Document and disseminate good practices of male engagement in family
Recognizing the pivotal role that men play in family planning, it is important to identify,
document and disseminate successful approaches, strategies, and interventions that
have proven effective in fostering male involvement. Many projects implemented across
India and other parts of the world have shown promising results, best practices from
which should be compiled and disseminated with a wide range of stakeholders includ-
ing donors, government officials, CSOs, etc.
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Barrier Two: Alienation of Men by the Health System. New Delhi:
International Center for Research on Women.
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Exploring the relationship between spousal violence during
pregnancy and subsequent postpartum spacing contraception
among first-time mothers in India, EClinicalMedicine, Volume
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142022. Association between Intimate Partner Violence and
Contraceptive Use Discontinuation in India. Ashish Kumar
Upadhyay, Kaushalendra Kumar, K. S. James, Lotus Mcdougal,
Anita Raj, and Abhishek Singh. Studies in Family Planning
published byWiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of Population Council
15Men in Chhatarpur script a new role for themselves. Population
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16Gupta AK, Santhya KG. Promoting Gender Egalitarian Norms
and Practices Among Boys in Rural India: The Relative Effect of
Intervening in Early and Late Adolescence. J Adolesc Health. 2020
Feb;66(2):157-165. doi: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2019.03.007. Epub
2019 Jun 18. PMID: 31227386.
Population Foundation of India is a national non-
government organisation (NGO), founded in 1970 by
JRD Tata, that promotes and advocates for the effective
formulation and implementation of gender-sensitive
population, health and development strategies and
policies. Working with the government and NGOs, it
addresses population issues within the larger discourse
of empowering women and men.
Head office
B-28, Qutab Institutional Area, New Delhi - 110016
T: +91 11 43894 100 | F: +91 11 43894 199
Regional offices
Bihar | Uttar Pradesh
United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) is the lead
UN agency for delivering a world where every pregnancy
is wanted, every childbirth is safe, and every young
person’s potential is fulfilled.