Focus 2000 October - December English

Focus 2000 October - December English

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Volume XIV NO.4
October-December 2000
Concerted Efforts Needed toTackle Population Issues: Mr K C Pant
pnH~) T,
, L cR 2000
would be determined mainly by
adolescents and adults who, he
hoped, would be more literate, aware
and able to make better use of the
opportunities that would arise. "If
their felt needs for health and
contraceptive care are met, there will
be a steeper decline in mortality and
fertility and helping the country to
achieve the replacement level of
fertility earlier", he said.
Mr Pant said the National
Policy affirms the
Chairman Dr. Bharat Ram addressing the audience at the sixth JRD Tata Memorial Oration. Others are
(from left): Executive Director Dr. K. Srinivasan; Deputy Chairman, Planning
Commission, Mr. K. C. Pant; Vice-Chairman, Mr. Hari Shankar Singhania and members of the
Governing Board, Dr. Ranjit Roy Chaudhury and Mrs. Avabai B Wadia.
commitment of Government towards
voluntary and informed choice of
citizens in availing of reproductive
health care services.
continuing the target free approach
The sixth JRD Tata Memorial
Oration was delivered by Mr K C
Pant, Deputy. Chairman,
Addressing a cross section of
audience, consisting of members of
the PFI Governing Board and Advisory
to family planning, the Policy lays
down a n umber of soci 0-
demographic goals for 2010.
Commission and Vice-
National Commission on
at a function organised
Special Supplement on 'Empowerment
of Panchayati Raj Institutions in Haryana'
by PFI on November 3, 2000 at India
Habitat Centre. He spoke on 'National
on Page 3
Population Policy 2000 - Role of the Council, government
He called the Commission a 'very
National Commission on Population'. representatives of UN agencies and good forum' which could be used to
Dr Bharat Ram, Chairman, PFI, NGOs, Mr Pant said the size of India's build public opinion and create
population in the next two decades
(Continued on page 2)

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This issue of Focus has a supplement as
Center page on the project "Empowerment
of Panchayati Raj Institutions in Haryana"
undertaken by Population Foundation of India
and completed by January 2001. This two-year
project was implemented by the Foundation
through seven Non-Governmental Organisations
(NGOs) in the 19 districts of Haryana with
financial assistance from UNICEF.
The model strategy adopted by PFI for the
training programme was a three-tier educational
approach. In the first phase, 80 Master Trainers
were trained. They were in turn used by the
implementing agencies for training of 1,133
Local Resource Persons (LRPs). Finally the Local
Resource Persons were used to train 63,103
Panchayati Raj Members.
A Management Information System was
developed to monitor the programme and
evaluate the data collected through carefully
designed pre, post and final assessment forms
administered to the trainees to assess the impact
of the training programme, conducted at all the
three tiers.
Some of the major observations emanating from
this project are:
The training programme of this magnitude
cannot be undertaken without the support of the
state Government and the district level
Foundation of India received the same in
The Panchayat members are so varied in their
educational level, background, occupational
patterns and ability to absorb new information
that a variety of educational approaches have
to be adopted in order to be effective.
The commonly observed mass media approach
to train the Panchayat Members should be
followed by group and interpersonal discussions,
if the same has to be effective.
The organisational problems connected with the
assembling of the Panchayat Members in one
place, providing them with educational
materials, creating and sustaining their interest
in the subject-matter for three to four hours in a
day is a mamoth task tHat requires considerable
skills, knowledge of local culture and issues,
flexibility in approach and patience.
Empowerment of Panchayati Raj Institutions is
a continuous task that cannot be expected to be
achieved by one or two training programmes
and has to be continuously attended to by
committed Institutions with trained manpower
and preferably outside the government.
Our experience shows that non-governmental
organisations should join hands with state-
governments in this process of empowerment of
Panchayati Raj Institutions.
-- ~_ ..!l-
(Dr. K Srinivasan)
(Continued from page 1)
consensus. The very first meeting of
the Commission had given the
indication of a widespread national
concern to achieve early population
stabilisation and a sense of urgency
to take effective steps to accelerate
the progress. There also appeared
to be a strong political will and
commitment from all the state
governments and political parties.
between ongoing programmes in all
these Departments.
Mr Pant said a number of working
groups have been set up to deal with Mr Pant said a National Population
subjects like unmet
Stabilisation Fund
needs, primary and
secondary education
in relation
population stabilisa-
tion, registration of
births, deaths and
"The task at hand is
urgent and stupendous
and the time is
limited. It will be only
with concerted
was being set up
with a seed money
of Rs 100 crores
Commission. He
marriages, media for efforts of all who are hoped the private
information and role
of Panchayati
institutions and self-
help groups
population stabilisa-
tion. The groups have
been asked to identify
concerned about the
population issues that
we shall be able to
achieve the goals of
the National
Population Policy."
sector in India and
generously to the
Fund contribution
to which are
gaps and suggest
exempted from
alternate strategies in the light of income tax. The Fund would be used
and to support,
among others,
innovations with the objective of innovative, demand-driven, people
contributing to the fulfilment of the centred projects at district and sub-
objective of the National Population district levels. Community Based
Organisations and NGOs would also be
encouraged to avail of the facility.
Mr Pant disclosed that a strategic
support group has been formed with Mr Pant said state governments were
the secretaries of all the concerned being encouraged to formulate their
Departments of Government of India own Population Policies and set up
as members. The group would bring Population Commissions.
about co-ordination and synergy
(Continued on page 7)

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Empowerment of Panchayati Raj Institutions in Haryana
Project Supported by UNICEF and Executed by Population Foundation of India (PFI)
September 1, 1998 to December 31,2000
Capacity building of Panchayat
members particularly women
members on their role and
responsibility in improving quality
of life in rural areas.
Training Panchayat members on
important social issues concerning
Haryana including Reproductive
and Child Health and Population
Stabilisa tion.
Enable Panchayats to develop local
agenda and solutions for
Developing training tools and
material, systems for supervision,
management information system
etc. for replication in other states.
PFI with the help of two Universities:
CCS HaryanaAgricultural University,
Hisar and MD University, Rohtak and
five NGOs : Family Planning
Association of India, Yamunanagar;
Utthan Institute of Development and
Studies, Yamunanagar; Spandana,
New Delhi; Family Planning
Association of India, New Delhi and
Family Planning Association of India,
Panchkula completed the training.
CCS Haryana Agricultural
University, Hisar organised training in
the districts ofHisar, Sirsa, Fatehabad,
Jind, Bhiwani and Mahendergarh.
MD University, Rohtak organised
training in the districts of Jhajjar,
Sonepat, Rohtak and Rewari.
Family Planning Association of
India, Yamunanagar organised training
in the districts of Yamunanagar,
Panipat, Ambala and Kamal.
Utthan Institute of Development
and Studies, Yamunanagar organised
training in the districts of Kurukshetra
and Kaithal.
Spandana, New Delhi organised
training in the district of Gurgaon.
Family Planning Association of
India, New Delhi organised training in
the district ofFaridabad.
Family Planning Association of
India, Panchkula organised training in
the district of Panch kula.
Subjects for Training
73rd Constitutional Amendment and
Haryana Panchayati Raj Act
Decentralised Planning
Social and Gender Equity
Education and Literacy
Health and Diseases
Reproductive and Child Health
Population Issues and Development
Health and Nutrition
Drinking Water and Sanitation
Each topic focused on the main issue,
initiatives by the central and state
government and role and responsibility
of Panchayat members.
A total of 60,363 members from 6017
Gram Panchayats, 2426 Block Samiti
members from 114 Blocks and 314 Zilla
Parishad members from 19 districts
were trained.

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Population & Derelopmeu!
based on the census of 1991 was compiled
and distributed.
•• Employed with implementing
Training in three batches at Hisar,
Nilokheri and Rohtak/New Delhi.
A substantial number were women.
A total of 80 master trainers were
Master trainers were responsible for
training Local Resource Persons.
Wall Chart
A Wall Chart of Haryana - Population and
Development 1999 giving social indicators
of the state like sex ratio, life expectancy at
birth, literacy rate, crude birth 'rate,
percentage attending schools, work
participation rate etc. was brought out and
distributed through out the state.
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Training Module
A training module was specially prepared
in Hindi which was used as a training
material. It covered the nine subjects A
short version was distributed to each of
the 63,103 members of the Panchayati Raj
Apna Raj Panchayati Raj
A video film Apna Raj Panchayati Raj was
specially made and used to train members
of Panchayati Raj institutions about their
role and responsibilities. Through the help
of an anchor person, the nine subjects are
presented by subject specialists in a lucid
manner with questions and answers at the
end of each subject to bring into focus the
highlights of each subject.
Resource Persons
for Training
•• Master Trainers at district level.
•• Local Resource Persons at Gram
Panchayat level.
Local Resource Persons (LRPs)
A LRP was a local person from the
same district who may be a graduate /
A substantial number were women.
Qualifications for women candidates
were relaxed.
A LRP could be a retired government
official, health worker, school teacher
or ex-serviceman.
They were trained in 39 batches at
block level by master trainers and
government officials.
Five-day programme for each batch
including one-day PLA exercise in
the field.
A total of 1133 LRPs were trained.
LRPs were responsible for training
members of Gram Panchayats in
cluster and for follow-up visits to
each Panchayat.
Gram Panchayat Members
Two-day cluster level training by
Local Resource Persons to 2,088
District Profile - Haryana
The data for Haryana like age-sex-marital
structure, literacy and education levels,
occupational patterns and infrastructural
facilities available such as electricity, water
and sanitation etc. at the district level in a
series of 22 tables for each of the 16 districts
Master Trainers
•• A Master Trainer was a graduate/
post-graduate / retired government
officials or ex-servicemen from the
same district.

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A cluster comprised three Gram
Panchayats or 25-30 Panchayat
Training on nine subjects, screening
of video film' Apna Raj Panchayati
Nine-day follow-up visits to each
Panchayat by one LRP.
Each member of the Panchayati Raj
institutions giv.en a short version of
the training module.
Block Samiti Members
Two-day orientation to Block Samiti
members and government officials.
Orientation by master trainers and
subject experts.
Zilla Parishad Members
One-day orientation to Zilla
Parishad members and government
Orientation by subject experts and
district officials like Deputy
Commissioners, Additional Deputy
Commissioners, District Develop-
ment and Panchayat Officers.
Chronology of
A two-day state level workshop at
Hotel Shivalik, Chandigarh on April
2 and 3,1999 discussed the training
POl~ L \\TIO' F~M)Al iO'\\ OF 1'01'\\ \\t\\\\ Dwn
strategy and worked out a
detailed plan of action on
Panchayati Raj training.
The Chief Secretary of
Haryana, Mr R S Verma
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inaugurated ~he workshop.
The Minister of Panchayati Raj
and Rural Development,
Haryana, Mr Kanwal Singh
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was the chief guest. The "U\\il ~-3ff ~ ~1fck1CJ?<ol ~ '1C1f.1C1IRlti ~, ~,
Financial Commissioner and
Secretary, Education, Haryana,
Mr Vishnu Bhagwan presided.
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Senior officials of Haryana
Government, Chairpersons of
Zilla Parishad of several
districts from Haryana,
academicians from State
representatives of leading
NGOs in Haryana were
A video film 'People,
Population and our Leaders'
produced by PFI was screened.
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A software package on
'Management Information
System' being developed for
the Panchayati Raj training
was presented to get the feed-
back from the participants.
A training module specially prepared
by PFI in Hindi for Panchayati Raj in
Haryana providing training material for the
trainees was also released.
Representatives of six implementing
agencies comprising three Universities of
Haryana and three NGOs attended.
Production of teaching material- print
and electronic.
Another five-day training programme
for master trainers organised at
of Rural
Mr Tapas Datta, Project Officer,
Development, Nilokheri from October
UNICEF made a presentation.
25 to 29, 1999.
The first training programme
for Master Trainers was inaugurated
by the Executive Director of PFI
Dr K Srinivasan at CCS Haryana
Agricultural University, Hisar on July
5,1999. The Deputy Commissioner of
Hisar, Mr Apoorav Singh presided.
A Wall Chart of Haryana - Population
and Development 1999 and District Profile
- Haryana were released.

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lIJ Monthly meetings held with
of seven
implementing agencies to
review day-to-day progress.
~ National level Co-ordination
Committee meetings held with
representatives from Union
Ministry of Rural Development,
UNICEF and PFI to guide and
co-ordinate the activities of the
Project Co-ordinator Mr. a.p. Bhasin; Executive Director Dr. K. Srinivasan and Deputy Director
(Programmes), UNICEF Dr. Erma Manoncourt alongwith representatives of Implementing Agencies at the
National Level Co-ordination Committee Meeting at PFI.
~ The concluding meeting at the
national level held on December
22, 2000, attended by Deputy
Director (Programmes), Dr Erma
Manoncourt, UNICEF, Mr P. P
Halder, Under Secretary, Union
Ministry of Rural Development
and representatives
implementing agencies at PFI.
~ Progress of project reviewed
at national level by the National
Level Coordination Committee
wi th represen ta ti ves from
Union Ministry of Rural
Development, PFI and UNICEF
from time to time.
•• Monthly meetings held at PFI office
with representatives of seven
implementing agencies and PFI
where day-to-day
~ Management Information System
(MIS) developed.
~ Pre and post evaluation of training
received by Master Trainers and
Local Resource Persons through
Pre, post and final evaluation of
training received by Gram Panchayat
members, Block Samiti members and
Zilla Parishad members.
Evaluation of faculty and contents of
training by Master Trainers, Local
Resource Persons and Gram
Panchayat members.
"I was sceptical about the training."
"The design and implmentation have
been systematic. In fact, you have
exceeded my expectations."
"You have actually implemented what
you had planned."
"Evaluation is real plus not seen
very often."
"Women's empowerment for follow-up
- to be noted on our side."
Executive Director Dr. K. Srinivasan and Deputy Director (Programmes), UNICEF Dr. Erma
Manoncourt with the representatives of Implementing Agencies.
Dr Erma Manoncourt
Deputy Director

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(Continued from page 2)
Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh and
Maharashtra have so far formulated
their own Population Policies.
Paying his tribute to the late Mr JRD
Tata, Mr Pant said, Mr Tata had
recognised the critical linkages
and strove to
the process
demographic transition by paying
attention to meet the needs of
Analysing the population scenario,
Mr Pant said, " The task at hand is
urgent and stupendous and the time
is limited. It will be only with
concerted efforts of all who are
concerned about the population
issues that we shall be able to achieve
the goals of the National Population
Policy. We must make this a peoples'
movement. Everyone has a role and
everyone's role is important; so let
us put in our best !"
Quoting Mr Tata, Mr Pant said,
"Yesterday would not have been too
early, tomorrow may be too late".
Mr Pant answered a number of
questions from the members of
audience relating to population
stabilisation, National Population
Policy and role of National
Commission on Population.
Earlier, in his presidential remarks,
Dr Bharat Ram referred to Prime
Minister's address at the first
A team from Bangladesh visited PFI on December 26 to know the activities of National Population
Policy 2000. The members of the team had a meeting with officials of PFI headed by Executive Director
Dr. K. Srinivasan. The team included Mr. K. M. Nazmul Alam Siddiqui, Joint Secretary; Mr. M. A.
Quasem, Deputy Secretary and Ms. Nargis Khanam, Assistant Chief (all from Ministry of Finance); Mr.
A.K.M. Abdus Salam, Deputy Director; Mr. Nazmul Amin Mazumder, Statistical Officer and Mr. Aziz
Ahmed, Statistical Officer (all from Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics) and Mr. Nawshad Ahmed,
Planning Officer, UNICEF, Bangladesh.
meeting of the National Commission
on Population where he outlined the
gravity of the population problem
and the limited success achieved by
the national programme of family
planning. The Prime Minister had
hoped that the Commission would
guide and assist the nation in the
achievement of the goals set in the
National Population Policy 2000. 0
Mrs Singhania Passes Away
Mrs Veena Singhania, wife of Mr Hari Shankar Singhania, Vice-
Chairman of PFI, passed away on November 24, 2000 at the
age of 63.
Mrs Singhania was deeply engaged in social work. She fought
all her life to prevent blindness among the poor, for good child
care and rehabilitation of war widows. She was the founder
Secretary General of the Delhi Chapter of the Guild of Service
and War Widows Association. Her commitment to Venu
Charitable Society was exemplary. Venu Eye Institute in Delhi
treats over two lakh patients a year.
In a letter to Mr Singhania, Executive Director Dr K Srinivasan
condoled the death of Mrs Singhania and expressed his grief
and shock. He had earlier attended the cremation and laid a
wreath on behalf of PFI.

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New Joinings and Departure
Mr CSN Murthy joined PFI as
Accounts Officer on November 1,
2000. After completing
studies, he worked with a number
of companies. He was working
with Siel Ltd, New Delhi (formerly
Shriram Industrial Enterprises Ltd)
before he joined the Foundation.
Dr B P Thiagarajan joined the Foundation as
Joint Director (Monitoring and Evaluation) on November
9, 2000. He was working as Research Director in ORG-
MARG, New Delhi, a leading consultancy mganisation
in South Asia on various evaluation projects in the
sectors namely population, health, women and child,
main areas
He had earlier worked with
National Family Health Survey-
Phase I, International Institute for
Population Sciences, Mumbai and
Tata Institute of Social Sciences,
Mumbai in various capacities. His
of interest are survey research and
evaluation, field visits and training.
Dr Sanjay Mohanty, Programme Associate, has left the
Foundation and joined as Lecturer in the International
Institute for Population Sciences, Mumbai. He was given
a warm farewell by the staff of the Foundation.
Population-Development Nexus in India -
Challenges for the New Millennium Ready for Release
PFI had organised a 'Millennium
on Population,
Development and Environment
Nexus' in collaboration with Indian
Association for the Study of
Population (IASP) and United
Nations Population Fu nd (U NFPA)
from February 14-16, 2000 in New
Delhi. A number of papers h<;ld
been invited at the Conference. A
selected number of these papers have
been put together in the form of a
book and edited by Dr K Srinivasan,
Executive Director, PFI and Michael
Vlassoff, earlier UNFPA Country
Representative, India. Some of the
aspects covered by the papers are:
issues, economic
issues, socio-political issues, food
and agriculture, education, health
and disease, family planning and
fertility, environment and gender
Published by Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing Company Limited, the
book is ready for release.
Published by POPULATION FOUNDATION OF INDIA, 8-28, Qutab Institutional Area, New Delhi-11 0016. Tel.: 6867080, 6867081
Editorial Direction & Guidance: Dr K Srinivasan
Editor: Ajay Sunder
Printed by New Concept Information Systems Pvt. Ltd. Tel.: 6972748, 6972743
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