in most of the health indicators. The couple thereby increasing the demand workers in particular and people in
programme was quite successful as far for family planning services, especially general, the project workers could
as immunisation of children was spacing methods with a view to reduce mobilise people's opinion in their
the fertility level.
favour. Gradually women developed
It is difficult to assess accurately
the impact of the MCH programme
since people changed their residence
quite frequently and new members
inhabited their places. The acceptance
of family planning, however, appeared
to be quite low. There was a general
resistance towards terminal methods
though, reportedly, many women took
to ruCD or ,oral pills without informing
The main components of the
programme included Health, Hygiene,
Family Pla!1ning, MCH Care,
Immunisation and Nutrition Education.
This was achieved through training of
volunteers, traditional birth attendants,
community mobilisation, community
education on health issues, networking
with the Government functionar(es,
private medical practitioners and adult
faith in the project personnel and started
visi ting tri-weekl y clinic organised
under the project. An integrated health
service facility was provided in the
clinic by a Obstetrics and Gynaecology
specialist and a Paediatrician (Project
Director). This resulted in a significant
rise in ante-natal chec~~up, considerable
reduction in home deliveries and
complicated delivery cases.
others in the family.
The groups of trained adolescent
girls have been functioning fairly
effectively and people appreciate their
work. However, the same could not be
said about the Mahila Mandals or the
youth clubs. The community
mobilisation work and organisation of
camps had been primarily done by the
community health volunteers who had
succeeded in educating and motivating
people to accept family planning.
The slum dwelling inhabitants of
Dakshinpuri needed health services
because they lived amidst unhygenic
'and poor sanitary conditions. Although
Dakshinpuri had a Delhi Administration
dispensary, family welfare centre and
ICDS centre which were supposed to
provide health, family planning and
other services, in reality, only
immunisation and sterilisation services
were prOVided and that too under the
The impact of the project was
significant among the target population.
In all, 460 couples were found using
family planning m~thods, out of which
more than 51 per cent took to it during
the project period.
The project had succeeded in
spreading awareness about the
importance and utility of nutritious diet
for women, children and proper MCH
There has been considerable impact compulsion of meeting the targets.
of the programme as it could ensure Consequently, people lacked knowledge
mass support to the programme; create about spacing methods and had irregular
awareness and promote acceptance of ante-natal and post-natal check-ups. In
immunisation and family planning
the aqsence of such services, deliveries
methods; and mobiltse women's groups, were conducted at home by untrained
youth clubs and the groups of adolescent
Dais. The large family size, poor
girls for female Iiteracy including higher maternal and child health, high
age of marriage for girls and freedom of mortality and mobidity were attributed
choice for vocations in life.
\\ to lack of health services and acute
poverty in the area.
However, weakness of the
programmes has been the low priority
being given to family planning, and
A baseline survey carried out in
Dakshinpuri identified the health
performance by the women and youth
problems, particularly those of women
and children. Seven selected volunteers
- six female and one male - were trained
fo~ 10 days in reproductive health by
the ACORD. With assigned areas these
The project "Fertility Reduction in
a Low-Income Resettlement Colony in
Delhi", was carried out with PFI support
by SPARSH in two phases in 11 blocks
and three slum'clusters of Dakshinpuri
covering a population of28,259. Broadly
the project could raise the health
conditions of women and children by
regula ting fertility level.
trained volunteers were able to proVide
education and counselling to different
groups. They also started community
based literacy centres, where along with
literacy oth~r information regarding
MCH care, reproductive health etc.
were shared with the participants. For
crea ting mass awareness abou t
health and family
planning, meetings, film shows, street
plays, puppet shows and baby shows
The project aimed to create health were organised from time to time.
care during the pregnancy. It was also
. successful in creating a general
f~vourable climate about the advantage
of practising family planning for the
health of women and children. The core
group of female volunteers had
general! y been effective in creating right
~ype of attitudes towards MCH practices
and Health Care.
However, the acceptance of family
planning was not upto the expectation.
The main reason for this could have
been the preference for son and
dominance qf men in decision making
process. It is noteworthy that almost all
the volunteers were women, as such,
the male education remained only
incidental in the project.
The study revealed a marked
resistance towards the terminal methods
of family planning though women
preferred oral pills, IUDs and a few of
them had also resorted to abortions to
get rid of the unwanted pregnancies.
The weakness of the project was
the inadequacy of the available resources
to take care of the various components
of the programme. Because of this, the
Dai training programme was not
consciousness and enhance family
Inspite of initial resistance from effective and the family life education
planning awareness amongst young the Government health staff, Anganwadi of the adolescents could not take off.•