participants of the
ARSH For You course on HCLF Academy
Educately, a digital learning platform developed
and launched by the Population Foundation of
India in August 2019, serves as a comprehensive
resource on adolescent health and well-being.
It offers a range of information, resources, and
programmes in Hindi and English, catering
to adolescents, parents, educators, and
policymakers. The platform enables users to
conveniently access training content through
internet-enabled devices and mobile apps.
In May 2023, Population Foundation of India, in
partnership with the United Nations Population
Fund (UNFPA) India, launched a new online
course, Integrated Sexual and Reproductive
Health (ISRH), on the Educately platform.
This self-directed course equips primary care
providers (doctors, nurse-midwives) and
managers with the latest evidence-based
knowledge on key ISRH topics. Learners can
complete modules at their own pace, covering
topics such as family planning, safe abortion,
reproductive rights, and maternal health. As of
March 2024, over 1,100 learners have enrolled
in the course on Educately.
Population Foundation of India partnered with
the HCL Foundation (HCLF) to expand the
reach of Adolescent Reproductive and Sexual
Health for You (ARSH for You) to more
professionals working with adolescents. The
ARSH for You curriculum was integrated into
HCLF’s Academy platform, with upgraded
content to include in-depth coverage of issues
such as abortion, sexuality, and pleasure. The
fourth batch of the course received over 400
applications, from which 260 participants
representing over 60 organisations across the
country were selected. The course,
which commenced in February 2024, had a
completion rate of 57%, successfully equipping
150 professionals with knowledge and skills in
adolescent health and well-being, impacting
approximately 10,000 adolescents.
The course made me think about how
activities can create a fun environment for learning
and gave an outline to create workshops around
the topics. As for my personal life, the course
reinforced the need to teach these topics. While
around me there are a lot of people who think
there is enough work being done on these topics
and, hence, we should slow down, but this course
helped bring new data to my awareness, which
reinforced the need for these topics.”
- Ms. Radha Sharan, Manager, Manzil Mystics
I believe now I am more aware,
empowered, and have the skills to handle
assignments and real-life situations related to
- Mr. Nirala Kumar, Manager, Nangia & Co, LLP

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18 ANNUAL REPORT 2023-24
Comprehensive Sexuality
Education (CSE)
“Scoping for Expansion of Comprehensive
Sexuality Education (CSE) in India”, an initiative of
the Population Foundation of India, was started
in November 2020 with the goal of empowering
adolescents by giving them access to CSE through
both in-school and out-of-school approaches.
The main objective of this project was to
generate political will, new thought leadership,
and groundswell among policymakers for the
integration of age-appropriate CSE in existing
government schemes at the state level. The
project was implemented in four states: Uttar
Pradesh, Jharkhand, Manipur, and Delhi.
Population Foundation of India conducted an
in-depth assessment, titled “Comprehensive
Sexuality Education in India: A Review of
Government and Civil Society-Led Curricula
and Strategies”, which was included in
UNESCO’s resources on CSE.
Saathiya Corner training programme for teachers in
Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
In partnership with the Jharkhand State
Child Protection Society and the Social
Welfare Department of Manipur, Population
Foundation of India equipped staff at
Childcare Institutions (CCIs) to deliver SRH
information to adolescents residing in these
facilities. In Jharkhand, 40 staff members
were trained as Master Trainers in August
2023. Meanwhile, in Manipur, 40 CCI staff
were trained as Master Trainers in April 2023,
benefiting 520 staff and 1,000 adolescents.
The model has the potential to scale
nationally, impacting 2,251 CCIs and reaching
the most vulnerable adolescents.
Population Foundation of India collaborated
with Bharat Scouts and Guides (BSG) to
educate young people about SRH and overall
well-being, through its digital platform
Educately. BSG integrated adolescent health
education into their programmes across all 75
districts of Uttar Pradesh, with the potential to
reach over 308,224 Scouts and Guides and
400 officials.
Population Foundation of India supported the
Government of Uttar Pradesh in establishing
Saathiya Corners, safe spaces free from
judgement and threats, where adolescents
can seek information, counselling, and
support on their sexual and reproductive
health (SRH) and well-being. In 2022-23, with
support from Population Foundation of India,
the National Health Mission (NHM) of the
Government of Uttar Pradesh (UP) developed
operational and branding guidelines for
Saathiya Counselling Centres and established
36 Saathiya Corners in two inter-colleges from
each of the 18 divisional headquarters across
the state. Population Foundation directly
supported 10 inter-colleges, ensuring a total
reach to 20,775 students (11,504 boys and
9,271 girls) with information and counselling
on SRH.
Additionally, under the joint initiative of NHM-
UP, the Department of Health and Family
Welfare, and the Department of Secondary
Education, Population Foundation

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of India conducted a four-day residential
training of 72 teachers from the selected 36
inter-colleges. It is estimated that through
these selected inter-colleges, 77,903 students
(53,031 girls and 24,872 boys) will be able to
access SRH counselling within their college
Sehat Kendra is a youth-friendly safe space
dedicated to the health and wellbeing of
young people, being run in 50 colleges
of Bihar including the Indian Institute of
Technology (IIT) Patna since 2021. Population
Foundation of India has been providing
technical support to State Health Society Bihar
(SHSB) and Bihar State AIDS Control Society
(BSACS) to implement the initiative. Our
support includes development of operational
guidelines, branding, training and regular
mentoring of peer educators and nodal
officers to run the center. Over 60,000
students were reached through expert
sessions on sexual reproductive health,
nutrition, mental health and non-
communicable diseases, quiz competitions
and health checks ups. The Sehat Kendra
initiative was presented as an innovation in
the G20 event on ‘Health of Youth-Wealth of
Nation’ at New Delhi in June 2023.
Training on sexual and
reproductive health counselling
We had to go through many problems
during our adolescence due to a lack of access
to correct information, but now through
Saathiya Corners in colleges, we are hoping
to provide today’s youth with much-needed
information on sexual and reproductive health
and mental health, in a friendly and non-
judgmental manner.”
- Dr. Amit Singh, Joint Director, Family Welfare,
Directorate General, Uttar Pradesh
There is a need to provide adolescents
with correct and age-appropriate information
on sexual and reproductive health and in
fulfilling this need, the role of educational
institutions and trained teacher counsellors will
be important.”
- Ms. Shivani, Assistant Director, Madhymik Shiksha
Vibhag, Uttar Pradesh
We often think that adolescents are too
young to be adults yet too old to be kids and we
often end up confusing them. It’s important that
we, as adults, understand the various changes
that occur all at once during adolescence and be
equipped to support them as technology alone
cannot do enough. Technology only provides
information, but children need emotional
support, and they will get that only from us.”
- Mr. Ngangom Uttam, Director of Social Welfare,
Government of Manipur
Training of Youth Champions
in Partnership with Bharat
Scouts and Guides
Population Foundation of India partnered with
the Bharat Scouts and Guides (BSG), Uttar
Pradesh, a government-supported national-level
youth network spanning all 75 districts of the
state with a membership of over 3 lakh youth

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20 ANNUAL REPORT 2023-24
volunteers. In July 2023, in collaboration
with BSG, Population Foundation of India
trained a cadre of 53 Youth Champions
in the age group of 15 to 18 years using
the Youth Champion training module
that it had developed as a strategic
engagement and communication tool.
The training helped Youth Champions
understand the importance of sexual
and reproductive health information and
services in a person’s life, identify the
priority needs of adolescents and young
people in their communities, and equip
them with the necessary skills to be able
to communicate their needs and demands
to government and media stakeholders.
Subsequently, Population Foundation of
India facilitated an interface between the
Youth Champions, government teachers,
and officials from Rashtriya Kishor
Swasthya Karyakram (RKSK). The teachers
felt this training would equip them to be
more comfortable teaching sexual and
reproductive health to the students.
Whatever information we did not
have and have learnt during this training,
we will continue to use that information
to make better decisions in our own
lives. And we will also make others aware
about it so that they too can use it for
their benefit.”
- Adolescent female participant, Bharat
Scouts and Guides, Uttar Pradesh
It is true that while teaching about
reproductive organs and its functions in
the class, there is hesitation among both
teachers and students, but after taking
training as a teacher counsellor, I feel
this will change.”
- S.S. Mishra, Teacher, Jubilee Boys
Inter-college, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
#RaiseYourHand4CSE Campaign
Lack of awareness and open conversations and limited
access to Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) leave
adolescents vulnerable. The #RaiseYourHand4CSE (Raise
Your Hand for CSE) campaign was launched in July 2023
to normalise conversations about CSE, dismantle the
shame and stigma surrounding it, address myths and
misconceptions, increase acceptance among key
stakeholders and gatekeepers, and generate demand
for improved access to CSE, both in schools and out of
The online campaign garnered an impressive reach,
with 31 million views on social media and approximately
half a million likes. Campaign videos were shared a
million times.
Social Media Collaborations
Leveraging the influence of prominent content creators
such as Dr. Prateek Makwana, Dr. Yuvraj Jadeja,
Women’s Web, Women’s Social Corner, Dr. Anjali
Kumar, Dr. Varuna Srinivasan, The Happiness Project,
SheThePeopleNews, and The PCOS Club by Nidhi S,
Population Foundation of India initiated discussions
on various topics including contraceptive methods
for young couples, men’s contraceptive options,
LGBTQ+ contraceptive needs, and menstruation. These
collaborations enabled us to amplify our message to a
wider audience, leveraging the collective reach of over
#IshqWithoutRisk Campaign
Population Foundation of India launched the
#IshqWithoutRisk campaign on the occasion of World
Contraception Day 2023. With a reach of 9.8 million users,
this campaign aimed to foster open discussions on safe
relationships, empowering young people to make informed
choices about their sexual and reproductive health.
Campaign on Online Safety and Sexual and
Reproductive Health
Population Foundation of India’s digital campaign on
online safety and sexual and reproductive health, using
SnehAI, our AI-powered chatbot on Facebook Messenger
and WhatsApp, garnered significant traction, indirectly
reaching approximately 81 million users. SnehAI serves
as a valuable resource for young individuals seeking
information and support on sexual and reproductive
health and digital safety.

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services, ultimately leading to an improvement
in the health status of women, children, and
adolescents in the region.
Key Achievements
Distribution of family planning flipbooks to
ANMs for use as counselling tools
Community Mobilisation
for Family Planning and
Reproductive Health
Uttar Pradesh’s Bahraich district, classified
as an “Aspirational District” by NITI Aayog, is
among the state’s 75 districts with some of the
lowest reproductive, maternal, and child health
indicators. To address these critical health
challenges, Population Foundation of India, in
collaboration with Save A Mother (SAM) and
Mobius Foundation, launched a comprehensive
field intervention on family planning (FP) and
reproductive health (RH) named UMEED in
2022-23. This intervention focusses on the
Jarwal block of Bahraich district, encompassing
all 121 villages with a population of 2.78 million.
The overarching goal of the UMEED project is to
increase the acceptance and uptake of FP and RH
Health Camps and Flipbook Development
In October 2023, the Director General of
Family Welfare, Government of Uttar Pradesh,
inaugurated the first Swasthya Mela (Health
Check-up Camp) at the Community Health
Centre, Jarwal. He officially launched the
UMEED project and approved the organising
of 30 such health camps in the block in
collaboration with the Health Department.
A flipbook on family planning, developed by
Population Foundation of India, was released
to aid Accredited Social Health Activists
(ASHAs) and Auxiliary Nurses and Midwives
(ANMs) in client counselling.
From October 2023 to March 2024, six health
camps were held, providing health services to
3,378 women and adolescents.
Community Outreach and Training
Between April 2023 and March 2024, the
UMEED initiative conducted 1,776 community
meetings and 17,515 home visits, to mobilise
Training sessions aimed at building the
capacity of ASHAs and ANMs equipped them
with tools like the flipbook to enhance their
interactions with clients. ANM Premlata Singh
commented on the training’s impact, saying,
“I learned the appropriate time and interval
of pregnancy to explain to women in the field
using this Flipbook.”

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22 ANNUAL REPORT 2023-24
Volunteer Training
The project trained over 250 village-level
volunteers in leadership and negotiation skills to
address deeply ingrained social norms around
son-preference and to promote gender equality.
Based on this success, Mobius Foundation has
committed to supporting the project’s scale-up in
over 5,800 villages across six districts, namely
Bahraich, Balrampur, Barabanki, Gonda, Unnao,
and Sitapur. The Director General of Health and
Campaign Against Child Marriage: On 28
January 2024, the District Magistrate launched
the Age At Marriage Campaign to fight child
marriage, with significant involvement from
Family Welfare, Government of Uttar Pradesh,
has given approval and issued directives to
the Chief Medical Officers to support the
implementation of the UMEED project.
various departments, local media, and
community stakeholders. The campaign, Itni
Bhi Kya Jaldi Hai? (What’s the Hurry?) , aimed
Strengthening Community Engagement
Platforms in Bihar
to build public opinion in favour of delaying
Population Foundation of India supported the
marriage to provide girls with opportunities
Bihar government in the roll out of Jan Arogya
for education and vocational skills. The
Samiti (JAS)—an institutional platform to create
campaign featured activities such as pledges,
awareness and provide support to Health
media roundtables, and events like Ek Yudh
and Wellness Centres (HWCs)—across all 38
Bal Vivaah Ke Virudh (Fight against Child
districts. Over the year, state-level orientations
Marriage). Between January and February
were chaired by Secretary Health cum Executive
2024, over 5,000 people participated in the
Director, State Health Society Bihar (SHSB), and
campaign, including 2,800 adolescents, 260
review meetings were co-facilitated with SHSB,
ASHAs and ANMs, 250 community champions,
engaging NHM nodal officers from all districts.
and 150 government officials.
In Darbhanga and Nawada, 7 Jan Samwad
(Public Dialogues) contributed to positive
Outcomes from Jarwal
In March 2023, Population Foundation of India
started with a demonstration in 120 villages
of Jarwal block in Bahraich district. As per
the National Health Mission (NHM) Health
outcomes such as construction of sheds for
patients and attendants at HWCs, issuance of
Ayushman Bharat cards to mahadalit families,
and counselling corners for adolescents.
Management Information System (HMIS),
this was a success. The training and regular
mentoring of frontline health workers, along
with regular group meetings and home visits at
the community level, has led to a 74% increase
in the distribution of condoms, 76% increase in
the distribution of Chaaya (Centchroman), 79%
increase in emergency contraceptives pills
(ECPs) given, 26% increase in first dose of
Antara (Depot Medroxy Progesterone Acetate-
DMPA) administered, and a 32% increase in
Oral Contraceptive Pills (OCPs) distributed
between April 2023 and March 2024.
Mahila Arogya Samitis (MAS) are constituted
in urban slums for preventive and promotive
health care, and to facilitate access to health
services. Developed by Population Foundation
of India as part of its Health of the Urban Poor
programme, this model was scaled by the
government under the National Urban Health
Mission across the country. In Bihar, we co-
facilitated state-level orientations and review
meetings with SHSB for 22 cities. Our team
provided on-ground support in Darbhanga,
Nawada, and Patna districts, training over 600
district nodal officers, city managers and MAS
Key Family Planning Indicators Trend in Jarwal Block
(Source: HMIS data)
Pre-UMEED project (as on 31 March 2023)
During UMEED project implementation (as on 31 March 2024)
980 1,239
1,817 3,249
4,896 6,442
Injectable Contraceptive- Emergency Contraceptive Centchroman (weekly)
Antara Program-First Dose
Pills (ECP) given
pill strips distributed
Combined Oral Pill
cycles distributed
Condoms distributed

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Mr. J.R.D. Tata built a strong base for a social
movement to stabilise India’s population growth
and to secure a better life for its people. As
a tribute to its visionary leader, Population
Foundation of India instituted the J.R.D. Tata
Oration series in 1990, inviting eminent national
and international leaders to discuss vital issues
related to population, health, and development.
Speakers in the past have included Dr. Amartya
Sen, Dr. Soumya Swaminathan, Mr. Somnath
Chatterjee, Mr. I.K. Gujral, Dr. Manmohan
Singh, Mr. Chandra Shekhar, and the Late Dr.
Babatunde Osotimehin.
On December 18, 2023, Population Foundation
of India hosted the 16th J.R.D. Tata Oration in
Delhi, delivered by Mr. N. Chandrasekaran, the
Chairman of Tata Sons. His speech, “Harnessing
the Power of India’s Youth”, offered an insightful
perspective on the critical role of India’s young
population in shaping global transitions like
artificial intelligence, energy, and supply chains.
His address highlighted the opportunities and
challenges in leveraging India’s demographic
advantage for sustainable and inclusive
development. Mr. Chandrasekaran’s oration
Prof. K Srinath Reddy, Chairperson of Population Foundation of India’s Governing Board,
Mr. N. Chandrasekaran, Chairman of Tata Sons, Ms. Poonam Muttreja, Executive Director
of Population Foundation of India, and Mr. Dhan Singh Rawat, the Health Minister of
Uttarakhand at the 16th J.R.D. Tata Oration and 7th J.R.D. Tata Memorial Awards

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24 ANNUAL REPORT 2023-24
Mr. N. Chandrasekaran delivering the
16th J.R.D Tata Oration in New Delhi
was a powerful call to action, aligning with the
Population Foundation of India’s mission to
foster sustainable development and inclusive
In another tribute to its founder, the Governing
Board of Population Foundation of India
instituted a national award in his name in
1996. The J.R.D. Tata Memorial Awards are
conferred upon states and districts that have
demonstrated outstanding achievements in
population and reproductive health and family
planning programmes. The event honoured five
states, 13 districts, and one union territory for
their performance on gender, population, and
reproductive health indicators.
List of Awardee States,
Union Territories, and Districts for
the 7th J.R.D. Tata Memorial Awards
5 States, 1 Union Territory
and 13 Districts were awarded
High Focus Large States Uttarakhand & Rajasthan
Non-High Focus
Large States
High Focus North
East States
Mizoram & Arunachal Pradesh
Union Territories (UT)
Dadra & Nagar Haveli
and Daman & Diu
Districts (High Focus Large States)
High Wealth Level
Barmer (Rajasthan)
Moderate Wealth Level Basti (Uttar Pradesh)
& Auraiya (Uttar Pradesh)
Low Wealth Level
Anuppur (Madhya Pradesh)
& Surguja (Chhattisgarh)
Districts (Non-High Focus Large States)
High Wealth Level
Thoothukkudi (Tamil Nadu)
& South East Delhi (NCT Delhi)
Moderate Wealth Level Theni (Tamil Nadu)
Low Wealth Level
Dadra & Nagar Haveli
Districts (High Focus North East States)
High Wealth Level
Lower Dibang Valley
(Arunachal Pradesh)
Moderate Wealth Level Kra Daadi (Arunachal Pradesh)
& East Kameng
(Arunachal Pradesh)
Low Wealth Level
Kurung Kumey
(Arunachal Pradesh)

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Workshop with adolescents on safe
online behaviours in Lucknow, Uttar
Aarti Kumari
Aarti was born in a family of farmers in
Darbhanga, Bihar. In 2019, at just 17 years of
age, she established a sanitary pad bank for
the adolescents in her district. Aarti’s journey
of becoming a Youth Champion started in 2018
when she was introduced to the Kishori Samooh,
a collective of 20 girls facilitated by Population
Foundation of India. Together, they conducted
a survey within their community reaching out
to approximately 6,000 adolescents, which
helped her understand the difficulties that
youth, especially young women, faced with
regard to sexual and reproductive health (SRH)
services. There was a lack of information and
health services for youth, an inadequate supply
of proper medicines, and no counselling in
schools. Armed with critical data, Aarti, along with
other members of her group, took the initiative
to address the identified issues with the local
authorities. The matter eventually reached the
Health Minister of Bihar, Shri Mangal Pandey.
Thereafter, adolescent-friendly health clinics
were established in her area and a supply of
proper medicines was regularised in the district.
Currently, Aarti is leading an adolescent group
called Aacharan Kishori Samooh. She aspires to
become a nurse and help underprivileged
sections of society.

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26 ANNUAL REPORT 2023-24
Twenty-one-year-old Kahkisha leads an
adolescent group, Kishori Samooh, consisting
of 17 girls with support from Population
Foundation of India.
In 2017, Kahkisha attended a session for
adolescents which was organised by Population
Foundation of India. This session focused on
SRH issues of young people especially girls,
revealing a significant ignorance about the
same within the community. This realisation
motivated her to form an adolescent group in
her neighbourhood with the aim of creating
awareness and empowering young girls. Girls
in her community were often forced into early
marriages. Recognising the need for change, she
became a Youth Champion and received training
on Adolescent Reproductive Sexual Health
components to engage with adolescents, bridge
the knowledge gap, and provide them a platform
to voice their opinions.
However, Kahkisha’s journey was far from easy.
She faced extensive resistance and backlash
from her community. Many community members
confronted her family, warning them that her
engagement with the girls would adversely
influence their behaviour. The outbreak of the
COVID-19 pandemic proved to be a turning
point. Amidst the crisis, she played a crucial role
in ensuring easy access to sanitary pads during
lockdowns through her sanitary pad bank and
also raised awareness about COVID vaccination.
One of Kahkisha’s notable accomplishments has
been the establishment of a Block-level library to
support aspiring candidates in their preparation
for competitive Civil Services exams such as
Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) and
Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC). This
initiative was supported by the District Magistrate
and the Block Development Officer, who also
provided the required books. Today, Kahkisha is
widely regarded as an inspiration and role model
by many girls and their families in her community.
Aliya Kumari
Aliya belongs to the Ravidas community, a
marginalised community in Nawada, Bihar.
Aliya is the first in her generation to pursue
college. Her father runs a small shop and wishes
for her to secure a job. In 2021, Aliya became a
Youth Champion with support from Population
Foundation of India. She played a significant
role in establishing a Kishori Samooh for
adolescent girls in her village.
There was a high prevalence of child marriage
and school dropout rates among girls at the
secondary level in the area. For several months,
Aliya worked with the local communities to raise
awareness about the importance of providing a
platform for young girls.
Although Aliya initially faced significant
community backlash, her consistent efforts
helped bring girls into the Kishori Samoohs,
allowing those who had previously faced
restricted mobility to participate in empowering
discussions. Coming from a marginalised
community, Aliya is a perfect role model
for girls, demonstrating how community
engagement and leadership can positively
impact an entire community and bring about
lasting change.

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Source of Funds
Corpus Fund
Society Fund
Deferred Grant
Restricted Project Funds
Current Liabilities
2023-24 2022-23
Rs. (in lakh) Rs. (in lakh)
Application of Funds
Rs. (in lakh) Rs. (in lakh)
Fixed Assets
Cash and Bank Balances
Loans and Advances
2023-24 2022-23
Rs. (in lakh) Rs. (in lakh)
Grant Income
Donation Income
Rental Income
Interest and Other Income
Rs. (in lakh) Rs. (in lakh)
Health and Family Planning
Behaviour Change
Communication Expense
Community Action for
Health Expense
Other Project Expense
Management &
Administrative Expense
Excess of Income over

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28 ANNUAL REPORT 2023-24
At Population Foundation of India, we maintain
a comprehensive Human Resources Policy
Manual that outlines well-structured policies
and processes. This Manual includes guidelines
and policies applicable to all personnel engaged
with Population Foundation of India. The aim
of these policies and guidelines is to ensure
fairness, transparency, and consistency in
our relationships with employees and other
stakeholders. The Manual covers a range of key
topics, including the Code of Conduct, Conditions
of Employment, Performance Evaluation,
Employee Benefits, and Rules and Regulations.
These terms, conditions, and policies are
derived from broader employment legislation
in the country, as well as from best practices
followed by organisations in similar fields. In
addition to this core HR Manual, Population
Foundation of India has established specific
policies related to the Prevention of Sexual
Harassment (PoSH), Child Protection, Protection
from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA), and
Whistleblower Protection, all of which form part
of our Compliance Management framework.
Anti-Sexual Harassment Policy
At the workplace, Population Foundation of
India prohibits discrimination, inappropriate
conduct, or harassment, based on a
person’s gender, religion, caste, ethnicity,
sexual orientation, disability, age, colour,
national origin, veteran status, marital
status, race, ancestry, linguistic, or any other
legally protected characteristic. Population
Foundation of India holds that all persons
have the right to work in an atmosphere free
of discrimination and harassment. Population
Foundation of India recognises that equality
in employment can be seriously impaired
when women are subjected to gender-
specific violence, like sexual harassment
at the workplace. The Foundation has,
thus, adopted its Policy Against Sexual
Harassment at the Workplace (referred to as
Population Foundation of India PASHW), for
the prevention, prohibition, and redressal
of sexual harassment, in compliance with
the mandate of the Government of India’s
Sexual Harassment at Workplace (Prevention,
Prohibition, and Redressal) Act 2013 and The
Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace
(Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal)
Rules 2013. Under this policy, an Internal
Complaints Committee (ICC) has been
constituted under Rule IV and a detailed
grievance procedure has been established.
In the year 2023-2024, no cases of sexual
harassment were filed in the organisation.

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Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India
Department of Education, Government of Bihar
State Health Society, Government of Bihar
Department of Education, Government of Rajasthan
Directorate of Women Empowerment, Government of Rajasthan
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Children’s Investment Fund Foundation
The David and Lucile Packard Foundation
Facebook India Online Services Pvt Ltd
John Hopkins University
HCL Foundation
Tata Communications
Mobius Foundation
Collective Good Foundation
United Nation Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
BFL Investments and Financial Consultants Pvt Ltd
Apollo Trading and Finance Pvt Ltd

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Head Office
B-28, Qutab Institutional Area,
New Delhi – 110016
T: +91 11 43894 100
Regional offices
Uttar Pradesh