IHMP evolved a state level strategy
that had greater focus on influencing
policy and programmes for married
adolescents in Maharashtra. The
state and national plans were
converged in September 2006
through a joint consultative meeting.
At the meeting, specific action points
with timelines were finalized.
The Population Foundation of India
and Management
International facilitated a three-day
workshop in July- August 2006 for
the organization Seva Mandir to
-develop a scale up vision for their
model for "Improving Immunization
Uptake in Tribal Population". Two
models were discussed at the
workshop (i) model for increasing
a~cess to sub centers by reducing
Auxiliary Nurse Midwives (ANMs)
absenteeism and (ii) model for
enha'ncing uptake of immunization
services by ensuring camps at regular
intervals and by providing incentives
for service uptake. The participants
came to the conclusion that between
the two models the immunization
model was in a better position for
scaling up. Seva Mandir is carrying
out regular camps in 60 hamlets of
Udaipur. Fifty percent of these are
incentive based, where incentives are
given to the beneficiaries while the
remammg 50% are non-incentive
based camps. Immunization uptake
has increased manifold in the
programme areas.
franchising model. The PH and MSI
met with ARTH at Udaipur in August
2006 to develop an initial
understanding of the model.
The Population Foundation of India
along with Management Systems
International met the staff members
of the Self Employed Women's
Association (SEWA),Ahmedabad, to
gain an insight into and comprehend
their model, called VimoSEWA, on
community based health insurance.
The meeting facilitated assessment of
the model's readiness for going to
scale. DUringthe meeting the PH and
MSI conducted several sessions with
the VimoSEWA team to help them
understand the challenges related to
their model and to identify solutions.
At the end of the meeting the PH
and MSI came to the conclusion that
the model has to work on financial
viability and sustainability before
going to scale.
Action Research and Training for
Health (ARTH), Udaipur has a model
on social franchising ,of .skilled birth
attendance, for providing safe delivery
and maternal health services through
skilledbirth attendants. These services
are provided in the community and at
static clinics. ARTH is now exploring
means of developing this as a social
In July 2006, the PH team along with
representatives from the Escort Heart
Institute and Research Centre
(EHIRC) and Hero Honda Motors
Limited (HHML), visited the "Village
Adoption Programme" site at
Joniawas village in Daruheda
(Haryana). This is a unique corporate
sector initiative from the EHIRC,
HHML and the Confederation of
Indian Industry (Cll). Based on the
visits, MSI and the PFI presented the
EHIRC with a broad. framework for
scaling up the Village Adoption
Programme. Both MSI and the PH
are currently working on a joint
proposal to facilitate scaling up of the
programme to include 40 villages.
The PFI has established a multi-
stakeholder working group on scaling
up model interventions in the area of
population and reproductive health.
The working group, comprising
NGOs, the government, the private
sector, donor agencies and individual
. expert>s, met in August 2006.
Dr. Richard Kohl of MSI shared the
MSI Scaling Up Framework with the '
participants at the meeting.
An Update on Activities of the Global Fund lIound4 Project on HII/AIOS -
··Access to Care & Treatment"
A part from the routine co-
ordination meetings with
individual Core Sub Grantees (CSGs),
many other meetings were held
in August and September 2006.
_A meeting of Programme Managers
to review the programme" Access to
Care and Treatment", was held at
New Delhi on August 24, 2006. In
addition to discussions on the
achievements of the programme and
its challenges, lessons learnt over the
lastone year were also discussed.
The Project Advisory Board (PAS) is
the advisory body of the PH for the
Global Fund project. The first meeting
of the PAB had been held in July
2005. The fifth (PAB) meeting was
organized at the Qutab Hotel in
New Delhi on August 26, 2006. The
meeting focused on the progress
made by the sub recipients of the
project during the fifth quarter and
the plans for the next quarter. Some
of the main issues that were discussed
at the meeting included the signing
of two Memoranda of Understanding
for the setting up of corporate
Antiretroviral Centres (ART) (the
Memoranda were between the
Confederation of Indian'-industry (Cll)
and 'the Associated Cement
Company Ltd); the strengthening of
District Level Networks (DLNs) to
achieve targets and provide services
to People Living with HIV/ AIDS
(PLWHAs)j est~blishing of the good
linkages with networks, government
and Qon-governmental agencies,
by the Comprehensive Care and,
Support Centre and enrolling (state
wise) of PLWHAs in DLNs - with
discussions on specific situations.
Experience sharing cum interaction
meetings among the PLWHAs, ART
clients and health care providers were
initiated in Maharashtra, Karnataka
and Manipur. This would provide a
platform to discuss issues of the
PLWHAs directly with nealthcare
A three-day "South and West Asia
. Cluster Regional Meeting" took place'
at Bangkok on September 19-21,
2006. The main ag,enda of the'
'meeting was improving Performance
Based Grant Management Skills.
Contd. on page 10