In Fond Memory of Dr. Bharat Ram

In Fond Memory of Dr. Bharat Ram

1 Pages 1-10

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In fond memory of
.r :::>
Dr. Bharat Ram

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Excerpts from the alltobiogrffhy-
Reminiscences & Reflections
Bharat Ram
/1(, 1M P'!oCR)J,01 w'Ci1huJ 1fwp.iece, UIIJlJf!g f1If, eascae iH, ~
ad lWMgiwJ 1iJge1kJr,
di4p0JrliJi, tkuglia iIi1ir a ~eJIdJ~ 0I~,
/ WoJ. ~,
oJ. lleV'et beloW, bg a ~eJI4e
01 ~elI'. It ~1Jruek IffP, qui1i. fowMJg tkir iJIIJivuluo1 th, 1/vwagk ~eeJ<IiJfq4 dMded iIi1ir
bh ltoge.4
cIddkod, ado!eJ.('£J(f',f!"
I<I!i1iuri1!aJ d ofJ age, i.! a titid oM. A th u H/J' feu.
vaIidItJ eK(!'CRJJ.ediH, ofJ age IJIr, eiddkod 1kut isc dl HIIifiurp, gwrJ.. /1(, fait, 1M qU£lriR.,j w/uek,
alri),e uc 1M IKiHd 01 a e/dd, HIQI!f!, oItiM, 1kut KOt; IfPJIIa.iH, UJfIrR/,o/;;ed(!,f(eJ(, iH, ofJ age. WkH,
/ WoJ. row" IJIr, five gwrJ. ofJ, / 0J.k.ed lfI!JJelI w$, wlJlflie;r,Iww r:t would we beJ!Jl,;/ wg paJrPJi!1
weJtP,KOt HIDllIriedth oM ~.
"Would /lflll. beJ!Jl, '/'?" Tki.! ~ ko;. etJuI.f!,
bad<. w$, 'rPJJf!o'rCPdl(irMgt;, ad wg w~
i4 H/J' feu.1ixJag.
On his Childhood ...
Mg eiddkod WoJ. ~O' &g agO', ~ ~(!,f(eJ(, deeodeI. bad<.. It WoJ. rf£void 01 0JI!f~ 01 a
IJIr, 4p~
HfilivrR,. T~ weJtP, H/J' Hig~,
H/J' wolf p'UlWfmg at1M rkYr,;
1M P.I!ViJlo«JJ at _ WoJ. l(J(J,ulJied bg ilIIplf£Cli11ow. ad,. NO' oM ko;. tJJ IffP, tkir
/ W ti11iJced (!,f(eJ(, oM ~le,
'r£HtO/Ik, begOHd wg gwrJ., IJIr, tkir / '1P1l;r.edwclftiH, lfI!JJelI th
~WreIt J1M ~ ~~
0I1M deep 1ftiHg4 tkir utah 1M puzzle, ad pri1kd 01 ~
Tk DKIsiJiliJJigeJtCf!,tkir th. / ~Wj(, di4p!aged WoJ. iH, 1M ~ 01 wg paJrPJi!1. Wide,wg
~ woJ. a geMJ1e, etrea1itJre" wg fri1fteJr. WoJ. a p~
'redDtdj(iJJ;le,HgI.IM. TIte, la11M" at
f.w.t. oug/J;1jy we gi.VeH, IffP, a clap o« 1M~.
TIte,th.drg goel. ~ WO'fl.t ud.I~
th th. tkir C/JJ(, koppel(, f1If, o'Ctiiwrg pw.{)/{, i.!
f1If, ~
fri1fteJr.. Mg eK(!eJrieHCek,o;.
beJ!Jl,1M CDfifiroJrg. T~ /ttUI,t be a p'UJ'IeIriJiH, ~0UIe Imtguage IJIr, tilMJr" ;/ KOt; r:t !itIffP, COiJ(,
th, "8o'fJ1, kekg, alwag4 kekg. " Atl wg th / .lfitlflbled up{)/{, kekg r.knwe.! 01 a
lMge ~i,zf!" ad w~
~ weJtP,woJ.tid, r:t WoJ. beeuue 01 wg OWl(, eMR.!.eu.H£U,.

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On Family Origins ..
OUl£ fm.ulg IJ DIW of1M r1rfp;" ~
of Delia,. OUl£ tXigiMA, ad fat ad 1f£CIJIfIi4
iMdieti/i, poiMt"fir JkojOJr" w/d.ek, IJ alJoUr 40 HtiI.eJ We4t of Delia, iH, 1M Ptr£4eMf;
J1D1i,of lf0/r8aMa.
or 04 _ 1M JiJ(, /I't JM?I/. hahiRA "'!J ~ g~ bililk. fir,
JOllAJuM¥eJ, Mwrlt
DftM" Hl!JAeI/0Md C/eoJror ROJ«, iH, 1ftot fJIrdvr,. M!f eIJa blfOthJr, uI«A fiJt£eM.!feoM
Je«UJIrf,ir 1fI.e, 0Md C/eoJror alJrxit1iJIO'J~ !f~eJt,. //1, 1kI.e, dogI., wtIih 1(Qu/, 1M
JoiMt" fawdsA!fA~ uI«A rIPJIg ItIJJ.t1 iH, vog~. It uI«A HOt ~
fo.r. _ /I't fowr.
geJtPJrJ:i1lo«f4ir live, IJJIIi£;t, 1M ~ 'UJof. rite, ~
1etM. 'tk geH£Jrli1loHg,ap t wad
HOtget COi.HLd,0Md, fo.r. be11M./I't wO'fl.e" 1M ~ wad IatfttilgeJk,r,. rite, ua4J/e,
dau., Mlf8WkPJre,1M baddJDIW 0Md!fP1:1h IfIlJI.t~le. Jei1.loK.of JoClP1!!, 1ixJ, th
iH, tkur, J1iride,fir 1M poiMt"of iMAeMAdlvr1!
M!f g~
kouAe" ~
1M ~
0Md IaJ b~ 0Md tkur, ~,
we, all WtilgeJk,r, iH, DIW
1M Jw.oll ~
1ftot wad aIIadable.. It wad I'JJA~ 1ftot
~ lookd aItM. HOtJO' ItIJJ.t1 b!f tkur, pOllPJl!i ad ~ 0Md awiIi ()II, 1M
p'riMl'iple. 1ftot1M ~
of 1M pOllPJl!i J.ku!d HOt tr£4u!t iH, wJaiJr, rfewmuA ()II, 1M
t~ tr£4~ 0Md~ of1MJoiMt"pool,. rlwA, / wad iH, 1M ~ of "'!J UM.Cfe,
lol 0Md "'!J 0JJM1;, AA 1M!feoM weMf;b!f / wad _/I, fir 1ftew, ~ 1iuJM, fir "'!J OU!/I,
pOllPJl!i. Mf1M8 a ~ wkK. h ~ ~
of OPiMilJf(, beJiNeeM,"'!J /ii1h;r, 0Md
~, / foud Hl!JAel/JUPPo'ilhrg "'!J ~ 4 VfeuJ -poiJtT. / rfq HOtIaww wkidtut, / uI«A
o11iro.t1id fir ww/.e, t~
Lal ~e, Ite, JilrPd a dmlglJiJr" tavdltl, w/d.ek, t<PJ1kJr,
"'!J /ii1h;r, HIJI£ / eould JlJ.CCRMhdlg aeeowp/iJk,. Mwrlt DftM" iH,!art; uI«A rio4e4t1ir
04 ~, HOt becmae, tk!J weM ItIJJ.t1 alJoUr1M ~ fllJe, bti1;tk!J a/;.O'J.kwd 1M
~ ~~
0Md 1oitRJ. BOlk 1iMdPd fir giVe. PIfeWi.u.HIfi,r 1M pWf.4uIr of aIi1i 0Md
OJrlIitJ. If.Ii1ftvr, 1iuJM, kaJrd 0Md loHg IwuM iH, buJ.iJtR.JJ.,w/d.ek, wad "'!J /ii1h;r, 4 paAAio«..

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On School and College Life..
O~ we, giJle, va!ut., lir wluiJ; u rhti£d 114, we, o11Odt, iMp~ lir rr.
rr u ~ I( OI((!, i.l ~W 01 hMJ;, 04 IIfi1iuca1lir ~ee, 1/vit ot/teJr4 du IUit
fj ~ulk,('UJu(, tk ~flnIR,~.
M!J /"atk;r,WaJ.baJt.e!g a!JeaJt,i;{, college,
'tJ-'Q;-" (f-/iIfdLt, College,) wkeH,k kadlir!eave, di pM lir eh oW;a IMJig &r,
See net:>
!w.d. elf. .
IAVI'1!J gw..roloI1f hJr,
t: .
It i.l IUit ~wrp'li4iHg 1/vit a HIM 01 utS /"atk;r4, 1iMp~
ad. ~
~Iwuldkave, decided
k4 1/vit k /fIIMt tk W1J.e, 01 ~
ad. €Kpad. oppo'i1iutdle4 &r, tk !J0W/9 Io ga educa1id. --.:':
ttlt i;{, ki4 ~ 11wi1k! ad. !Jalir k!1g pW fwjlj,elf i;{, bU4iHPJ"j,k rfrwiHg ~ lir
~_.i' fowrd tk C~
T'UMt. f-/u ii1PJr.eI.ti;{, ~
gl(£(J}, ad. ki4 eci1JubtilhJH,
WaJ.If£CIJgKizedaJ. '1K£I1IdtIJ.b&.'C~i.eoIJg,
tk k;.t ~ckollir be, 1iJ<.eM, 0fI1!IC, b!J 11u.! Twi.t C~
tckol .
.4 11u.! Jdwot WaJ. loca1id IIPDJr, oaJr, !ww.e" I WaJ.PlUJWf'1Ig dRJ.prilCkd lir rr wkeH, I WaJ. kaIrd!g
1IurM 0'(, fowr,!JWt/" J~
tuJawwl(, i;{, 1iwJ.e,rlo!fl. It i.l «it Jir IKlICit1/vit I WaJ.Ioo !J0W/9
&r, Jckol, btittk!act1/vit
i;{, oaJr, COIKi<UJJfiJ!J Jckol goUltj aJ. «it Wl4i1JRJrediI<f{1o'i!iuit: II(, a
geH£llli1loH4, 1lw.e" tk III/JJIfJ~eI, 1/vit kave, ~
~ appaJtPJit i;{, JckoIisrq aJ. well. M!J
OWl(~, o«JVIHag, ad. AIf.W{, ViVPk kave, gOl((!,Io Jdwot ad. college, i;{, IHdia aJ. a uro11iJr0,1 eooue
ad. kave, JUdied ab'CbfJda/;.Ir.
M!J !JWt/, i;{, ~ckol ad. college" (~!JWt/,
i;{, all, Wl41ltiiJi, a ~iHg& WP.IH.o'rg. T~ kave,
paJili, lir be, ~UM, btitthg du IUit w.Jg ~ep(J/(fjfi 1kw.JeI.veJ. /w,1f, OI((!, ~
aJ. piEeel 0I1lw.e,.
TiM£, (0'(, If/!, aJ. bog OJui adoteJ.CR.iI;;aJ., iKtJE£d, &r, aI11iwJ.e, ~
i;{, 1/vit age, gltbUf, did
p~ IUit t ~Ir IKlICitaJ. !fwd i;{, aIl~.
It oI.cJ.Io1iJ be1WeeH~, fow ad. rr 1"aJ.t,btit K£IIeIr,
wW; i;{, .wetje, geaJt,. FO'(" WP.IH.o'rg CoI#PJ. 04 wdk tk acrJr£1I.ou01 !JWt/,. I WaJ.p!eaJ.ed wdk ~~
•• :
peop& ad.11wtg~ I ~aw ad.1aw.u. Tk JecJrit; I W, WaJ.1/vit I WaJ. ~ wdk l"8JeIf.
WIuiJ; i.l 1IIdl(!" I did IUit duJeIl tk ()j(, Juljecr 0I1<'gJelf: tk diJ:thcrJ1oHb,e1WeeH,l<'gJelf
wtdJ ClJrJJtIJIIIdff, WaJ.IwppJg wdua. IIfRiiIJed botk: I tixJ, rr &r, glfOJiJiJ 1/vit waJ. tk fee&g ""'-I'
01 evPJrgOl((e!l,;.e,. A ~o'it 01 k.eads wel.lbeiHg, eo doaht iJukced b!J a ~ appe1J1i" good ('CiedI.,
lia 01 !frYill., ad. a faiJI,JUCI'.RMi;{,~.
Wdk tk eKCUJIl.ioIf, ba.r.k lir tk 1lw.e, 01 Jckol rlo!fl, h i.l a pfw.OJit WP.IH.o'rg wlack CoI#PJ.
rr rr alive, aJ. i.l uea!led. II(, a dau. 01 fM J1iJ.deM11,fMeJI, gilrh 1hM, bogJ, WaJ. 1Ifi1iuca11/vit
tk bogJ wailid lir iI<f{11fRtMk gilrh, wfw. beloHged, aJ. rr WeM, lir ~
wtdJ oIl<'gJWrg
ad. Jewr. ThM WaJ. OI((!, ttfdt, gud, wfw. a1Uroi.tPdevPJrgbodg4 ti1JR.H1loHb"eeauJ.e,AM WaJ.Jir

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e¥.tfuJJ.rJ/Ii,Id1 ~
hi/ww., 0Md1t4~ tq p'toHlfita IiIIifIe!t4td p~
iM4tld" ill, oil
tk b0g4. / /1104 kdq eHoUgkt,q gaiJl,kM,~,
aMd tIu.!4et;~ J-i£4. Tki4
!ffJUJIgihi g'IPJAiJM1i(r)J(, ~
/11_, 0Md U IfbfII a g't0eiDu4g~.
U ()J(, ~
bur /llku pukJ. tq be tPCogtlized04 a ~iol
/ (JM(,foKd r/bt1J"r/h, 41Ill {lJI/~ r/tk tMOgi6tk gild /IIOfI!ef,etW. OIJO',
/11M, uxged ~ tq du tk ltigkr aMdP'UJfleJ1rJ,a,rg4tkr plea4ed kM,.
/1(,1931,tk!feoJr, / ~,
h 0CCUJrJt(e)Jd(, etIeJit/11M, belf/l14ed~ aMdpe!tf!W
.'-'~IfI!/ paheilL / /1104 aaJaIrtiedtk RuJ/uro, P~ fo.r, 'tk beAtall-1fIJUMd4tiuJeMt.' /1(, tk fiMJ
1J,e", colIed~,
/4tiJod 4eco«d ill, De!/u,. M!f g~
~ tqJoiMb,UliIIeIJ~.
Bur HI!! /ti1h;r, /IIueIgrfecidd tkr / 4kouId gO'tq,
/1104 HI!! rkoJredt/IIuk-. Tkit /1104, ill, a /IIag, HI!! kAtiHi1lo1l.cHi,M1itrk tkedrg tkr /IIowfeM/!£I!!!,t
ceue, if!fou, ImppeJ£tq _ a good glJOlrliioMrm, gel.
/ /1104 41h.da1id, /II1de / /1104 ill, ~~, tq a;,k, /IIkg aMd /llkIfe{O'r£a,botiJ:1Ja,rg4aMd 0/;.0'
tq r/heaMt.1Ja,rgtk4r /11m h /!£I!!!,t 0Md1.Iff, /IIkgKIitf f-/aJ /lawwl(" / /llould _ eeked
tk 4ub~ ~ r/Nw1bK, tkr It /1104 ~ b!f 41DMdiHOgft tk ~
r/gioJili /llku Itod
l'.IJH(£0Mdg~ tkrevwrg g~
eIi.w.h4 tq /!W aMd uiIiried vt4~ aMd ~1i. £ruollg
1iuJeu, ~ 1iwug~
g'rPli/iJrtk, 4eRMIiM/!gWHIM aMdtk g'rPli/iJrtk, 4eRMIiMrgkMg~,
tk ~ It teMII.IiHtk4 ~ 11wrg.
Tk poli1ko1 ifiwgg!P, fo.r,iMdep~ dd rwpiMg~Oft ~ 1iwug1Ji 0Md M. MoImMJ.a&
GoMJu, Itod b!f 1J,e", beeM,koiled 04 tk ~
ill, /HIfio" M'M. 04 WiM41bK,
Ckucdull1iwugkrif /iJ;tq du.~ ~ 04 't1to1;WI-HDked foIat. t .f()ff(I'rJ/ HI!! {IfieMdJ. 0Md /
eoIledi.d W, 4wo1l ~ H.O' doubt; tq 4uppo'l1;tk .fa1!J0IJ1fDk~
Tki4 /1104 HJit
Iikd b!f P'liMei(JalM ufJp;g~, HlD8 00 becauJ.~04 a lfdJ4ioKo1ri!Mf 41lJii1ki, dd HJituJaM1;tqdu
~ tkr Mligkr00 IfIi4l1M1ieMtiJbo!fdtk G~
f-/~called ~ 0Mdtiied tq rliU.UI1fk
~ ~ tk ~
Wkhr. / tiied tq till ~ tkrtk MaIuiJiMo.H£ededHIQIfJ'8
fo.r,tk iMdep~ ~
tkr Grwikg~/!£I!!!,t g~ ()J(, aeeowit r/tk IIIO!J
tk HIQIfJ'8 /1104 4peMt. It /1104 eHoUgkp,'UJlloeo1lot«q. tfurouJ r/ouJl(t,k gami!lir r/a 41:iiJhwJeu.
tk 4uggeJ.flo«/1,104 v1hoJ1M,.
04 4 / ployed HJit rAir.kPr but aI.w 1fR/!'I!UJiIHidI!!
ill, Iumg 0Md1iluu4. / ~
ployed ~ttk Iumg /IIiZOIldDkgoM..fiMgk,. f-/~g~ ~ ()J(, iM4i.gkirM1ikri4 ~.

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Marital Bliss...
w.."""-II'" Wk«- / g'rIJduriJjJ iH, 1935, / uJOJp!uu.ed uJ$, 1fI!fldJ. It uJOJ.4001(,
copped bg a doable, MJit Of(, tk, ~
of III!J fa/h;r" tJ.Hd~ uJeM tq
III!J ei1lJrp,~.
/ got HIO!tIried. / uJOJa$.d11id ilf1jy OCM
ObVf.0U4/g, fa/h;r,uJOJOf(, tk, /ook,-rxit fry" a blfidR, fry" ute. //1, 1iuJI.ed, oy4, OJ b0!f.4 tJ.HdgilrlA
did HJit 1fI£ir1ixr oIIiM, iH, {Jt(/r,~,
OlfJI/JJIfjedlflIWIiagel, uJeM C/JUIJIlIJ/I,. Not.4O' C/JUIJIlIJ/I,
uJeM 1flIWIiage!. ~k adveJi1J.4eM<ee1ofItm.uu iH, tk, PlfRM. /Ie, ~
Of(, tk, ~
eoIm.uu iH, tk,~.
A!;a advwlUI/iR-Hr ~ /li.4Ja1r,tYPJgf,JI;II!J fa/h;r,4~.
uJOJkJw / got HIO!tIriedtq tkda, dtmg/JM, of B"!j M. Lal, a b{J/{J(jJ,Wur,J$,!oMd P'Wf'W!i
iH, /li.4Ja1r,. tkda /wi Ul.O.M!ifM1iJr£41i,.4d OJ UfJJJie, ~,
of old Jwe/bg tJ.Hd
.fIWl, 4/JJIfR.4, baI1-1fIJoUt, r!mteutg, e1i,. //1, faa; tr uJOJ4k uJkv peJ/l,uoded ute ilf1jy ball-1fIJoUt,
r!mteutg. W$, tk, PPWlge, of~, kM, iM1iJr£41idwwjed tJ.Hd fry" tk, POJt IW gwr4, 4k 1m!.
tiJk£H, tq a ~i.oaJ. tie, tJ.Hd1m!. beem.te, a Radka tOOJld,.
tOOl(,aItbr, tkeda tJ.Hd / got HIO!tIried, III!J fa/h;r,0Jh.d U4 tq vutr Ma/, GfIMfiJu, tJ.Hd.4eek
lad bleJ.4iMg4. /Ie, uJOJtkM,ptil1hrg up iH, tk, BltoMqi Colo«g iH, Oelia,. W k«- uJe,called Of(,
tk, Ma/" k uJOJat lad ekoJrJJo, 4piIutiHg fJJ.I/D8,tJ.Hdk beeiaJ«ed U4 tq CIJff(f!, tJ.Hd.4tr bg
lad .4ir.k. WdkW; iJi1iJvwp1lMq lad 4piIutiHg 1D4k" k 4IJiJ k iaIPw uJ/q uJe,/wi CIJff(f!, tJ.HduJW
U4 a /mppg umo« uJ/arJ, k 4IJiJ UfJJJtbe, 4tJJfi1lkj, bg ~ tJ.Hdw.ped: fry" fJKR,~.
uJ$, a ~
t .4,de, k '1URJriRti, "OOf(, gou Iwxv t/uit III!J 11wv.t fry" beggiMg U 4iMl(1/g ~ ••••
UJIIfI1£lldmiJle,? / rfq HJit HIiIId tokiMg ~
edkJr" " tJ.Hd lookd UlfBMiJlgWg at tkda 4
golJar, bOMgle!.. A4 J' /qpHJilJJed tkeda /ook, of( kM, bOMgle!. tJ.Hd t-J£d 1fth.t, oVU tq tk,
Ma/, bg ~ kM, ~ iH,~.
/ w.oIJM, 41dri£4 tJ.HdlfRIJo'ili of kJw lwuJewWe!, •••••••• lIIfi
tJ.HdgilrlA all oVU /. uJeM gloJ tq be, '!ootid' of tk, ~
t/uit COJt(f!, tq 1fth.t, iH, If0I.t
rIl4e!. ~k Ul.O.Mt!ifJu.cIaMg _Rifle dtrawo4. td uJOJtk, HlD9ie oftk, ~
U(f)M,. Well
did £iIt41iur, 4fJ8 of tk, MoIm1i.Io" "~tq
CIJff(f!, uJJi4('J).1r£f!,b.
t/uit Ad a fJKR,OJ •••••••••
11w. M..t iH, ~ tJ.Hdbtxxi uJaIkd UPOf(,11w. €IJJiJk,."

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Life with OeM..
I.......... M!J huteilirg lIiJq OCM u e:IikJ iJI, IM!J~.
/ Wtl4 callow eMDUgktu feel1kJ; OCM
Wtl4 UJJH1i1IMqIM!JOIrICi¥olwrJ11xi1id b~.
/ weMt1U IM!Jfoll~RJ(,f4/(Q()HI, wrJ1 a wuk ~ Of(,
.or or IM!J~ ad dowll, iJI, a c/mur, iJI, W of Iu4 rfe&,. He, tdcRd If((!,4~, aJkd If((!, tu
4tiurd up, ad eKlfUiJrd, 'OO'!Jou /arQUJwkg / ko,ve, aJkd!Jou tu ~ ~?" tilf.cR, / kad
•••• ~.
lIlY DM4wet-,kVJiJ, •/ ~ eo1led!Jou tu till !JOU, wkM,!Jou OM iJI, tk 4, !JOUOM HOt
IM!J40f(" ad / (Uf(, HOt!JOUJrf,riJkRJt,. GO' ad 10k !J0UJri,Jl41iutdJ.oH.~4 KIm.", tofab. " At
1/uit1J.w.e,KIm.", tofab Wtl4 tk GwJrol M (J.I(DgeJr,.A!W IIIbIi1fd /oWr" / Wtl4 pulled up o«J!,
1.'__•..• or dog b!J friJkRJt,iJI, tk 4. He, eKlfUiJrd wkg /1fR{Io'iiid fry" r.M!! 7a.i«; iJl4tiod of 6
a. H(,. / 11ud tu eJt{I!aut,1kJ;1k wr, Wtl4 HOtaIIadable,. TIu4 eMJtOged~ HUJW, ad k coI4J
1fPJfUJIfked,'00' tifh;" wlJ'rk.e;u~ iJI, thiJr,rM4? You wdd ~ waIkJ tu tk MiU. "
Z, A4 fJI(, appwilJee, / kad tu !wut, A ('UJH(, tu ('UJH(, rluuwrg tk ftwr, tu 1idi¥q tk ~
Iih flM!!~
wo'rkRJt,. / kadtu ei!iJr, tk MiU p'W«i4e41/urougk tk wo'rkRJt,4gafi. TkJe,
~0«4 ko,ve, bWf, wrlo'rge11able,.
M!J ~ iJI, OCM Iuu. ~ a &g o«J!,; 50 !JWII.. Hall a ceIi1iurg U a pWroi.e,wrJ1 fJI(,
epockol 'tiIfg. MflM!! 1iaMg4did ItopP€lf" ad 1itRgaIfee1id duru1Ig ()Ir, ~
tk opeJr01I.ow.
ad ~ of tk eotK(iflM!!.
lt u HOto4a4~ofeJt{lPJliRlleR."
111-.-"".. but u a bled of 0UJr, IawwlMge, of 0UJr, feIlowlf(£K,wrJ1 4e!1-lawwlMge, ad /arQUJlMge,of
rr ra CiII:eUW.4~ ()/[(}(JJI(j. F'UJH(, tk!.e" rPro.w4 ~UJHJ. ad &JUJr4oe,f adJ.oK, tu
be, frJiowed. Attk I.fJJ«(!, 1h.tR" o«J!,Iuu. tu be, €vet rAgM beeaa4e, if flM!! o«J!,of tk!.e, IKD8
II •••••••." 0UJr, COKdm.UJHJa.d flI'1lotu. UlJJ4t be, di/hwd;. WkM, _ OM 'tD(Iid ckoM.ge4iJI, tk
CiII:eUW.4~ ()Ir, ~
of bli4lHPMopeJr01I.ow.,tl4 ko,ve, bWf, tk l'D.4e,iJI, 0UJr, i.I!tf£p~
WJ-, 0UJr, copabJiliu. UlJJ4t be, qUi.thMed. /11, Uwrt; o«J!,UlJJ4t HOt 04 be, ~0'rIJIr8
11_"'''' a/;.O' look, lIiJq tk (tifiurp, ad OJt1leipafi eveH1i. 8ri1ft PeM/ier1Jve,ad adJ.oK, UlJJ4t ~ out
of ~ri1J.o«,fry" ~
~ 1ftoM,de!.ih£, fo;r, If(RJ(p, Iixomol gtJiM" KDliPr1k1iJMdiMtgk
Jl'J~ ofthb. ~ iJI, thb~ Wit.

1.8 Page 8

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The Humane Side..
plf.fJ6leJff1u.,J~ ~
Fo'f,!fWl4, 1_ rJ;a p1fl1dkRf,ir iI!vl1i a ~ A~ t/tk uJoW»"
pided a IJH, IfOIIdoutb,u«, firJoUr, If(/, at 1ia r/Juci.MWg fJ& tiJ«e, iJr, tk
ud/;.. TIaA ~
g~ If(/, tk opp~ fir IcH.outJevr, ~1le
fir If(/, ~ OJ(, eIkt IJH, tJevr, uJo'IidHg/ih.
I A1Ill ~
a uJfJIti<Mr/J,uci.MIHg8 1ia ~ 1il.IiMqIf(/, tkr k uJOAHn.d 6!f IaAoIka fD'r,
~ laJi,. W~ I 0J.hJ /w.t, uJkgk uJOAlaJi" kl.lJiJ, Ht~, I did llJitiu/J all Higkt6ecDJ14~
IH8 uJiIe,uJOAP.ICUJuiJll./gaMd I kod fir kep 0JJKJkt,k uJkle 1fi9/it. n 0/1, ~ ()CCa4itHuf"JM
ItavtMgOJ(, UM{J~
r./i.IwJt, uJrA IJH, t/ tk uJoWJr;.iJr, tk ~iJfg ~,
tk uJiIe,t/ tk kl.t
uJfJIti<M1X,JUI/lftw,pJ tkr I IflIlI.t do-4~
6ecDJ14k~rr, /m;.6aMduJaM1RfiJr /fI/JJfJr8 agaiM-. tk
iJr, fMr 0J.hJ If(/, fir 11uruiIiMk,rr, /m;.6aMduJrA dil.wiJJ.alilk did IIJit 6. P'UJf1PJr!g.TIaAu
tk 1!Jp~t/ iJlAigkttkr I gaiKF.d.
O~, IH8 wde, tko.Hha Lal uJOAaddJr.eJJiJfg a glfiJU/1t/ uJoWJr;.uJ~ I uJOAalAOp' w.eit.
tudrJR.Jg, ~ uJfJIti<MiIi,1i;vwptM IH8 wre& uJrA 4~ 'U.IIk ~.
TIaAHF.11IeIHd8 wre& 4
p', aMd k 4/opped tk uJo'rktr,. A Iw.W.d 4~ dP4CF.Hd£dI. do- IIJit IcH.ouuJJkgo'f, kxP
I gDtfir IH8 hi; aMd 0J.hJ tk uJfJIti<Mtk,r 6!f uJagt/ IXJUI/l~
I HID8 be. A/opped. Tk
o1i.toqJ~ eooId ad tk ~
~ di appoiJiliJ COUM~. M!f ~
uJOA Ap~,
IIJit a eob.Jo1id oa:
On Faith and Freedom ..
Itlvr.ilP4 If(/, tkrpeqpk t/ fadk" ~ aMduJOIflRaJ/(i,h, ~ fir ~ OJ(, al41k1k beit t/ 1tdMd.
Fo'f" al41Mlc1.~ at ()I(U, tk fatkvr, aMd ~
t/ fa$, OA~ OAt/ OJ(, iHdtp~
1fwug1it: 0/1, tk faeR,t/ rt; 1ia.J AbIJ)((/;. /;ke, a~.
But; u IIJit fa$, 6o'f,1f, oUt t/
~iJ!" uJ~ U eo ~
/ww, e1keJreJiHttJgiHo1lo«,?DuJlIJit fa$, g'rQuJup uJrA (o'IIMIJi •••••••••
~iofa? f./OArJ; IIJit lived tktouglt, tk ag~ t/ 1fP.OI.1JtH~,?
u IIJit ~ tk cIdJ t/
poe1Jrg?Mat u ~,
illIJit!'Al1ko1 iHdtp~ UMJJ!wd fir ~~
tk 'te/igitHf,' t/
tk rio8, /ww, elfbDW iMA1l1ii1lo«firJ.dwJ.? Wtmt u a A~ ~ P.KUpt a uJdliMgKPU.
fir UF.lflc«a, Md&rplow?

1.9 Page 9

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On Public Organizations and Corporate Social Responsibility ..
W/uIe" I 4UPPol.fJ, I do-HOt pol.4eu. tk, 1h«p~
O'f, eopodi!! 1ir ~
(J, P~'
w _ eJtjoged ad plfDfdid 6!J wll'lkiHg iJI, rJiIfw.MJ; 01 puiJ& iJllflliillM14 at"IIIi1Io«ol ad
W, 6Df1, g~
ad If.OH,-g~.
,0. ._,..
I akag!. felt1kor flU.~
wo'rk i4 ruJli OJ(,eKpeJrilJlM" 1ir get" (J, g~fJ 01 ~ ~ ou/I(, 4e1/,
tk, eiliit ad ~
01g'UlWiMfJ IJIit 01 ~ 4eb4. It i4 11&iJali4d"-fJ ad iJilDMgihk
ru,ped;t/uir pICoHIf!1idIf(£, 1ir wo'rk iJI, puiJ& O'rg~.
EVPJrfj adlo« 01 0UK4 iJI, 6uJ.iMP.UH. lJJ4t 00 JiIid 1ir (J, 61f1J(J(/u4f~'
if ()(JK, ~
1ir 61!1J!(f,wJt: COJ(, WfJ, iJI, 6uJ.iMf4404 peJt40ff4ad iJI, WI.CPJit; 10k lPod 1ir 41ieMg1it.eMtk, ,
60«d4 01th {J/(, tk, 604i4 01iJi1MdR.p~,
eJ.~ ad ~
wpert? T~ i4 KIJ'
JflO4oI(, wkg WfJCIJ.IWit 6euJJJJ.fWJ fJaM wedded 1ir tk, p1fiMl'i/Jk 0I~,
tk, IiMt CJJ«di:IloK, 01
g'UlW1Jl,O'f, ~lK£Ji/;iJI,
tk, widel.t4eH4fJ. If WfJti11iwpt4iJlI'.IJfe4, 16e/uve, ()(JK, wodd I'feW 01
will 61fP1i1k a KhJJ I.ih ad PUII{JoI.fJ,eMRJr/ji4edad tekd, ad ~ fJ.CI'.i/'1OiJk
04 OJ(, wulsiMfJ hYrce,.
In Love with Life..
To-411J11,uP: I ~ tho TIuiJ; I eK.i.4ti4 (J, Pe!rpPiiud 4UII{J'li4fJ,wfadt, a/;.O' i4 th. Tki4 kekg
koJ. 6Wf, Ifl!! 604iIJ ~
~ 1iuJM,OJI!J~
0Itk, 1fIiHd. I ~oir.£, iJI, tk, 4~
01 th, 6euJJJJ.fJrt i4 l!i«fui4di eve«, wkM. rt i4 6ti1ftM.&~ ad poiMM. Bur I fJM(,HOt aftroid
01 r.I.ea1ft. If rt I«taJI4 1itol ~
0I1fl!!4e1/, Ifl!! ug1fit: I HlJJ4t~,
i4 t/uir I wdl
1IiP'I_a. Hli44all t/uir goeJ.1ir wok I.ih (J, /fI/JJI!J-4f~
~ dPApdi 4r., 1'JUJR11!J, wJopPiMf44,
ad eve«, r.I.ea1ft. I _ /u;ed I.ih 04 I _ /u;ed Iloww.. A fi.lIfJ 1ir ~ ttp'teJ.eiIi tk, ~
01 fa- eK.i.4~, all eK.i.4M, (J, 6ud t/uir 6~ 1ir !ark ad fall, 6ur 6wi1lfuliJI,
.1••• ...,. •• 6!oow, 04 IfW.I!i" 04 iJI, di HDliwd ed.

1.10 Page 10

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Fond Memoirs with
the Population Foundation of India
Governing ~oard Vice ~halrman (i~'~ - i~~~),
Chairman (1993 - 2007)
Random excerpts from speeches on various occasions during last 5years:
"The Foundation, since its inception,
has displayed a vision to make planning
for small families a socially acceptable
and sustainable behaviour norm and
dedicated itself to the cause of human
welfare through family planning,
reproductive and child health services
and other population programmes.
The vision also encompasses serving the
economically weaker and marginalized
sections living in the socially and
demographically backward districts
of the country for sustainable social
Annual General Body Meeting
"It is my pleasure to welcome you to
the Annual General Meeting of the
Foundation. This is the dawn of a
new era: a new government in office
with a renewed focus on social sector
especially primary education and
health, a vibrant voluntary sector,
increased collaborations across various
stakeholders and the evolution and
realization of Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR). There is now as
never before an opportunity to address
the problems of various sections of our
people through team effort."
Annual General Body Meeting

2 Pages 11-20

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2.1 Page 11

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"The Foundation aims
to promote, expand,
build awareness and
strengthen commitment
towards a rights based
approach to population
stabilization through
women, increased male
responsibility, a life cycle
approach to reproductive
health, gender equality
and equity, informed
and expanded choice
of contraceptives and
promotion of small
family norm by forging
meaningful partnerships
with in titutions both
in public and private
sectors. "
Annual General Body
Meeting 2004-2005
"India is at a stage of
demographic transition
with a high proportion
of adole cents and
_ young people. There
are 33.1 crore young
people (in the age group
10-24 years) in India,
representing little less
than one third of the
total population. This
group is the biggest
and largest generation
of young people India
ever had.
In our
country investing on
young people's health
and development will
result in expediting the
process of population
Annual General Body
Meeting 2005-2006

2.2 Page 12

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"The rural urban differential i
Bihar indicates significantly lowe
levels of fertility and mortality in
the urban areas. In addition, th
pace of decline in fertility an
mortality is higher in the urba
centres than the rural areas. This
presents a ray of hope that the
conditions achieved in the urban
areas of the state can be pace
setters for the state as a whole with
concentrated efforts."
State Level Advocacy Conference on
Population Stabilization,
Health and ocial Development
Issues in Bihar on
December 14-15, 2002
"I am happy to note that recognizi ng
the gravity of the situation;
Government of Jharkhand has
taken a series of steps such
increase in budget allocation t
public health institutions, up
gradation offacilities, and improve
monitoring and evaluation 0
programmes. All these measures
need to be backed by long-term
and sustainable strategies.
If the RCH approach is
implemented in letter and spirit in
Jharkhand, I am sure, the fertility
and mortality rates would fall
significantly in the state in the
coming years."
State Level Advocacy Conference on
Population Stabilization, Health
and Social Development Issues in
Jharkhand on
November 18-19,2003

2.3 Page 13

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of any
index to measure the
development of Orissa will
be a demonstration of its
low position in the national
scale. People in Orissa
are among the poorest in
for greater political
by the
elected leaders in each of
their constituencies are
particularly relevant to
Orissa. Elected political
leaders should ensure that
the government ervices of
primary education, primary
health care and family
planning are accessible
to all their constituent
State Level Conference on
Population Stabilization,
Health and
Social Development Issues in
Orissa on January 21-22,

2.4 Page 14

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"As we all know, stabilizing
population is an essential
reqUIrement for promoting
sustainable development with
more equitable distribution.
is very closely linked with
gender, equity and equality.
steps were not taken to
tackle the issue of population
stabilization and sustainabl
development immediately we
Eighth JRD Tata Memoria
Oration on Population, Poverty
and Sustainable Development
on February 3, 2003
"The Population Foundation of
India has played an important
role in advocating and
lobbying with successive Prime
Ministers, political parties and
Members of Parliament on the
critical issues of Population and
Development. The suggestions
put forth by the Foundation
through such efforts have
fortunately been considered by
the Government in formulation
of the National Population
Ninth JRD Tata Memorial
Oration on Towards Population
Role of Good Governnance on
March 30, 2005

2.5 Page 15

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2.6 Page 16

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'The final test of a leader is that he leaves behind him in other men the
conviction and the will to carryon.'
- Walter Lippman
On July 10, 2007
Dr. Bharat Ram,
Founder and Chairperson of the governing board of Population Foundation
of India left for his heavenly abode. Dr. Bharat Ram was a visionary, a leader
and a source of inspiration and guidance to all of us at PFI.
Through this humble effort of putting together excerpts from his
autobiography and his involvement with the Foundation, the members of
the Governing Board and the staff of PFI wish to pay a tribute to Dr. Bharat
Ram for his invaluable contribution, unending commitment and personal
attention paid by him to help achieve the goals of PFI.
Thank you for giving us the conviction and will to carryon.