ARC Brochure

ARC Brochure

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Advocating Reproductive Choices

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While India has made significant progress in reproductive
health services in recent years, the current scenario calls
for urgent attention focussed on contraception and family
planning to ensure sustainable development and
equitable growth.
The proportion of women /
couples who either want to delay
the next birth or do not want any
more children but are not using
contraceptives for various
The average numberof
children per woman in
her childbearing age
ERT rv
The average number of children
that a woman wants to have in
her family
The number of registered
maternal deaths for every
100,000 live births, due to
birth or pregnancy related
Solutions to issues like unintended pregnancies, unsafe abortions and unmet need for contraception require
collective actions at different levels to ensure that we have a population that is aware on sexual and reproductive
rights and family planning, balanced and gender sensitive social norms, rights-based policies and an efficient
delivery of family planning programmes.
ARC, a network of organisations and individuals working in sexual and reproductive health rights is committed to
working with the government and other institutions, at the national and state levels, to strengthen family planning
policies in India.
Objectives of ARC
+ Advocate for the universal right to contraception as a national priority in family planning
+ Advance rights-based, progressive policies and strategies on family planning
+ Provide thought leadership through the generation of knowledge and evidence
* * * Notional Family Health Survey IV (2015·16) I
Somple ReI}isrratian Survey (2014·16)