To address this serious issue, Population Foundation of India,
Manipur state unit organized a state level exposition with the
theme “Empowerment through Participation”. The broader
goal of the exposition was to address the economic needs of the
PLHIV in the state. Resource persons were from NABARD,
Social Welfare, AMEA (All Manipur Entrepreneurs Association),
and a proprietor of a small scale industry – Romi Bag Industries.
Sessions focused on information about government schemes,
capacity building and livelihood options for PLHIV. These
expositions provided a platform for SHG members to exhibit
their products and also an opportunity for them to learn about
ways to improve the quality of their products in order to market
them. The Self Help Group members also developed links with
the government officials and private entrepreneurs through the
resource persons who came as panelists for the exposition. . One
of the major outcomes is that a Self Help Group from Thoubal
is in the process of long term collaboration with Romi Bag for
their bags made out of water reeds.
People Living with HIV have the right to live a normal healthy
life like any other person. For this PLHIV needs information
about access to treatment and as well ways to sustain themselves.
Empowerment of PLHIV is crucial to overcome stigma and
discrimination and other problems faced by PLHIV. The theme
of the two days state level exposition organized by Population
Foundation of India, Nagaland state unit was “Empowering
People, Strengthening Networks”. The exposition was organized
in Dimapur Town Hall in collaboration with the Nagaland State
AIDS Control Society (NSACS) and Network of Naga People
Living with HIV/AIDS (NNP+) on 25th and 26th August 2009.
More than one hundred and twenty PLHIV participated in this
exposition. The participants were widows and widowers from
various service delivery points of Nagaland. Dr Neiphi Kire, Project
Director, Nagaland State AIDS Control Society was the Chief
This exposition provided them an opportunity to get information
on issues related to HIV/AIDS and livelihood. Various District
Level Networks, Treatment Support Centre, Positive Living Centre
and Community Care Centres established under the ‘Access to
Care and Treatment’ program shared their best practices and lesson
It motivated PLHIV and recognized the hard work of members
and staffs of various service delivery points under the ACT
program. To encourage them, various competitions were
organized such as games, slogans, posters, music, rangoli,
nutrition role plays and quiz. The participants actively participated
in the competitions and were appreciated by prizes and certificates
Resource persons from NABARD and State Bank of India
explained and informed participants about various schemes
available. Mr Paul, Deputy Manger, SBI facilitated a session on
how PLHIV can access banking, insurance and loan facilities from
banks. He mentioned that small scale industries and agriculturists
can avail loans through Village Development Board. He also
shared loan system for Self Help groups. He also mentioned that
in order to get Corpus Fund, SHGs need to have regular savings
accounts. Ms Guite, Assistant Genral Manager, NABARD,
Dimapur, gave a clear picture on various government schemes
available like Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana, Prime
Minister’s Employment Guarantee Progarm, National Rural
Employment Guarantee Scheme and schemes of Khandi and
Village Industry Commission and Institute of Rural
Development Planning. For Self help Groups, she explained
training options and livelihood options for fishery, piggery,
bamboo, ginger, forestry, oil, milk, bio mass, pineapple, tea among
others. NABARD and SBI have shown their interest to support
the training on SHGs and IGPs of PLHIV networks.
Indian Network for People Living with
Ph: 044- 22254670-74
Freedom Foundation
Ph: 080- 65966445
With Contributions from:
Confederation of Indian Industry
Ph: 0124- 4014060-69
EngenderHealth Society
New Delhi
Ph: 011- 26851948/49/50
Hinduathan Latex Family Planning
Promotion Trust
Ph: 0120- 4673673
Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India
New Delhi
011- 23344474
Population Foundation of India - Regional and State Offices
Population Foundation of India
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Tara Crescent, New Delhi- 110016
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Ph: 044- 24329074
E- mail:
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Ph: 080-41285706
PFI- Manipur
Ph: 0385-2445072
PFI- Maharashtra
Ph: 022- 65029710
PFI- Nagaland
Ph: 03862- 234009
PFI- Rajasthan
Ph: 0141- 2210680
PFI- Madhya Pradesh
Ph: 0755- 2550647
PFI- Uttar Pradesh
Ph: 0522- 2353838
E- mail: pfiuttarpradesh@