tied out all the time at V;(UiOLlS A Springboard for Action
Fraternal Greetings
popula hon research centres
In a letter to Mr. J. R. D. Weare proud of our asso-
and institutions, but also pro-
vide valuable leads for fresh
research and re-appraisal of
policies and programmes.
In his exposition outlining
the major objectives of the
Applied Population Research
Trust, Dr. Chandrasekaran said
that the Trust had under,taken
a special ,task to assist Indian
research workers to keep ab-
reast of population research
that was being carried out in
foreign countries as well as in
India. While their "Popu-
lation Despatches" were meant
to meet the former need, the
"Population Research Abstract"
to be published twice a year,
was designed to fulfil the
seoond need.
The first issue of the
Abstract l'eleased by Mr. Tarta,
contains 429 abstrads which
have been categorised under
14 main and 44 sub-headings,
making it easy for research
workers and poli'cy makers to
locate the information of spe-
cial interest to them. In addi-
tion, the publication has a
paper by Shri A. P. Nanda,
Registra<r Gene·ral and Census
Ta,ta, Dr. D. Banerji of J.N.V.
writes: "I feel proud of the
initiative taken by you in
getting together 84 eminent
persons to make a joint state-
ment on pupulation and deve-
lopment. I was excited at your
presentatiOn in the Conference
(National Seminar on Infant
Mortality in relation to Ferti-
lity) where you underlined
the plight of mothers and
children. Even yesterday (26th
anniversary celebrations on
December 27, 1990) you put
your finger squarely on the
question of. education of
women when looking on the
problems of population growth
in the Hindi belt.-Such ideas
provide a spring-board for
workers like us :00 go forward
and conduct operational re-
search studies to find optimal
solutions to the problem of
population growth in the Hindi
belt. Let me aSSUI'eyou that
I wiN work hard to build up
such alternative family plan~
ning programmes in association
with like-minded workers.
Dr. D. Banerji, Professor, J.N.V.,
School of Social Sciences.
ciation with your institution.
It is especially auspicious that
Ml'. J. R. D. Tata will be dedi-
cating the new building of the
Foundation ,to the cause of
Human Welfare Ithrough Fa-
mily Planning. I take this
opportunity to give you our
fraternal greetings, and wish
the o,ccasi,onevery success.
Mr. R. Sudarshan, Acting Re-
presentative, The Ford Foundation,
New Delhi.
ANew Chapter
The dedication of the new
building will undoubtedly open
a new chapter in F.P.F.'s his-
tory and I ,am SUI'e the orga-
nisation will grow from
strength to strength.
Dr. Meera Chatterji, Health and
Nutrition Scientist, New Delhi.
A Shared Dream
Participating in the cele-
bra:tions was a matter of great
joy to me. More particula·rly,
it was a fulfilment of a shared
dream under the leadership of
an incompa~able man like
Mr. J. R. D.Tata.
Prof. J. C. Kavoori, first Exe-
cutive Director of the F.P.F.
Commissioner, India on the
1991 census. The resea'r·ches
Leadership and Thrust
Key to Small Family
abstracted relate to investi-
gations such as the cost ana-
lysis of the immunization pro-
gramme, a prospective study
of acceptors of laparoscopy in
a rural area, evaluation of
family planning and MCH pro-
gramme in selected primary
health cen!tresand several
other studies iI1elevant to
Greetings and Good
In connection with the 20th
anniversary celebrations of the
Family Planning Foundation,
we have received a number of
messages/responses from kind-
red souls. Here are excerpts
Your Founda hon has cer-
tainly provided leadership and
thrust in many areas related
to F,amily Planning. We have
all appreciated this. We still
look to ~t £01' guidance and
dil'ection in the whole field of
Population stabilisation and
human welfare. Today, un-
fortunately, Family Planning
is not getting the importance
and follow-up required. I
believe the 1991 census will
confirm some of our grea,test
fears about population and the
seriousness of the problem.
Your F,oundation can help our
country to see what still can
and should be done.
Dr. Daleep S. Mukarji, GeneraL
Secretary, Christian Medical Asso-
Even when he was a'Ctively
heading the house of Tatas,
JRD Tata found time to cham-
pion the cause of population
conkol for which he set up the
F,amily Planning Foundalt1on
in 1970. Now shedding much
of the load of running the vast
industri.al •empire, the octo-
genarian J.RD is devoting his
energies on educating the pub-
lic and goading government
and voluntary agencies to
initiate urgent steps to arrest
runaway population. This, he
says, is the main caUJSe of
India's unrelenting poverty.
Looking back on the two de-
cades of 'the Foundation's acti-
vities involving neatly 250 pro-
from a few of these-
ciation of India, New Delhi.
(Continued on page 6)