HBalth Promotion for AdolBscBnt Girls - ProjBct Launched in Orissa
The HePA-Ganjam, supported by
Population Foundation of India
(PFI), New Delhi in collaboration with
Multi Applied System (MAS),
Bhubaneswar and with the active
support of the District Administ-
ration, Ganjam was launched on
7th July, 2008. A District level
Workshop was organized to launch
the project. All concerned district
and block level officials, MAS
UNICEF health
professional and leading NGOs
of Ganjam block attended the
The function was formally inaugurated
by the District Collector and District
Magistrate, Mr. Madan Mohan Deo.
In his inaugural address, the Collector
highlighted the magni-tude of Iron
Deficiency Anemia (IDA) in Orissa and
how it was affecting the adolescent
girls (the future mothers) in the form
of malnutrition leading to several
complications. He spoke at length
about the causes of such deficiencies
and how, the objective of reducing
iron deficiencies among adolescent
girls through different interventions
under this project could be achieved.
He promised PFI and MAS to receive
all help from the district administration
to make this project a success.
While giving his welcome address,
Dr. B.B. Samanta, Chairman (Hon),
MAS and Project Director, HePA
talked about his earlier discussions
with the District Collector, Mr. V.
Kartikeyan Pandian and his keen
interest in the project. Dr. Samanta
made a Power Point presentation on
the project highlighting the objectives,
strategy, interventions proposed and
the type of support needed from the
various departments.
Mr. Sashi Bhushan Padhi, Additional
District Magistrate, discussed a few
challenges that the project may have
to take note of specifically in Ganjam.
These were, i) the age-old practice of
open and road-side defecation, ii)early
marriage of girls and iii) reluctance of
ladies in taking iron-folic acid tablets.
He promised all support to the project
staff in project implementation.
Dr. Rasha Bihari Gochayat, Chief
District Medical Officer (CDMO),
Ganjam offered suggestions on how
the project could facilitate and
reinforce the interventions proposed
under various health projects of the
State Government that have a
common goal. He emphasized the
of informing the
adolescents about practicing safe sex
to prevent from spreading the
disease. He urged the health service
providers to take up their
responsibility seriously.
Some issues were thrown open to the
participants to solicit their views.
The "Visualization In Participatory
Programmes" (VIPP) methodology
was adopted for this purpose. For
every two participants a set of
questions along with cards was given
and they were asked to write their
views. The issues given to the
participants were:
• Inter-departmental coordination at
the block and village levels.
• Role of PRI members in the project.
• Choice of Community Health
Motivators (CHM).
• Role of PHCs and its functionaries.
Some suggestions
from the
On coordination
- Using the Health and Sanitation
Committees established at the
Block and Village levels under the
National Rural Health Mission as
a monitoring channel for the
project rather than creating a
separate coordination committee.
- Joint field visits to project areas by
officials of different departments to
be initiated by the project.
- Problems, if any, faced at block
level to be brought to the notice of
the concerned district level officials
for advice and intervention.
Similarly any problem at village
level to be addressed to the
concerned block official.
On the role of PRI members
- Organizing regular meetings of the
Village Health and Sanitation
- Motivating households to have their
own toilet and use it plus monitoring
the progress of TSC in the project
- Helping the project staff for
hemoglobin and stool tests of
adolescent girls.
- Monitoring the use of IFA and de-
worming tablets by the adolescent
- Ensuring provision of safe water to
all households.
On the choice of CHMs
- Should be from the same village,
educated enough to read and
understand various documents,
married, willing to take the
responsibility and work with other
village functionaries and a potential
change agent.
Provisional selection by the
Anganwadi Workers in consultation
with ASHA and SHGs.
Endorsement of the final list by the
Gram Pancahyat to ensure
community ownership.
On the role of PHCs
- Assist in organizing health camp and
providing additional inputs like
medicines required plus sparing the
services of MOs and paramedical
staff (at least one day in a week to
cover two project villages).
- Including health-related project
messages in their IEC and BCC
- Motivating married adolescent girls
on spacing and ensuring the
required services.
- Help in organizing sessions in
schools on ARSH for adolescent
Mr. S. B. Padhi, Additional District
Magistrate in charge of the social sector
programs at district level, chaired the
concluding session and gave the
valedictory address. He reiterated the
importance of the project and the
responsibility of different departments
to make it a success, and advised them
to implement the recommendations
made in the workshop. He assured full
support from the district administration
for the project.