Empowering Panchayats
Panchayat Members of Aligarh District
Population Foundation in India is engaged in a
major endeavor to empower Panchayat
Members (PMs) at all the three tiers in selected States
on their rights and responsibilities, gender issues,
education and literacy, reproductive and child health
including family planning programmes. Initially, PFI
implemented a model project on a pilot basis in seven
districts in six States, namely, Chitradurga in
Karnataka, Pune in Maharashtra, Sawai Madhopur in
Rajasthan, Dindigul and Dharmapuri in Tamil Nadu,
Lalitpur in Uttar Pradesh and Bankura in West Bengal.
In this model, first a Consulting Organisation
(CO), which is a lead training and research
organisation is identified after assessing its interest
and skills in undertaking this training programme.
Then a non-government organisation working in the
selected district/s of the State on health and related
programmes is identified as the Implementing Agency
(IA). The IA is first given training by CO and PFI on
various aspects of population and health programmes
including Reproductive and Child Health, Family
Planning, Health and Sanitation, Education of
children, especially, the female children and gender
equity. Thereafter, the IA identifies a set of Local
Resource Persons (LRPs) in the district, one LRP to
cover four or five Panchayats and trains them with
necessary educational materials including printed
modules, wall charts and videos on various aspects
included in 10 modules on which they have to train
PMs. The LRPs visit the villages everyday and
conduct training programmes for PMs on one module
in a week using the educa',ional materials supplied to
him/her. In some districts, instead of LRPs visiting the
Panchayats separately, three or four of them get
together the members of the Panchayats from three to
four villages in one place and conduct the training
programme in all the modules in two to three days.
Thus, this model is a sequential training scheme of
This programme, which was tested in seven
districts on a pilot basis, proved to be quite effective in
the sense that the knowledge levels of 70 to 80
percent of the PMs who participated in the training
programme had substantially improved in almost all
the aspects on which they were given training.
Based on this PFI model, UNICEF requested
PFI to undertake the training programme for the whole
State of Haryana in empowerment of the PMs. This
programme is currently in operation as reported in this
issue of FOCUS. We have identified seven NGOs, to
be the IAs in this training programme, and also about
1200 LRPs who are currently undergoing training by
the las. We hope to train about 62,000 PMs through
these LRPs and IAs by the end of September.
• If this large project is successful in the sense
that a high proportion of PMs could be trained in
various aspects of RCH and public health on which
training has been imparted, similar approach can be
adopted fortraining of PMs in other States.
The 73" and 74" Amendments to the
Constitution have categorically passed on, among
others, the responsibilities of family planning, primary
health care and provision of basic educational
facilities to the Pancahyats. One-third of the seats are
also reserved for women. They cannot be expected to
fulfil their responsibilities unless they are empowered
by appropriate training programmes and also
allocated adequate financial resources by the State
to be Trained in Population Stabilisation
A new project, 'Empowerment
of Panchayati Raj Institutions
and Convergence
Approach in
Aligarh District', has been started by
the Foundation.
The project is a
sequel to the recommendations
made by the Round Table
on Population
and Related
Issues in Uttar
by the
Foundation at lucknow.
The project aims to develop
capacity of Panchayat members and
the community through community
based distribution approach.
would implement
the project
through local GO and will monitor
its activities by appointing its staff at
of trained Resource Persons (RP)
would be available for continuous
interactions even after the training.
The training process will strive to
achieve an increase
in the
(CPR) by ensuring registration of all
pregnant women, registration of
birth and deaths and complete
coverage of immunisation
children and pregnant women.
For empowerment
Panchayati Raj members, the project
will follow the well tried methodol-
ogy of PFI already used in the
project of empowerment
Panchayati Raj members supported
by PFI. The methodology of the
project, as being tried in different
districts, comprise the following:
The State Innovations
Family Planning Services Project
Agency (SIFPSA) has agreed to make
funds available for the two parts of
the projects to be com pleted in 24
The present proposal is
divided into two parts. The first part
aims at developing capacity of
Panchayat members at all the three
levels of Aligarh district to effectively
discharge their duties and responsi-
bilities in the areas of population
and related social
developm ent activities. The second
part is aimed at mobilising a cadre of
Based Distributors
(CBD) to work closely with
The main objectives of the
project are: (i) to train the Panchayat
members, particularly the women
m em bers on issues related to
reproductive health, maternal - child
health care, family planning, popula-
tion, water and environment,
nutrition, control of com m unicable
diseases and resource planning, (ii)
to develop training manuals and
guides, modules, systems for
and management
information systems appropriate for
the State of Uttar Pradesh, (iii) to
establish the linkage between
trained Panchayat members and the
comm unity through CBD.
The project would ensure
training of all the Panchayat mem-
bers in their own situations. A cadre
PFI will serve as a Consulting
Organisation and identify a credible
training Institute (or a NGO) in each
of the selected districts as the
Implementing Agency CIA). The
m em bers of the 1m plem enting
Agency w ill be trained by the
Foundation in various aspects of the
of 73rd
Constitutional Amendment, role and
of Panchayat Raj
decentralised planning, population,
reproductive health including family
planning etc.
Training modules will be
developed on subjects like 73r.d
Constitutional Amendments and its
implications; duties and responsibil-
ities of Panchayat Raj members;
resource mapping and decentralised
planning; gender concerns; health
and diseases; reproductive and child
health; water and environmental
Resource Persons will be
identified and trained who in turn
w ill train Panchayat mem bers at the
cluster level
The second part of the project
will be implemented with the help of
a local based credible NGO who will
act as implementing agency on
behalf of PFI. PFI w ill train the
personnel of implementing agency
who will be responsible for imple-
menting various activities, supervi-
sion and monitoring as envisaged in
the project approach.