developing training material and
training programmes which could cater
to the different types of information
needs of the Panchayat members and
at the same time~ keep the micro level
developmental needs in mind.
This prompted the Foundation to
devise innovative programmes which
can ensure coverage of all the
Panchayat institutions in their own
topographical and social setting. The
Foundation, therefore, decided to
commission seven district projects to
cover all the Panchayat members in a
district in an eight .or nine month
- -The project design has the
following main components :
1. A consulting organisation in a
State/District, which will develop
training material, conduct a need
assessment study, undertake pre
and post programme evaluation.
2. A lead Non-Government
Organisation in the concerned
district will implement the project.
3. The consulting organisation is to
organise a three to five day
workshop for the members of the
lead NGO in different aspects of
population, family planning,
reprod1;1ctivehealth, female literacy,
environment, nutrition, etc.
4. The NGO is to organise a three to
five day workshop for the members
of Zila Parishad and Kshetriya
Panchayat for imparting training
on the above aspects with the
involvement of subject matter
specialists and the consulting
organisation. The participants
would be encouraged to ask
. questions after the presentation.
5. The proceedings of this workshop
is to be video taped for further
training of the Panchayat members.
6. Tne NGO would identiiy 100 to 125
resource persons withi.., the district.
such as, reti:ed school teachers,
educated Panchayat members, ex-
soldiers; etc and give them three
day orientatio~ at the block level
inviting 10 to 15 at a time. The
training would include use of video
cassettes, and other printed
material on different aspects of
population, family planning,
reproductive health, environment,
nutrition, female literacy, etc.
7. Each of the resource persons, after
training, would be supplied a video
cassette and sufficient quantity of
printed material and would be
assigned five or six villages to
undertake training programmes for
the Panchayat members.
8. The resource persons would then
visit a Panchayat, distribute
literature on one topic and show
the video cassette on that subject.
They would request the Panchayat
members to study the printed
material and also discuss the
contents of the video cassette
among themsEelves. In case there
are clarifications or questions,
these can be discussed in the
subsequent visit of the resource
person. Next day, the resource
person may visit another village
and repeat the process. In this
manner, he would be able to cover
a mInImUm of six village
Panchayats in one week.
9. Next week, he woul~ repeat his
visit to the. villages in the same
sequential order for discussions on
the subject of previous week's visit
and also to take up the next topic.
10. In this manner, one resource person
in about two-and -half month's
time, would be able to cover all the
villages within his operational area.
Subsequently, he can revisit the
area for consultation and follow-
up. The resource persons would. be
compensated for the incidental
11. The lead NGO in the district would
be responsible for supervising the
resource persons and also
12. The consulting organisation would
conduct a mid-term evaluation
through a workshop, in which the
members of NGO, the resource
persons aDd members of Panchayat
from Zila Parishad and Gram
Panchayat level would be invited.
There are several inherent
advantages in this approach. The
proposed methodology envisages
training of all the Panchayat members
in one programme. The training would
be field based and within the social
and physical environment of the
Panchayat members which is likely to
help in understanding the community's
health problems at the village level.
Use of a large number of resource
persons would mean leaving behind a
group of specialists whomPanchayat
members would consult for their
problems. Modern communication
technology would be used to cover a
large number of Panchayat members.
Involving the NGOs in the district
would enable them to act as an adjunct
to the Government training
programmes for the Panchayat
Above all, the project would share
the load of training a large number of
Panchayat members in the district and
would thereby supplement the
Government efforts.