MKBKSH Endline Evaluation Brief – Government & Donors _SR
the existing norms around early marriages,
early pregnancy, closely spaced births,
contraceptive use and sex selection.
“Main Kuch Bhi Kar Sakti Hoon -
MKBKSH” was produced by the Population
Foundation of India (PFI) with support from
the Department of International Development,
Government of the United Kingdom (DFID).
This popular culture entertainment program in
the form of a TV and radio serial challenged
prevalent norms on social determinants of
health and family planning. It sought to bring
about positive behaviour change among
couples, parents and other caregivers.
This policy brief summarizes the findings
of an endline evaluation undertaken to assess
the effectiveness of MKBKSH in bringing
about change in the knowledge, attitudes and
practices related to family planning issues,
age at marriage for girls, delaying age at first
birth, gender based discrimination and
violence and sex selection.
The evaluation shows that while the
program was definitely well received, it also
had a significant impact on the level of
knowledge and awareness of the population. It
challenged existing norms in a manner that
was appreciated by the viewers.
Reducing maternal and child mortality
especially in high fertility states like Bihar and
Madhya Pradesh (MP) that account for nearly
15% of India’s population is crucial.
Addressing widespread social customs on
determinants of health and family planning is
a key strategy in addressing not only the issue
of population stabilisation but also of
sustainable development with a gender-
sensitive and rights-based approach.
PFI produced a popular culture
entertainment education intervention (EEI), a
TV and radio serial to increase knowledge and
change perception and attitudes of women,
men, service providers and other influences on
the social determinants of health and family
planning. This is a drama series titled “Main
Kuch Bhi Kar Sakti Hoon” that challenged
The first 52 episodes of this serial were
aired on the state run Doordarshan channel, to
capitalize on its immense reach and target the
maximum number of viewers. A radio version
of the serial and an Interactive Voice
Response System (IVRS) were also launched.
These were supplemented by community
outreach through NGOs and government
community health workers (ASHAs, ANMs)
to inform and engage target audiences.
While each episode represented a piece
in the longer storyline, individual theme-based
episodes could be separately used beyond the
life of the serial. Broadcast of the TV and
Radio serial was complemented by field
activities promoting message recall and
reinforcement to aid change in attitudes and
perceptions on the issues surrounding family
The endline evaluation aimed at:
Understanding the impact of the EEI on the
knowledge, attitudes related to age at
marriage among the community, awareness
of family planning methods and usage,
issues of women empowerment, gender
discrimination and domestic violence
Gauging the reach and recall of the EEI
among the target audience
Geographical Reach & Coverage
MKBKSH: Season 1, was broadcast in
the states of Bihar and Madhya Pradesh,
reaching 35.7 % of TV owning households
overall, with Bihar at (41.7%) and MP at
MKBKSH also reached 71.8% respondents