Lal NerJU's expectations in mat, helped century demographic transition by the failure to control the rate of gTO'foith Of
by the green revolu tion of Dr. Nonnan adoption of a small fam ily norm. vVha t its population and the main reason
Borlaug, it succeeded in banishing prevented India from doing the same? therefore for its continuing poverty.
famine from the land, in reducing I believe, from repeated personal
If the above view is accepted, I
ignorance and disease and in raising an experience of life in Europe, that their CeIieve that the priority hl the continuing
unduly short life-span. But it totally success has stemmed mainly from the pursuit of population stabilisation must
failed, sad to say, to achieve the prime existence there of two fundamental sccio- now be to find ill our country the means
objective of reducing the ra te of growth economic elements. First, the finn of convincing the people, partiOllarly
of our population to which are added determination among the child-bearing the paren ts/of the absolu te necessi ty of
every year. about 17 million people, members of their generation that their adopting the smallfamil ynorm in their
eqUivalent to the entire population of children be notonlystrongand healthy own and their children's interest as
Australia. If the growth of the population but also well-educated or at least, well well as that of the country as a whole.
of India continues atthe present rate, it trained in me spedalised skills required
But time is of the essence. The
will, in the remaining eight years left of for a productive career. The second speed with which the situation has been
this century, reach one billion, rising to element was their awareness that today getting out of hand can be gauged from
about 1.7 biIli on a mere 25 years later at cost of modern education or· a the dramatic statistics recently released
a rate of armual increase which is already professional training had become in by the Worldwide Fund for Nature and
among the highest in the world including most countries so high as to make it Friends of the Earth, which brought out
impossible for parents to afford to that during the mere 12 days of the Rio
Why has India, even though support large families. It is, I believe, Conference, 600 to 900 plant and animal
of the world the awareness and acceptcnce of these species became extinct in the world
to establish a national family planning two beliefs, with the accompanying
and the world's population grew by 33
programme, failed so dismally in its constraints, that have transfonned the million. These striking examples of the
efforts to ac.h,,.essen.tiaL. ...sociaI.habits-of the people of those phenomenon of population outstripping
"obJective"in dramatic contrast to the countries and motivated them, resources clearly calls for immediate
countries of Europe, amongst others, willynilly, to control the size of their action. In India, yesterday would not
in which large families were once as families. In contrast regretfully, Isuggest, have been too early, tomorrow may be
common as in India, but which the very absence of these n\\TO elements too late.
succeeded in achieving within this very in India has been the main reason for its
Can we, therefore, ignore the
Resolution passed by the United Nations
, ;~~lnspirationr~iPJ'!!!!'JSijJl,:o.Qmfttitment . in 1990, which adopted an international
(EXcerpts from the Speech 0/ the WlS"ecretary'Ceneral, Mr. Boutros Boutros- ,.;"~"~;w-",-,,,,,.:;, ~-,,:"'~,'"'-~:">}"""'""':7'":";-,~!;"::":",,,,,,,:,"",,'<~. ',\\:,'.:''':' ""'- ." :':;.,:~;,
,;:', ;,;~::'\\:T,,/'';;';'<'
;:, "';'1'::. ';', ',' .'; ~,;: -;:i':";"
,,',' •.•
G • n ,the oc.casion oj the Pop~lllfion A~Il", present~tion Ceremony)
e purpOse~f th~ai,~u~t iJnitecf Nati~ns Po~.tation Award is to
,-.,give duepUblic'ref;ogtlition·~t1le-~ost~on$~·
'veeffoxtsht this cntica~
.dimension of eCQnomic and social well-bein
e Ril'o, winner# of this
yecifs award~ ~tStanCl:Ujg'e~ampteso(what c:az{be,dooein the field of
pOpulc! tion ffi . ,',..
~.2.l!..'!.z!g~llit!.li!.:W:QF~""c_'-,_,.~__ ";'---"---" ."_.,-",,,.
leading industrialists and a leading
d evelopm en t strategy and declared the
last decade of the century as a decade
for accelerated development. It
specifically recommended, as part of
that strategy for the 1~, which includes
today, that,special attention be paid to
,population growth and that developed
and developing countries alike should
intensify their efforts to allocate adequate
·, expert in Ind' s p<?pillatiqn 1I1Qyement:M:r. Tatawasdlosen by the United
on ":NatlcinsP . ,.... A,ward Committee becaus(f<jfhis moie than 40 years" ".
seetrir . 'as·a;:crnSa·. orpIivate'
actiVitiesaun~p_~~ s~~!J:i:~~g p<>p!Il~Jiqn..;.
resources to population programme.
Itisindeed good to know that the
priority of the United Nations in this
.. ~:-Hid~i;fer~p:w~~~~~tnifilen"fal,iIll:teJpingGov~entof';'
decade will be not only to prevent or
one of Inmato fonilriIate it's population programmes~ In the 1950's, Mr. Tata's . stop wars, but also to ensure peace and
Steelfum iR:Bihar~.-estabfishe(f
· planningand:rarililiwelf~!?F~es:
India's first factory-based family .
prosperity fot all
the socio-economic
by the fulfilment of
objectives they have
" ~~ClIlfi~~~a~od~for~'yplanningprogrammes
- thecol:ultry.In 1970,~.:r~ta establisb,eo the Family Planning Foundation .,
ofIndia, whidt has:remainedthe country's pre-eminentnon-govei'nmental
themselves recommended.
In conclusion, Mr. Secretary
General and Madam Executive Director,
organisation for fi~d :research o~ family planning. Through his speeches,
writings and personal appearances, Mr. Tata has greatly increased public
awareness of population problems; through the organisation he founded,
he has helped to find solutions fo those problems .....
, It is th:rmJgh-,the iJ;!sp,it9.tion•.dynamism and commitment of individuals
· sUch.asJRDTata ~.gan~tiot;ls:such-as·th'e'P6ptiIati6n-eountil·
posi~ve changes are made •. They have been chosen because of their
outstanding achievements on POP1,llation issues which are so critical for
may I once again express deep gratitude
for the great honour which this year's
Population Award has bestowed upon
me, and also express the hope that the
last decade of this century will prove to
be one of effective action, inspired by
commItment to humankind.
.. th.eJutu:re of ht;tmanity.. .• ''':: ..,.-::.._, __ "'_ __..__ ,._
Thank you .
" "'""_'"_'.';".C"'~''''''~~""';';......._"",~,.~;'-''''' ''--'::~~~,",:_'O>~,"' ~.-