Environmental Orientation to
School Education
Environment Awareness
'Dhe "environmental orienta-
tion to school education" is
expected to ge t Rs. 60 crore
during 'the 8th Plan, a sum at
least 12 times more than the
amount spent during the three
years of the existence of the
scheme which was introduced
in 1988-89.
So far,aoout Rs. 5 crore has
been spent and about 15,000
depletion whereas for the deve-
loping world the key issues
related to human development.
- The Hindu, March 21, 19<,,1
World Bank Concern
World Bank Chief, Mr. Bar-
ber B. Conables, wants the
funding agency to act as an
An intensive national en-
vironment campaign is to be
launched soon over Doordar-
shan and All India Radio.
According to official sources,
more than 4,000 stories on
environment have been enlist-
edand given to producers of
all the Doordarshan Kendras
to be filmed and telecast.
schools oovered under the environment agency also to These stories relate to women
scheme aimed at harmonising fulfil its mission of reducing and environment, wasteland
educational programmes in the poverty.
development, pollution control
schools with the local environ-
Addressing a conference Clnd several other aspects of
ment by inculcating environ- recently in London, he accept- preserving and protecting the
mental awareness in students ed that some of the projects environment.
and teachers.
The scheme is based on the
perception that a compact area
having a uniform eoo-system
would have similar environ-
mental concerns and, therefore,
such an area could' fonn the
unit f.or designiIigone set of
that the World Bank had fund-
ed in the past had contributed
to environmental problems.
"But, in recent years,. we have
greatly intensified efforts to
make environmental conser:-
vation part of our development
mission he said.
Non-governmental organisa-
iions have been identified all
over the country to give sub-
stantial support to <the electro-
nic media in producing the
-'- Business & Political Obser"er,
March 11. 1991
programmes -forb implementa-
tion by the sChools and the
- Financial Ex:press, March 23, 1991
- iitiSi"'ness c! Political Observer.
·n -"'-January
Meet on; 'EilVironment··' .-"
Two New Contraceptives Approved
Technologies -
new non- The Ministry of Health and
A 3-day national summit on honnonal oral contraceptive Family Welfare, it is learnt,
technologies for environmen- pill, developed by the Central has given its clearance to intro-
tally' sustainable development Drug Researoh Instttute, Luck- duction of NORPLANT, the
was held in New Delhi from now wa.s launched on February subdermal contraceptive im-
March 21, 1991.
17, 1991 for commercial mar- plunt, developed by the Popu-
Sponsored by the UNDP and keting by the public sector lation Council of New York.
organised by Development Hindustan Latex.
NORPLANT consists of six
Alterna ti ves and th~ Irtdian
Institute- of Technology, New
Delhi, the 'meet brought toge-
ther over a hundred active non-
governmental organisations as
well as concerned government
The launching of the drug
under the two trade names,
Saheli and Choice-7, marked
the 40th foundation day cele-
brations of the prestigious
silicon rubber capsules, each
the size' hf a match-stick. These
are inser,ted under the skin of
a woman's upper arm, where
they slowly release the hor-
mone levonorgestral. The me-
thod works for upto five years,
The deliberations of the meet
The CDRI Director Dr. B. N. has a one year effectiveness
are intended to provide mean- Dhawan, s,aid the drug was a rate of over -99 per cent, and
ingful inputs· for the U.N. Con- major breakthrough in na- is reversible' promptly by a
ference on environment and tional efforts for family simple surgical procedure.
development-Ear:th, Summit- planning.
Research on NORPLANT
to be held in Bra'zil in 1992.
Prof M.G.K. Menon, eminent
science administrator, who in-
augurated the meet warned
that the Earth Summit would
be taking up macro-level issues
Centchroman works by pre-
venting the fertilized egg from
attaching to the uterus unlike
the sterdidal pills which stop
began in 1966, and in 1983 Fin-
land became the first country
to approve iJts use. Since then,
it has been used by hundreds
of thousands of women in 16
countries that have approved
of global warming and ozone
the method.
Published (June, 1991) by the Family Planning Foundation, 8-28, Qutab Institutional Area. New Delhi·110016.
Tel. 668181; 6867080,6867081