Advocacy Campaigns
A media workshop on the issue: producers of AIR, New Delhi. The:
of 'Sex Selection and Pre-birth • workshop ended with a voice vote for ••
Elimination of Females and: all possiblecoordination and mutual help:
the advocacy campaign.
Censusdata and research materials
should be used as news item.
importance of Birth Registration'with the· between AIR and PFIto carry forward •• A consortium can be formed between
Producers of All India Radio, New Delhi: the campaign to all corners of the:
AIR and PFI,Plan India and other like-
was organized on August, 28, 2004 at : country through radio.
minded organisations to visit villages
PFI. The workshop was chaired by •
and make program at village level.
Mr A R Nanda, Executive Director, PFI. : Suggestions and
Welcoming the participants, Mr Nanda • Recommendations from the
:. PFI can approach AIR for rebate in
prime time slot.
gave a brief description of various: floor:
programmes like Hum Log, Dehleezand :. The reach of radio within the
community radio programmes·
community should be explored and • PFI~8dEvllllt
undertaken by PFIon health and social: used effectively in channelizing social •
issues.Acknowledging the importance of : messages.
• • PFIwas a co-sponsor of the Mahila
radio in terms of its reach and •• Information and data available with • Swasthya Mela organized by the
effectivenessin imparting the messages,: socialorganisationslike PFI,PlanIndia:
Nav Bharat Jagriti Kendra, Ranchi
he said that carrying the Behavioral· should be shared with the media so·
during September 2004. The aim
ChangeCommunication (BCC)and other: as to highlight them in various
of the mela was to demonstrate
socialmessagesthrough AIRisour priority.: programmes and also make new
the improved capacity of
He urged the program officials of AIRto·
programmes on social issues.
Government Medical Servicesin
come forward and join hands with social :. Phone-inprogrammes should be used • delivering reproductive and child
organizations like PFIand Plan India and : . to give a voice to the victim of such·
health careand promoting gender
make programmes which highlights not. evil practices especially women.
only the issue of sex selection and pre- :. Community radio at the village and : L-
birth elimination of femalesbut alsoother·
social development initiatives.
Making a presentationon demographic:
scenario of Child Sex Ratio in Delhi,·
according to Census 2001, Ms Suman:.
Parashar, Joint Director, Office of the:
Registrar General of India said that the.
block level should be encouraged.
PFIshould buy time and space in AIR:
for airing programmes on social
stage play, interactive chat show in :
FM etc on female foeticide issues.
Efforts Towards R8dUcing
IIIdviIIId KftIIQIIIlt in Drissa
UI •••••• L
imbalancethathassetattheearlyage-group :.
isdifficult of be removedand would remain·
to haunt the population for a long time to:
come. Shesaidthat the declining child sex:
ratio isa powerful indicatorto examinethe·
socialresponseand attitudetowardsthe girl:
child in recentpast.In her presentation,she·.
gavea detailed picture in terms of data to:
the media so as to help them realizethe:.
grim situation as it existsnow.
The workshop was attended by more:
PFIand AIR can conceptualize
Under the above project, a block
programs at two different stages like· •
consultation meeting was held
nukkad natak and stage play for the :
during 13th and 14th September,
common massesand legal
2004, in Dasmantpur block of
programmes for the elite and
Koraput district. A mixed group of
educated mass.
around 50 participants from
PFIcan be invited for technical inputs·
different sections like SHG,ANM,
to the quarterly meetings of AIR. •
AWW, and PRlsattended. The
Programmes on social issuesshould •
presence of senior officials both
be punctuated with entertainment
from district and block level was
than twenty producers and Executive· • AIR YuvVani should be roped in for· L-