PFI Pitch Deck

PFI Pitch Deck

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Empowering Women
for Family and
Community Prosperity
I have always believed that no real social change
can occur in any society unless women are educated,
self-reliant and respected. Woman is the critical
fulcrum of family and community prosperity.”
-JRD Tata, founder of PFI

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PFI believes that society
prospers when women thrive…
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…and that reproductive rights are behind
every woman’s empowerment.
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Crucial Problems
Critically low awareness on family planning
High incidence of child or adolescent marriage
High rate of early pregnancies
Low awareness of birth spacing
Discriminatory preference for a male child
High incidence of sex selection
High incidence of female sterilization rather
than other forms of contraception
Inadequate knowledge or access to
reproductive health care
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131 / 188
Source: United Nations Development Program. 2016.
Human Development Report 2016: Human Development for
Everyone. Retrieved from:

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Since 1970, PFI’s comprehensive strategies have empowered women, men, and their
families to dene the direction of their lives with optimal health and wellbeing.
In 2016 alone, PFI’s work touched
400 million people
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PFI delivers sustainable impact at scale
through sector-defining strategies.
Advocating for quality of care and
expansion of choice in family
planning services
Increasing community reach and access
by partnering with the Indian government
to pilot Community Action for Health
interventions across India
Supporting NGO partners to
strengthen PFI’s mission by
scaling up innovative projects
Generating evidence through
research and evaluation to inform
advocacy and aect policy.
Changing social norms through a
transmedia soap opera that reaches
400 million people in 50 countries
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Empowering communities by scaling Community
Action for Health interventions across 200,000
villages in 22 states, covering more than half of India

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Knowledge Management:
PFI’s work is anchored by a strong
foundation of knowledge and evidence.
Knowledge Products
To improve understanding and spur action
Private Sector
Program Planners
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Family Planning 2020
Resource Requirement
Helping India meet its commitments
without compromising quality or choice
New Family planning users by 2020
Government spending required between
2013-2020 to meet commitment

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Evidence-Based Advocacy:
Facilitating policy changes that advance quality and
choice in reproductive health services, drawing on PFI’s
pioneering research and evidence.
Sterilization deaths in
Bilaspur, Chattisgarh
137 sterilizations
conducted by the state’s
public health system led
to the deaths of 16
women and numerous
other near-deaths.
PFI response
Engaged experts, activists, and central
and state governments to undertake an
investigation that revealed widespread
septicemia due to abysmal conditions.
Commissioned study of government
spending on family planning to advocate
for a shift towards better-provisioned
and more quality-controlled services.
The Supreme Court of India ordered the
closure of all sterilization camps in a
phased manner and xed day services at
the facilities.
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Behavior Change:
The keystone of PFI’s work that
enables long-term impact at an
unprecedented scale.
Main Kuch Bhi Kar Sakti Hoon
(I, a Woman, Can Achieve Anything)
A transmedia soap opera scripted to
inuence norms and mindsets about
gender and health.
This serial is giving birth to
a revolution in the society”
-Kathanav Bob,IVRS
respondent from Banaras
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360° Approach
TV & Radio Series
Social Media
Community Media
Interactive Voice Response System
Innovation Communication Materials

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Main Kuch Bhi Kar Sakti Hoon changes attitudes and perceptions to
empower women by redening gender roles in Indian society…
Quality of healthcare
Reproductive health
Sex selection
Adolescent health & sex education
Substance abuse
Mental health
Child marriage
Male role models
Gender-based violence
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Family planning
Gender discrimination

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…inspiring women, men, and youth to be part of the change…
400m 50 14
reached countries languages
IVRS Calls
48% Male
52% Female
33% 20 or older
67% 20 or younger
Sneha Clubs
Forums for discussion and
solidarity set up in the Indian
states of Madhya Pradesh and
Bihar to reinforce objectives
of the show
PFI is demonstrating how behavior
change communication multiplies the
impact of social change efforts, with
applications across countries and sectors
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…and catalyzing action from highly inuential gures in society.
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In partnership with
Feroz Abbas Khan

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Capacity Building
To provide training and technical support learned
through PFI’s research and experience for vital and
innovative programs that advance PFI’s mission.
Community Action for Health (CAH)
As the Secretariat for the Advisory Group on Community Action, PFI
guided the implementation of a CAH pilot by providing training and
capacity building support.
Community-based organizations
Healthcare Providers
AGCA Secretariat
State & local governments
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Districts in
Improvements in maternal health and
increased awareness of health and
healthcare entitlements at the grassroots
level across 200,000 villages in 22 states.

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Scaling Up:
To expand successful pilots, like CAH, to have a greater impact.
Technical Support to Scale CAH Pilot
Pilot Phase
36 districts
in 9 states
Facilitate state-
level planning
capacities of
Develop & adapt
training tools
Scale Up
353 districts
in 22 states
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Grant Making:
To support and scale up
innovations in family planning.
PFI has funded close to
400 projects across India
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Grant Making: Case Study
Access to reproductive and sexual health services.
in Karnataka
67% Increase in institutional
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49% Increase in safe

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Grant Making: Case Study
Enabling and strengthening community involvement in monitoring health services.
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mobilization to
improve women’s
health in Himachal
55-300 Gram Panchayats
80% of which have committed to
address the child sex ratio and
improve women’s health

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PFI has demonstrated steadfast commitment to its mission with
an independent and adaptable voice throughout its history.
Mr. JRD Tata and Dr.
Bharat Ram establish PFI
to bring an independent
voice into the Indian
government’s eorts to
control population growth
Renewed commitment to
population stabilization
with landmark studies
linking population growth,
family planning, and
New focus on maternal and
child health as the best way
to stabilize the population
Launch of India’s National
Population Policy drives
PFI’s activities, with special
focus on gender, HIV/AIDS,
and urban health
Institution of a gender-
sensitive and rights-based
approach, and the folding
of population control
into broader social
development strategy
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Support our movement to empower women
for a more healthy and equitable society.
We seek to leverage our data, evidence, and experience
to empower women, men, and families across India by:
Building our strong base of data and
evidence to support long-term action plans
Deepening our partnership with the Indian
government to mobilize community action
for health across India
Launching new seasons of MKBKSH to
advance and solidify social change by
changing behaviors
Forming global partnerships to reach new
audiences and multiply our impact
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About the Population Foundation of India
Population Foundation of India (PFI) is an NGO based in New Delhi that
promotes and advocates for the eective formulation and
implementation of gender sensitive population, health and
development strategies and policies. The organisation was founded in
1970 by a group of socially committed industrialists under the
leadership of the late JRD Tata and Dr. Bharat Ram.
PFI addresses population issues within the larger discourse of
empowering women and men, so that they are able to take informed
decisions related to their fertility, health and well-being. It works with
the government, both at the national and state levels, and with NGOs,
in the areas of community action for health, urban health, scaling up
of successful pilots and social and behaviour change communication.
PFI is guided by an eminent governing board and advisory council
comprising distinguished persons from civil society, the government
and the private sector.
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PFI Leadership
Poonam Muttreja
Executive Director
Muttreja has more than 30 years of
experience in the socio-development
sector. Prior to joining PFI in 2010, Poonam
served for almost 17 years as the Country
Director of MacArthur Foundation in India.
Dr. Keshav Desiraju
Desiraju had a distinguished career
in the Indian Administrative Service
and in 2013 was Secretary for
Health & Family Welfare in the
Indian government.
Dr. M S Swaminathan
Chairman of the Advisory Council
Swaminathan is a renowned
Indian geneticist and administrator,
who played a signicant role in the
success of India's Green Revolution
With the Secretary of the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India serving on the Governing Body.
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Thank you
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