JRD Tata Quotation

JRD Tata Quotation

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Mr. JRD Tata’s Quotation
"Another striking feature of this awesome growth in the present
century is that virtually the whole of it has taken plate
in the under-developed areas of the world."
“Fertilise the land, sterlise the man', would be a good motto for
many developing countries for decades to come!"
“The consequences, as a government report print points, are increasing
floods, soil erosion, heavy siltation of dams built at enormous
expenses at change in micro-climate".
"Contrary to the belief of many people in our country that our
population problem is an age-old one, it actually -
is of a very recent origin
"There can be no doubt that a reduction in the number of years of
married life in a woman's reproductive cycle, would be
dramatically reflected in the number of
children she is likely to bear."
"Kerala, with the highest female literacy rate in the country, also
enjoys the lowest birth-rate, while Rajasthan's appallingly
low female literacy is more than fully reflected in
the highest birth-rate in the country."
"A major cause of our failure to achieve fuller and quicker results in
our family planning and health programmes has lain
in a failure of communications."
"we are now convinced that in our country mere general
development would not bring about any
significant reduction in fertility."
Achievement of demographic objectives is entirely dependent on a
whole set of societal responses and policy initiatives
which go well beyond contraception.
"on the positive side, we have at least a better idea of factors
contributing to high fertility as well as of reasons of
quite a few low-parity couples still remaining
outside the family planning programmes."
"Unless mothers are sure about the survival of their new-borns,
the temptation to have more children will remain strong,
particularly, after the loss of the first child."
"There is a realisation in Asia and also in India that the 90s will
prove to be the most critical period for the human race which
must build on their experience, adopt innovative approaches
and hasten the pace of community mobilisation for
essential population and development tasks."

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- "Any talk of sustainable development the modern-day slogan at
seminars and symposia, is meaningless if no note is taken of
the over-multiplying numbers and their abject poverty."
"1 am unable to understand how leaders of our country, who have
been articulating strong views on social and economic
restricting can remain oblivious of the serious
consequences of soaring population and permit
time to defeat all honest endeavour.
How will history judge us?"
"Fortunately, our self-confidence and a continuing sense of hope have
remained intact and we have, in the words of Martin Luther King,
adopted the slogan." 'We shall overcome.'"
"The world is rightly worried about the prospectus of 1.8 billion
Indian people in the next century. But are we?"
When the dykes are threatened, the response to the swelling tide
has to be instant and sizeable enough, to contain the threat."
"For the first time we are reiterating the fact that population is one
of the four major problems of India, though I rate
it as absolutely the number one."
"When I grew in France, I used to see large families. In less than six
or seven decades one seldom comes across large families. I have
wondered why similar change is so slow in our country."
"We also need to accord a similar status to education. But shall we?"
"See, what we have done to our rain forests, verdant hills, lifesustaining
valleys, great rivers, even the seas."
"1 also wish that the Brazil Earth Summit shall specifically highlight
the fact the environmental balance i!as to be restored by wise
technology choices and containing world population."
"The last half-century, during which I have been pursuing these goals
have given me a strong belief that in spite of the vagaries
of political uncertainties, it is possible to win."
(Compiled by: Juyal Rakesh, KMC, source: lecture series-3)

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From PFI AR 14-15
“I have always believed that no real social change can occur in any
society unless women are educated, self-reliant and respected. Woman is
the critical fulcrum of family and community prosperity.”
(UN Population Award Speech, 1992)
“So far, the general target of family planning communication
has been married couples and, sometimes, their parents! But what about
the youth? There is urgent need to undertake a systematic education of
the adolescent to prepare them for the tasks of tomorrow.”