The RKS at Veerangana Jhalkari
Bai Women Hospital in Lucknow
has received training and
mentoring support from
Population Foundation of India
and SPMU since 2017. This has
resulted in improved RKS
functioning, with regular RKS
Executive Committee meetings
where patient needs and issues
are discussed for decision making.
The RKS’s patient-centric focus
saw the hospital utilize 100% of the
untied fund allocated for FY2018–
19. Several new amenities have
been added, including an air-
conditioner and new chairs and
benches for patients and attendants;
a public address system for
announcements; and improved
quality of food for in-patients. The
RKS has also purchased modern
medical equipment, including a
fetal monitor to continuously
record heartbeat, a non-stress test
machine, and a new infusion pump
for the Special Care Newborn Unit.
These positive changes have been
made possible by making RKS
members aware of their roles and
responsibilities and equipped with
the knowledge and skills to take
decisions for patient benefit.
“ In our RKS meeting, we decided on how we could utilize
the available funds for facility improvement. Our effort to
fill the identified gaps helped us get a good score in
Kayakalp assessment 2018–19. Our hospital stood
second in Lucknow and sixth in Uttar Pradesh!”
Dr Sudha Verma, Chief Medical Superintendent and
RKS Executive Committee Chairperson, Veerangana
Jhalkari Bai Women Hospital, Lucknow
• Adoption of systematic processes and transparency
enables participation. Civil Surgeons and Medical
Officers are making efforts to organise RKS meetings
in a structured manner — sending prior notice on the
meeting date, sharing the agenda and proceedings of
the previous meeting, etc. This has increased
participation of members in meetings, including of
elected representatives and officials from the
departments of education, women and child
development, revenue and administration.
• To be effective, trainings/orientations must be followed-
up by regular reinforcement and mentoring. PFI held
regular follow-up interactions with Civil Surgeons,
Medical Officers and hospital managers, developing in
them a comprehensive understanding of RKS roles and
responsibilities along with ownership and confidence to
organise regular RKS meetings, monitor health services
and plan utilisation of funds based on local priorities.
• Ownership by state leadership and their continuous
mentoring of facility staff is crucial. The Uttar Pradesh
state health leadership is driving the process
through regular review meetings on RKS functioning.
Chief Medical Officers and district/block program
managers are regularly following-up with the
in-charges of facilities. This has helped institutionalize
the processes for organising RKS meetings, grievance
redressal and patient-centric utilisation of RKS funds.
In a decentralised ecosystem like India’s, RKSs can
strengthen local decision making about health services
significantly. The Government of Uttar Pradesh has
decided to scale up the intervention in a phased manner
to all 75 districts of the state by the year 2023. The
intervention’s positive outcomes in Uttar Pradesh hold
encouraging lessons for other state governments. As
the Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PMJAY)
component of Ayushman Bharat rolls out, it is crucial
that RKSs be at the forefront to ensure patient
engagement and empowerment.
Advisory Group on Community Action
B-28, Qutab Institutional Area, New Delhi – 110016
T: +91 11 43894 100; +91 11 43894 199 |