the community in providing sterilisation service through the medi.
cal profession. But family planning has now to move"to spacing
methods, wherein the non-physicians (particularly indigenous
medical practioners) have a role to play. The traditional)
medical practitioners could not only make the family planning
services accessible but also acceptable to the people and what is
more important, the programme would be made more sensitive
and responsive to local values and individual needs.
15. Though there is need to demedicalise family planning
services, it does not imply that the programme could do without
the medical profession. Indeed, a medical back-up to the
programme is probahly the best method of imparting credibility
to the programme and the medical profession has therefore both a
promotive and creative role in the program Tie. There is, there-
fore, a need actually for a deeper professional involvement of the
doctors in the programme: A part of the observed superficial
involvement of the medical profession at present, is probably due
to the medical profession not being exposed to the full dimension
of the population problem, the social aspects of family planning
and the contraceptive technique available for this purpose.
Unless the basis for a radical change. in their attitude and their
response is laid during their academic career, the commitment to
family planning cannot be internalised and the doctors
would still regard family planning as an activity extraneous to
their academic upbringing. There is, therefore ..a strong case for
imparting more knowledge and expertise on family planning to
the upcoming generation of doctors during their acadmic cal eer
by suitably modifying the medical curriculum. We have still not
addressed ourselves adequately to the long-term man-power
problems in family planning and it is only though the strengthen-
ing of their academic training that the doctors could be expected
to render professionalised family planning services inthe way
they are now rendering curative services. (Books such as 'Practice
of Fertility Control-A Comprehensive Text Book by S.K.
Chaudhari and others, Current Book Publishers could be useful
in modifying the curriculum).
16. The Medical Officer of the PRC has several responsibilties
now under the integrated programme of health and family wel-
fare. Several types of records at the PRC level are to be main-
tained for follow-up of cases and for monitoring the progresses.
The MOPRC needs to have adequate management skill to handle
the multifarious functions of the PRCs and also impart a
systems approach to identifying and solving problems through a
Management Information System. AU these point to the need for