Women's Empowerment :
Male's Responsibility
The recently announced 2001 census re-
sults have brought out the poignant fact
that the juvenile sex ratio, the number of
females per thousand males in the age group 0-
6 has declined substantially between 1991 and
2001 from 945 to 927. There are also sharp
'declines in the States of Punjab from 875 to
793, Haryana from 879 to 820, Gujarat from 928
to 878, Maharashtra from 946 to 917 and even
in Tamil Nadu from 948 to 939. Available statis-
tical evidence from a number of sources indi-
cate that a large number of female foetuses in
these states are being aborted and the horren-
dous practice of sex selective abortions is in-
creasingly being practiced.
The differentials in sex ratios will. lead to many
social problems starting from the family itself,
creating an impact on the whole society as
such. The preference for sons over daughters in
India is quite well known. The new technologies
feasible. People are misusing the sonographic
techniques available for pre-natal sex determi-
nation. The reason is the mind-set of the people
for gender discrimination and value of the girl
child, social ostracization against women for not
bearing a male child, desire to have male heir
to manage private corporate family businesses
and to perform religious rites. The present day
need is to change the mind set of the people.
Religious leaders from different religions have
come out in open advocating equality of women
in the eyes of major religions of the world and
imposing even religious sanctions.
It has to be remembered that empowerment of
women is a continuous process and not a state
that can be achieved by government action
programmes including passing of laws. Men
and women are not identical biologically, physi-
ologically and psychologically though both be-
long to homo-sapiens who share the same aspi-
rations and goals and have the same innate
potential for development.lneqlialities anddis"
parities among the two sexes have come out to
be detrimental to the female sex.
Empowerment of women including protection
of rights of the girl child, providing her the same
opportunities for growth and development, health
care, education and employment opportunities
are the responsibility not only of women but
mainly of men and the society at large. Only
marginal improvements in the status of women
can be made by feminist groups and by
organising activities by women but the major
responsibility for reducing gender disparities and
empowerment of women in society rests with
men in this country. We hope men will take up
.2.. _ this challenge.
Video Film on Foundation
P FI has prOdu. ced a video film,
A New Horizon on the
Foundation. The 30-minute
film traces the ongln of the
Foundation as Family Planning
Foundation (which was later
changed to Population Foundation
of India).
The Foundation was set up as an
independent non-government
initiative by the late MrJRD Tata in
1970 along"wrth some' Hke 'minded
industria lists a nd pop u lati 0 n
activists who believed in 'advancing
the cause of human welfare through
family welfare'. The film highlights
the role of Mr Tata as a pioneer in
the field of family planning who was
awarded the UNPopulation Award in
1992 for his services to the cause of
population stabilisation. In the
citation read out on the occasion at
UN headquarters in New York, the
Family Planning Foundation was
described as "the country's pre-
organisation for the field research on
family planning". He was also
awarded the country's highest
honour - Bharat Ratna.
Dr Bharat Ram, a leading
industrialist, was a co-founder of the
Foundation who succeeded Mr Tata
as the Chairman-and continues to be
in that position. The film provides a
glimpse into the life of Dr Bharat
Ram who at the age of 87 continues
to guide the affairs of the
The story of the Foundation is told
through interviews with senior
members of the Governing Board'tike
Mr Hari Shankar Singhania, Mrs
Avabai BWadia, DrVA Pai Panandiker
and Chairman of the Foundation's
Advisory Council, Dr M S
The Executive Director DrKSrinivasan
traces the changing population
scenario in the country and the
contribut1"on made by the
Foundation through its various
programmes. He also gives out
future thrust areas of the
The film was telecast by
Doordarshan News and Doordarshan ,.