SANRACHNA - the PFI sponsored innovative project integrating health with socio-
economic development - was launched in Kanpur Dehat District of u.P. in November
1992. The task of implementing the project was entrusted to Sf. Catherine's Hospital,
Kanpur under the directorship of Dr J M Das. The project now in the third and final year
of its implementation is being funded to the tune of Rs 27 lakh by the PFI.
the PFI-sponsored
Health and
Development project was
launched in the Sarsaul block of
Kanpur Dehat district of U.P. in
November 1992. (FOCUS: April-June
1993). The Project activities were
divided into two phases. The Pilot
phase, where the progranune was
to be carried out in an intensive
manner in the Sarsaul block, for a
period of 18 months and the
Extension phase, in which the
experiences of the pilot phase were
to be concised into a strategy for
programme development in other
The pilot phase in the Sarsaul
block has been completed. The
positive experiences gained during
this period with respect to
community mobilisation, health
education, training of the male and
female vol unteers, activisation of the
community's organisations etc., have
been used in developing a
methodology for district-wide
programme activities.
There is, however, a basic
difference. During the pilot phase,
the Community Health Volunteers
from each of the programme villages
were selected, trained and deployed
in their respective villages. They
were paid a monthly stipend to
cover their incidental expenses. In
the extension phase, the focus is
mainly on training and active
involvement of the health workers,
and the community leaders to make
them work in their respective, areas
wHh more knowledge and
competenc~ brought about by
training. There are, as such, no paid
CHVs. and the foundation of the
progranmle is being laid on voluntary
The project has two sets of
objectives. One relating to health and
family planning and the other
pertaining to social and economic
development. The former are called
the Core objectives with which the
Foundation is primarily concerned.
Progress-Phase II
(Extension Phase)
The extension phase which
commenced from July 1994, has
progressed as follows:
1. Health and demographic smveys
have been carried out in one
village in each of the 17 blocks of
the district. On the basis of this
information, education and
training strategies have been
2. As a parallel activity, one model
village is being developed in each
of the blocks covering it with
intensive activities on the lines of
the pilot phase work in the Sarsaul
block to serve as a demonstration
3. All the blocks of the district have
been covered with the following
a) Sensitisationmeetings with the
block-level functionaries of the
development block, primary
health centre staff and family
planning workers. •
b) Systematic training of the
Auxiliary Nurse Midwives
and other health functionaries
serving ill the 17 blocks ill
c) Block level training of
community leaders and school
teachers to develop positive
interface with health cadres.
4. IEC material has been developed
for different categories of
functionaries and the community
based on their information needs
as assessed during the pilot phase,
juxtaposed with the health
manual of the CMAT.
It is noteworthy that the project
is receiving full cooperation from the
Health and Medical Staff of the
district at all the levels. Results
achieved are to be assessed after one
Training modules from different
categories of staff, specially the
ANMs are being prepared in
collaboration with the subject matter
specialists and staff of the nurses
training institutions.
Orientation prograrnrnesfor the
non-medical staff have been planned
at all the block headquarters.
It may be mentioned here that
training programmes for different
categories of medical and non-
medical staff and the community
leaders are planned to be taken up as
an ongoing activity for the entire
, ,tenure of the project.
Progress Report-Phase I
(Sarsaul Block)
The pilot phase activities in the
Sarsaul block were concluded in
April 1994. A review of the progress
of the 18 months activities in the
block is presented below: