Population and Development Orj'entation
Plea for Declaring
Courses for Legislators
Nineties as the Family
The Centre for Parliamentarians ing people's behaviour patterns to Planning Decade
on Population and Development stall the adverse impact of popula-
organised an or:entat'on course tion trends on development pro-
Institute of Marketing and
for legislators trom Karnatakafrom cesses.
Management, New Delhi, has come
19th to 25th January, 1989.
Smt. Sheila Dikshit, Min'ster of
State for Parliamentary Affa:rs
inaugurated the course while Ms.
Saroj Khaparde, Minister of State
for Health and Family Welfare,
presided over the inaugural func-
The course has three main objec-
tives: (i) to enable the participants
to acquire proper understanding of
interactions between Population
processes of growth, mortality,
fertility and migration on the one
hand, and the inter-related pro-
cesses of economic, social, cul-
tliral and environmental develop-
ment on the other; (ii) to sensitise
the parliamentarians to the urgent
need of their active involvement
Acco:'ding to·Shri Sat Paul Mittal,
M.P., Cha;rman of the Indian
Association of Parliamentarianson
forward with a suggestion to de-
clare the decade of the '90s as the
'Family Plann;ng Decade' in order
Population and Development, a to achieve the objectives and
great responsibility devolves on targets of the family welfare pro-
parliamentarians as representatives· gramme. The Institute with over
of people, to take initiative in
mounting social action at the grass-
roots level. The course should
6,000 members and 25 Chapters
in the country, has decided to
involve itself whole-heartedly in
enable them to launch this social the all-important task of popula-
action in an informal, concerted tion control.
and systematic manner.
Similar courses are propcsed to
be conducted for legislators of four
major northern states, viz., Uttar
Pradesh, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh
and Rajasthan where family wel-
fare programme needs to be
Family Planning Foundation has
On December 6, 1988, the Insti-
tute conducted a national work-
shop on family Planning Pro-
gramme in India, Which was attend-
ed by a number of experts asso-
ciated with planning, implementa-
tion and follow-up action on
various family planning schemes.
in social action at the level of the forged a close tie-up with the
There was consensus among the
people in their own constituen- centre for Parliamentarians on participants that family planning
cies, and (iii) to identify feasible Population and Development to being a non-political issue should
operational strategies for influenc- make these courses a success.
be treated as· a national problem
and tackled on a war-footing
A Ray of Hope
India's birth rate had declined
from 32.6 per thousana in 1986 to
32 per thousand in 1987, Mr.
MotiLaI Vora, till recently Union
Minister for Heah:h and Family
Welfare, told a press conference on
the highlights of his Ministry dur-
ing 1988. "We want to bring it
down to 21 per thousand by the
tumof the century and by 1990,
we want to reduce it to 29.1 per
thousand," he said.
As per the sample registration
study by the Registrar General of
India, the birth rate went down
from 33.7 in 1980 to 32.9 in 1985,
32.6 in 1986 and 32 in 1987. The
1988 birth rate is not yet available.
"It is only when poor people are
assured of their livelihoods that
they will help us to safeguard their
natural environments. So rong as
people rema;n hungry it is very
difficult to talk to them about con-
servation. Only when conservation
takes on a dimens:on of helping
the poor, the downtrodden and the
destitute, will it have an enduring
impact." M. S. Swaminathan,
President, International' Un:on for
Conservation, Nature and Natural
Resources, quoted in International
Agricultural Development.
(World Development Forum.
Vol. 6 No. 19, 1988)
without allowing petty interests of
regions, States, communities,
ethnic groups, etc. to come in
the way.
The workshop recommended
that the family planning pro-
gramme should be given a total
marketing and • management orien-
tation and that the governmental
efforts should be supplemented by
corporate sector for doing an effec-
tive sales promotion and market-
ing job for the programme. It also
suggested better involvement and
motivation of the recipients as
well as the providers of the services
and better utilisation of various
media channels for the spread of
audience-specific messages.