Comparison between urban and rural TFR shows that : social development and popularion srabilization. Stares
while urban woman now have 1.7 children less, the rural • with low densiry like Rajasthan is very poor, while high
woman have 2.1 children less than what they had 30
densiry Stare like Karnaraka is economically better off. So
years back (TFR rural 5.6, urban 4.1 in 1970 and rural • no direct relationship can be drawn between population
3.5, urban 2.4 in 1999), though poor often have a large • densiry and economic progress.
unmet need ( In some poorer States unmet needs for
Popularion srabilization is nor a rechnical problem
contraception is as high as 25%) and the desire for
• requiring a technical solurion. The answer does nor lie in
family planning has increased in poor families.
• pushing srerilizations and chasing targers. For population
A country is not poor because it has roo many people. • stabilization, it is importanr to improve people's access
By rapidly lowering birrh rares and reducing feniliry we • particularly women's access to qualiry health care.
cannor eli.minare poverry and improve srandards of living.
Women musr have access to both essential and
Bangladesh for insrance reduced irs TFR rather
• emergency obstettic care. Conuaceptive mix needs ro be
dramatically from aImosr 7(6.8) ro 3.1 during 1975-98,
enlarged and expanded. There is also a need to revitalize
bur this has nor alleviared poverty. In Kerala and Tamil
communiry based health initiatives. The obvious route
Nadu the TFR is below replacement level and yer we
to population stabilization is through social
cannot say thar there is no poverry in these Stares. China • development- through women's empowerment- through
has a much larger population and irs per capita income is
grearer gender equaliry. Women's empowerment is
almost twice thar ofIndia. Again, if we compare with
• critical to human development.
China, between 1975-95, China's per capita GNP grew
The obvious route ro population stabilization is
annually by almost 8% while India's grew only by 3%
• through social development, through women's
during the same period. The stark realiry is thar income
• empowerment, through greater gender equality. Women's
levels and growth depend on how well the Stare rrears irs • empowerment is critical to human development. We also
people, how well the Stare invesrs in irs people in their
• know that there exisrs a direct relationship between infant
education, health, nuuition and their well-being ro
• mortaliry and feniliry. Reducing IMR and child mortaliry
improve their qualiry of life. On the conuary, in our
• is, therefore, important to reduce population growth
country, often the Srare's failure ro provide basic services
and ultimately stabilize population. Interventions for
like health, education erc. is amibured again ro population • improving child survival are well known. Better education,
growth and this becomes a ready and good excuse for
improved access ro qualiry health care, better nuuition,
political leaders ro say "population" is holding up progress • better employment opportunities, higher earnings, safe
and developmem of the country,
• drinking water, better saniration ete. Interestingly enough,
While ir is rrue thar China has broughr down irs
these are the very same interventions which are also
population growth rare remarkably, even more
required for empowering women, improving the qualiry
remarkable drops in the growth rare occurred in Kerala
of life and for stabilizing population. Curbing
over the same period (China's TFR 2.8 in 1979 dropped
population growth cannot be a goal in irself It is only a
to 2.0 in 1991, while Kerala's TFR of3.0 in 1979
• means to development. If development can help in
dropped to 1.8 in 1991) and that too withour any
• stabilizing the population, truly that is a much better
coercion. Also much of the growth rare reducrion in
: and superior solution to one where population growth •
China rook place between 1970 and 1979, before
is curbed in the hope that development will
inuoduction of One Child Policy. The decline in China's automatically follow. Therefore, improvement of
growth rare has irs roors in increasing education access,
health and nutririon, on the other hand, can be an
improvement in economy and improvement in the
end itself and will lead to population stabilization.
sratus of women which took place after Communisr
It is high time, that we stop counting people and
Revolution and before One Child Policy was
instead start counting on people. Public action is
inuoduced. And so, ir is nor entirely clear how much of • required to expand people's capabilities to enlarge
China's ferriliry decline can be actually amibured ro one • opportunities and choices, to invest on social sectors
Child Policy alone. Kerala, for insrance does nor have a • like education, health, nutrition etc. and to promote
very srrong economy, bur ir enjoys the best development • women's empowerment. The simple mantra of
indicators and has gone much below the replacement
• population stabilization is: Take care of the people ~
level TFR and stabilized the population. The same is the
population will take care of itself ~
casewith Tama Nadu. Haryana, on th oth r hand, has
Dr Almas Ali, Sr. Advisor, Advocacy. •
much berrer economy bur lies far behind in matters of
• (Excerpts from Nfl bulletin, Vol. 25, No.1)