This issue of Focus has a supplement as
Center page on the project "Empowerment
of Panchayati Raj Institutions in Haryana"
undertaken by Population Foundation of India
and completed by January 2001. This two-year
project was implemented by the Foundation
through seven Non-Governmental Organisations
(NGOs) in the 19 districts of Haryana with
financial assistance from UNICEF.
The model strategy adopted by PFI for the
training programme was a three-tier educational
approach. In the first phase, 80 Master Trainers
were trained. They were in turn used by the
implementing agencies for training of 1,133
Local Resource Persons (LRPs). Finally the Local
Resource Persons were used to train 63,103
Panchayati Raj Members.
A Management Information System was
developed to monitor the programme and
evaluate the data collected through carefully
designed pre, post and final assessment forms
administered to the trainees to assess the impact
of the training programme, conducted at all the
three tiers.
Some of the major observations emanating from
this project are:
The training programme of this magnitude
cannot be undertaken without the support of the
state Government and the district level
Foundation of India received the same in
The Panchayat members are so varied in their
educational level, background, occupational
patterns and ability to absorb new information
that a variety of educational approaches have
to be adopted in order to be effective.
The commonly observed mass media approach
to train the Panchayat Members should be
followed by group and interpersonal discussions,
if the same has to be effective.
The organisational problems connected with the
assembling of the Panchayat Members in one
place, providing them with educational
materials, creating and sustaining their interest
in the subject-matter for three to four hours in a
day is a mamoth task tHat requires considerable
skills, knowledge of local culture and issues,
flexibility in approach and patience.
Empowerment of Panchayati Raj Institutions is
a continuous task that cannot be expected to be
achieved by one or two training programmes
and has to be continuously attended to by
committed Institutions with trained manpower
and preferably outside the government.
Our experience shows that non-governmental
organisations should join hands with state-
governments in this process of empowerment of
Panchayati Raj Institutions.
-- ~_ ..!l-
(Dr. K Srinivasan)
(Continued from page 1)
consensus. The very first meeting of
the Commission had given the
indication of a widespread national
concern to achieve early population
stabilisation and a sense of urgency
to take effective steps to accelerate
the progress. There also appeared
to be a strong political will and
commitment from all the state
governments and political parties.
between ongoing programmes in all
these Departments.
Mr Pant said a number of working
groups have been set up to deal with Mr Pant said a National Population
subjects like unmet
Stabilisation Fund
needs, primary and
secondary education
in relation
population stabilisa-
tion, registration of
births, deaths and
"The task at hand is
urgent and stupendous
and the time is
limited. It will be only
with concerted
was being set up
with a seed money
of Rs 100 crores
Commission. He
marriages, media for efforts of all who are hoped the private
information and role
of Panchayati
institutions and self-
help groups
population stabilisa-
tion. The groups have
been asked to identify
concerned about the
population issues that
we shall be able to
achieve the goals of
the National
Population Policy."
sector in India and
generously to the
Fund contribution
to which are
gaps and suggest
exempted from
alternate strategies in the light of income tax. The Fund would be used
and to support,
among others,
innovations with the objective of innovative, demand-driven, people
contributing to the fulfilment of the centred projects at district and sub-
objective of the National Population district levels. Community Based
Organisations and NGOs would also be
encouraged to avail of the facility.
Mr Pant disclosed that a strategic
support group has been formed with Mr Pant said state governments were
the secretaries of all the concerned being encouraged to formulate their
Departments of Government of India own Population Policies and set up
as members. The group would bring Population Commissions.
about co-ordination and synergy
(Continued on page 7)