our population and that comes in the
way of development. What do you
think about it ?
C.S. : First, we did not create
Bangladesh. It was created by Gen. Ayub
and his policies along with inadequacies
of Pakistan regime at that time. We only
helped the people who were suffering.
It is, however, true that people are
coming from Bangladesh and that poses
a serious problem for our country. I
don't know how to stop it. Because
many countries of the world, with more
vigorous efforts and resources have not
been able to stop migration. With all her
power, United States of America has not
been able to control illegal migrants
from Mexico. We should try to do
something and see that illegal migration
is reduced to the minimum.
Q. :"I want to raise two questions:
one is general, as you said, wher~ver
there had been economic development,
there has been a desire for small
family and therefore family planning
automatically takes place. Is it not a
vicious circle, Sir, that if there will be
no economic development there is
higher fertility and if there is higher
fertility, there will be no development?
Second, what is the relationship in
your view between status of women
and family planning?
C.S. :Inmy speech, about econornic
development, I have also mentioned
about human development. Economic
development may at times dehumanize
the society. If the economic development
is encouraging development of human
personality then that will not create the
crisis of development and population.
Together with the economic
development, we should try to develop
human beings also, so that they could
realize their potential and become aware
about the challenges of the SOciety.And
in that context I mentioned that our
people should be educated, more so our
mothers and sisters because they have
to take.care of their.children; they have
to develop a good personality for their
children who have to be the builders of
tomorrow's India. About women; the
fact is well established that the child
whatever he learns in the five years of
his initial life is a major influence - 80
per cent of his personality. Only 20 per
cent or a small portion is contributed by
the social interaction and education in
schools and colleges. Therefore, in first
five years, a child's personality is shaped
in the company of his mother and that
has tremendous impact on his
personality in adult life. If our mothers
are not taken care, children become the
neglected section of our society. I
strongly feel that women should be
given the desired role in society and
that role should be in making a real
human being of them and this is more
important than the contributions of
men in shaping the future. In India, this
has been accepted for thousands of
years. Unfortunately, we are decrying
everything that is in our past because
we think that imitating some other
people who have the civilization of
only a few hundred years are more
important than having some faith in the
glorious tradition of this country.
Q. : Can micro level planning be
linked with "Panchayati Raj" ? Is there
any hope for micro level planning to
succeed especially after the
C.S.: The 'Panchayati Raj'
experiment is good. But it also depends
on what type of people are being elected
to the panchayats. For example, after
some women members have come to
the panchayat, there is some initial
sobering impact on the functioning of
panchayat, but whether this will
continue or not only time will tell.
However, Panchayati raj is a must for
holistic development of the society.
Much depends on; what type of powers
~r~. g.iven to them, what type of
irutiatives are taken at state level in
order to provide more impetus for their
development and more power and"
initiative to the panchayats to take care
of their own environment.
Q. : Since development will come
only in the long run and in view of a
major chunk of our population living
below the poverty line, what will you
suggest in the short run ?
C.S.: There is no short run. We
should go to the people. The societies
like Population Foundation of India
should go to people and tell them that
they should have few children and give
them the wherewithal to do so. This is
necessary but not sufficient. If the
Foundation can give them
contraceptives and pills, and also assure
them that there will be no adverse
reactions and if there are any, they will
get the needed medical care, such
endeavour will bring some good results.
In short term, such initiatives should
not be stopped. But we should think of
long term implications because short
term implications are obvious and
people are already taking initiatives.
Many social organizations, government
and non-government organizations,
have taken initiative but inspite of all
this, we are failing. And .that is why we
should take the long term view of
development in our population policies
and programmes.
Q. : Can we take up Chinese mode
of population control ?
C.S.: We cannot take up Chinese
mode of population control because
inspite of all praises being hurled upon
Chinese experiment today, China for a
long time, was a regimented society and
it is entirely different from our society.
I shall not like to condemn them or in
any way try to minimize their efforts,
but unfortunatel y, Indian society cannot
be compared with the Chinese society of
today. Therefore, it is not possiblenow
to take up Chinese mode of population
control. Let us see what happens in
China after few years with the new
wave of liberalization occurring there.
Dr. Bharat Ram : Chandra
Shekharji, are you going to become a
'Young Turk' again or not? Are your
prepared to go from Kanya Kumari to
Delhi, as you did in your 'padyatra'
earlier ? Are you going to help us in
propagating to political bosses whether
they are going to take the matter of
education and particularly of female
education seriously or not ?
. C.S.: Mr. Chairman, I fully agree
WIth you. And I am going to take those
suggestions very seriously, but you
should ~nderstand my difficulty. IfI say
something and take some initiative, it is
being taken with certain amount of
apprehension at least among the political
circles. I don't want to create more
controversies in this country. We have
of your stature, takes up this cause and
comes from Delhi to Kanyakumari, I
shall spend all the time with you, without
having any considerations whatever the
political implication might be. Because
then it will not be taken as a political
move. Ifpersons in the field of education
and industry who think about the future
of the country, create a group and they
are ready to go from place to place, to
press upon the governments and other
people, that education is important, Iam
going to be one humble member of that"
group. That much assurance I can
give you .•