Initiatives for Scaling UP Pilot Projects - An Update
Copious pilot projects on
reproductive and child health
and adolescent health exist in India,
many of them extremely successful
in their own little catchments, all of
them hoping that their success story
would be replicated at scale to be able
to make a difference in critical health
indicators at state or national levels.
The successful pilots usually manage
to get the attention of various
stakeholders. and everyone still
'hopes' that they will get scaled up.
The catchword here being 'hope' -
there has been a lot of expectation
for that magical scale up to happen,
unfortunately, systematic planning
for actual scaling up has been lacking.
The intermediary steps required to
ensure that scale up does happen,
are often missing and hence there is
a recognized need for an
intermediary to bridge the gap.
In recognition of a need for a
systematic approach and an
intermediary to scale up pilot
initiatives, Mac Arthur Foundation
has been supporting Population
Foundation of India (PH) since 2006
on "Scaling up Pilot Projects on
Reproductive Health in India"
with the objective of building
capacities within PH to work as an
intermediary between the originating
and adopting organization and be
able to facilitate scaling up of models
in the areas of maternal and infant
mortality reduction along with
adolescent health. Management
Systems International (MSI),provides
technical support to PFI on the
process. A Scaling up Management
Framework, developed by MSI,
which includes a set of tools and
techniques to facilitate scaling up, has
been adopted to facilitate scaling up
of projects in India.
In addition to identifying and
facilitating scaling up of successful
models on reproductive health in
India PH is also mainstreaming the
scaling up components in its grant
making and project management
process. A pool of trainers is being
nurtured and developed for the
purpose through series of training
programs as well as hands on
mentoring by Dr. Richard Kohl, MSI.
The team is going through a series of
scaling up practice exercises, applying
scalability assessment tools and
looking at aspects that would
strengthen the scalabilitycomponents
of PH funded projects. In addition to
this, a documentation workshop is
also planned during April - June
2008 to help the team articulate their
experiences and develop themselves
as a strong resource for scaling up in
Some new initiatives on scaling up
are described below:
Model on Public-Private Partner-
ship: A promising model to improve
the access to health care in many
backward districts in India is the
Karuna Trust Model on Public-Private
Partnership. Karuna Trust, a
Karnataka based NGO has been an
implementing partner of PFI.
In agreement with state government,
they undertak~ government PHCs
on contract and, upgrade their
infrastructure as well as their
accessibility and availability within
their catchments. In addition to the
expected role of a primary health
centre, they also introduce various
other value based services that
include community health insurance
model, empowering the community
through self help group ( SHG )
formation, expert opinion through
telemedicine, developing herbal
gardens at each PHC's, and
formation of farmer's club. While the
state government offers only 75% of
its budget allocated to run a PHC,
Karuna Trust has been able to bring
in significant changes in terms of
demand creation and supply at the
community level. PH has partnered
with Karuna Trust to add on value
based activities including training of
manpower. The scalabilityassessment
tool was applied to this model and it
scored very high. An external
assessment is currently being carried
out to support evidence based
advocacy for scaling up this model.
Community Health Care
Management Initiative (CHCMI)
under Department of Panchayat
and Rural Development,
Government of West Bengal: In
West Bengal, department of
Panchayat and Rural Development
initiated Community Health Care
Management Initiative (CHCMI) to
help Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs)
analyze and monitor key public health
indicators. Over last four years
CHCMI, complemented by the deep
rooted panchayat system in West
Bengal, has also been able to involve
Self Help Groups (SHGs) as a key
partner. CHCMI has a committed
financial resource from Department
of Health and Family Welfare under
National Rural Health Mission
(NRHM) for the formation of Village
Health and Sanitation Committee
While senior officials from the
department have been very keen on
the "Home Based" component of the
HBNCC model of SEARCH, they are
also eager to incorporate "Mitanin"
model of community care from
Chattisgarh. The Government of
West Bengal has requested PH to
help with designing and
implementation structure of this
model in all the districts of West
Bengal. PFI in collaboration with
Management Systems International
(MSI) and National Health Systems
Resource Center (NHSRC) is
planning a series of consultations both
at the field and state level to design
and develop the structure of the
model to be implemented at scale.
Scan of successful models on
Adolescent Reproductive and
Sexual health (ARSH) in India:
Continuing with its commitment to
improve reproductive health of
people, especially young adults, PH
is initiating a process of scanning of
successful models in India on ARSH
which have a potential to scale. There
are set of indicators being developed
to help scan and identification of