The unique position of the
Foundation found recognition
when its founder Chairman
JRD Tata was conferred th~
prestigious UN Population
Award for the year 1992. The
Foundation has also been
recognized as an affiliate body
of Economic and Social Council
(ECOSOC) of the United
Nations with associate status.
Early Initiatives
The Foundation has been
promoting and advocating
population stabilization
programmes, both as a tool for
reduction of high population
growth, and as an entirely new
way of life in a developing
society, in which a family is not
seen as mere numbers but a
valuable relationship of shared
growth. Initially the Foundation
supported bio-medical and
socio-behaviou ral research ,
and action demonstration
Changing with challenges
The Foundation keeps a close
watch on the changes that are
taking place in the national and
international demographic
scenario, plans its policies and
priorities, and fine-tunes its
activities in line with the
changing perspectives and
realities of the ground situation.
A change in the name of the
Foundation in 1993 signifies in
itself the recognition of a
broader vision of the population
Another turning point in the
Foundation's mandate came
after the International
Conference on Population and
Development held in Cairo in
1994. In line with the
recommendations of the ICPD
Cairo and keeping in view the'
changes in the policies of the
Government of India, the
Foundation has fixed afresh its
priorities and thrust areas.
• To extend full support and
provide guidance in
formulating and influencing
population policies and
programmes and to serve
as a catalytic agent to
promote programmes at
different levels directed
towards the goal of
population stabilization and
• To improve the quality of life
of the people through RCH
programmes with special
emphasis on reduction of
neo-natal mortality, infant
mortality, maternal morbidity
and mortality, adolescents'
health needs, HIV/AIDS
prevention and care, unmet
need for contraception,
women's health and their
reproductive rights, and
gender issues.
• To strengthen non-
government organizations,
organizations, self-help
groups, Panchayati Raj
Institutions and the
organized sector on
population, health and social
development issues with the
goal of empowering the
community as a whole.
• To advocate its
programmes at all levels to
promote quality of life and
sustainable development.
The Foundation now focuses its
activities largely on the socially
and demographically backward
districts spread over various
states of the country.
In addition to financial support,
the Foundation provides
intellectual and technical inputs
to non-government
organizations for implementing
projects effectively and