A Tireless Worker
Tara Ali Baig: a name synonymous
with Child Welfare
In the death of Smt. Tara Ali
Baig on July 17, 1989 at Madras,
the country lost a veteran and
tireless worker for many humane
causes - women's and children's
welfare, population control and
family welfare, upliftment of the
downtrodden and underprivileged
sections of society. Tara Ali Baig's
enthusiasm for life and her commit-
ment to the causes she held dear
was infectious. And true to type
when the end came, she was in
Madras visiting an SOS village!
In the words of Amita Malik, a
renowned journalist, "Tara Ali Baig
crowded so much into her intense
life that it seems incredible. Yet
she kept her graciousness, dignity,
sense of fun and an old-fashioned
dedication to service of the com-
munity which found its zenith,
among other things, in her lwork
for underprivileged children not only
in India, but all over the world.
She might have walked literally
with kings, but never lost the
common touch. She found time to
be a devoted wife and mother, to
keep open house down the years
for a variety of people and with
compassion of a greatly moving
for Many Causes
F.P.F. Tribute
The following resolution was
passed at a meeting held in the
office of the Family Planning
Foundation on July 18, 1989 to
condole the sudden demise of
Smt. Tara Ali Baig, "a very
sincere and devoted member of
the Governing Board of the
Family Planning Foundation:~
"We, the officers and staff of
the Family Planning Founda-
tion learn with deep sorrow the
sudden demise of Smt. Tara
Ali Baig in Madras on Monday
night. Smt. Tara Ali Baig,
besides being President of the
SOS Villages in India and
President of International
Council of Child Welfare, was
a very sincere and devoted
member of the Governing
Board of the Family Planning
Foundation almost from its in-
ception. Her deep 1under-
standing of the anguish'of the
poor as well as the problems
faced by women and children
greatly influenced the vision of
the Foundation about its role in
society. We will greatly miss
her inspiring presence in our
midst but hope that her ideals
will continue to provide gui-
dance and strength. We ex-
tend our heart-felt condolences
to the:members of her bereaved
family, and pray that her soul
may rest in peace:'
Tara Ali Baig's name is synony-
mous with child welfare not only
in India but the world over, and
she was conferred with the highest
accolades that the international
community could possibly shower.
She was the first Asian member -
and woman to boot - to be elected
as President of the International
Union for Child Welfare, Geneva
Until the very end, she was Pres-
ident of the SOS Children's villages
in India, an office she had held
since 1967.
Tara Ali Baig was a prolific writer,
notching up ten books and dozens
of 'middles' and articles in news-
papers. Her recent autobiographi-
cal reminiscences in the shape of
"Portrait of an Era", is a fitting
finale to a fruitful, though hectic
life. As she recounts in this book,
"one of my gifts, if I say it myself,
is to make something out of no-
thing. It is a considerable art."
And Tara Ali Baig did make some-
thing out of her life and this equally
extended into her work - centres
for women and children in need,
new initiatives for rural, tribal and
urban communities (even the
efficacy of dry-latrines initiated two
years ago did not escape her
attention), Film Censor Board, arts
and letters, Family Planning
Foundation, etc. her family, her
large spectrum of friends and in
each sphere she left an indelible
impTession, a mark that stemmed
from her ability to organise with
unerring· insight, the limited re-
sources of time and material where-
withal. A glorious life indeed!
Population Pressures
(Continued from page 7)
Buzzworm. He adds, "An ever-
expanding human population en-
croaches on the quantIty and
quality of habitats, diminishing
their size while the harmful effects
of human activities such as pollu-
tion degrade them." Bennett
argues that the "glacial impact" of
such population pressures "jeopar-
dizes the survival of every species
including humans." He concludes
that humanity must recognize that
safeguarding the continuing diver-
sity of other species is a key to
assuring its own preservation.
(Buzzworm, Summer 1988
Boulder, Colorado).
Published by the Family Planning Foundation, 198 Golf Links, New Delhi 110003. Tel: 621135,697583,619278
Printed at the Statesman Press, The Statesman Ltd., Connaught Circus, New Delhi-110001.
Editorial Direction 8' Guidance: Harish Khanna
Editorial Consultant: J. L. saaz