World Population to be Six Billion
The Population Division of the
Department of Economic and
Social Affairs hasfinalised the
1998 Revision of the official United
Nations world population
estimates and projections. These
estimates and
projections provide the stand~rd
and consistent set of populatIOn
figures that are used throughout
the United Nations system as the
basis for activities requiring
population information.
Below are some of the
highlights of these world
population.; estimates and
projections :
World population cUrrently
(mid 1998) stands at 5.9 billion
persons and is growing at 1.33
percent per year, or .a~ annual net
addition of 78 ml1hon people.
World population in the mid 21st
century is expected to be in the
range of 7.3 to 10.7 bi~ion. 'f.he
medium-fertility projectIOn,WhICh
is usually considered as "most
likely", indicates that ~o~ld
population will reach 8.9 bl1hon
in 2050.
The world population is
expected to reach the 6 billion
mark in November 1999. From
1804, when the world passed the
1 billion mark, it took 123 years
to reach 2 billion people in 1927,.
33 years to attain 3 billion in 1960,
14 years to reach 4 billion in 1974,
-13 years to attain 5 billion. ~ 19~7
and 12 years to reach 6 bIllIOn In
;. The global average fertility
level now stands at 2.7 births per
woman;.in contrast, in the early
1950s, the average number was 5
births per woman. Fertility is now
declining in all regions of the
world. For example, during the
last 25 years, the number of
children per couple has fallen from
6.6 to 5.1 in Africa, from 5.1 to
2.6 in Asia, and from 5.0 to 2.7
in Latin America and the
The 1998Revision demonstrates
a devastating mortality toll from
HIV/ AIDS. For instance, in the 29
hardest-hit African countries, the
average life expectancy at birth is
currently 7 years less than it would
have been.ln the absence of AIDS.
The highest prevalence of HIV in
the world is currently in Botswana,
where one of every 4 adults is
infected. Life expectancy at birth
in Botswana is anticipated to fall
from 61 years in 1990-1995 to 41
years by 2000-2005. Bas~d o~ the
United Nations proJectIOns,
Botswana's population by 2025
may be 23 percent smaller than it
would have been in the absence
of AIDS. Nevertheless, because
fertility is high, the population of
Botswana is still expected to nearly
double between 1995 and 2050,
though at a rate smaller than in
the earlier half a century.
The results from the 1998
Revision shed new light on the
global population ageing processes.
For the first time, the numbers of
octogena~ians, nonagenarians and
centenarians are estimated and
projected for all countries of the
world. In 1998,66 million per~ons
in the world were aged 80 or over,
that is about 1 of every 100persons.
This number is expected to increase
almost 6 fold by 2050 to reach 370
million persons. In addition, in
1998, around 135thousand persons
in the world are estimated to be
aged 100 or over. The number of
centenarians is projected to
increase 16 fold by 2050 to reach
2.2 million persons.
The Ultra-Rich
New estimates show that the
world's 225 richest people have
a combined wealth of over $1trillion,
equal to the annual income of the
poorest 47% of the world's people
(2.5 billion).
The enormity of the wealth of the
ultra-rich is a mind-boggling contrast
with low incomes in the developing
• The three richest people have
assets that exceed the combined
GDP of the 48 least developed
• The 15 richest have assets that
exceed the total GDP of Sub-
Saharan Africa.
• The wealth of the 32 richest
people exceeds the total GDP of
South Asia.
• The assets of the 84 richest exceed
the GDP of China, the most
populous country, with 1.2billion
Another striking contrast is the
wealth of the 225 richest people
compared with what is needed ~o
achieve universal access to baSIC
social services for all. It is estimated
that the additional cost of achieving
and maintaining universal access to
basic education for all, basic health
care for all, reproductive health care
for all women, adequate food for all
and safe water and sanitation for all
is roughly $40 billion a year. This is
less than 4% of the combined wealth
of the 225richest people in the world.
The country with the biggest share
of the world's 225 richest people is
the United States, with 60 (combined
wealth of $311 billion), followed by
Germany, with 21 ($111billion), and
Japan, with 14 ($41 billion).
Industrial countries have 147 of the
richest 225 people -($645' billion
combined), and developing countries
78 ($370 billion). Africa has just two
($3.7billion), both from South Africa.
- Human Development Report 1998