P-ACT News Newsletter October - December 2009

P-ACT News Newsletter October - December 2009

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P-ACT News
Volume 1/ Issue 5
October-December 2009
From the Desk of the Executive Director
By promoting and protecting human rights we can make
the HIV response more effective. Widespread access
to ARV drugs as well as to care and support remains
a major global health and human rights issue for millions
in need. Nonetheless, the numbers of those accessing
services is rising. It is heartening to note that countries
are beginning to take seriously the goal of meeting
their universal access targets for HIV prevention,
treatment, care and support. But still there is a long
way to go. The challenges facing the response to AIDS
are aggravated by the current global economic crisis.
To ensure enforcement of human rights it is crucial to
develop strategies to combat stigma and social exclusion
associated with HIV. Through awareness generation
in the community, civil society, mass media, service
providers and initiatives like HIV work place policies
we should envisage to build a stigma free society. By
pledging that People Living with HIV receive
treatment, care and support, empowering them to stand
on their feet and protecting them from discrimination
and sexual violence, we can build a better tomorrow.
A. R. Nanda
Executive Director
Population Foundation of India
Message from the Project Director
We cannot work on HIV in isolation. A multi- sectoral
and multi- stakeholder response is needed to mainstream
HIV. We need to look into development programs to
reduce vulnerability and address the consequences of
HIV. For this, community mobilization and
empowerment of PLHIV are very important.
The national consultation conducted in December, 2009
provided a forum for discussions on critical issues related
to empowerment of PLHIV. It brought together players
from different fields like law, social security and health
care with direct interface with the People Living with
HIV from 14 states of India. The learnings from the
National Consultation would help us in our way forward.
Dr Mary Verghese
Project Director
Population Foundation of India
Children’s Day celebration at Positive Living Centre, Tuensang
On 14th November 2009, under the Access
to Care and Treatment- ACT Program,
Positive Living Centre in Tuensang, Nagaland
celebrated Children’s Day with 60 children
infected and affected with HIV.

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Program Updates
Population Foundation of India organized a National Consultation
on “Promoting Access to Care and Treatment” from 9 - 11 December,
2009 at Vishwa Yuvak Kendra in New Delhi. The consultation
provided an opportunity to hear the positive voices from the field.
The state level expositions conducted in 2008 and 2009 culminated
into the National Consultation. Around 350 representatives from
PLHIV networks from 14 states, where Population Foundation of
India and its partner agencies operate participated in the event. Along
with them, representatives from NACO and SACS, bilateral and
multilateral agencies, civil society, media and experts from the field
of HIV also participated in the event.
The national consultation provided a platform for people involved in
the program to share their experiences with a broad range of
stakeholders and learn from each other. The implementing partners
shared their experience of managing a community based peer model.
PLHIV had direct interface with government and other stakeholders
for livelihood options and availing social security schemes.
Release of documentary films by Ms Aradhana Johri (third from the
left), Joint Secretary, Department of AIDS Control, Ministry of Health
and Family Welfare
Ms Aradhana Johri, Joint Secretary, Department of AIDS Control,
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, was the Chief Guest and Mr
Patrice Coeur-Bizot, UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident
Representative in India was the Guest of Honour. Two documentary
films “With Your Head Held High” and “Something New in My Life”
were released by the Chief Guest, Ms Aradhana Johri in the national
The consultation started with a beautiful song by the Network of
Naga People Living with HIV (NNP+) representing 11 districts of
Nagaland. In her
inaugural address, Ms
Aradhana Johri, said “We
are proud of our unique
partnership programme
under the Global Fund.
Our care and treatment
programmes running for
Participants from NNP+ performing at the past four years have
the National Consultation
turned the infection once
considered a death warrant to a chronically manageable disease.” The
Guest of Honour, Mr Patrice Coeur-Bizot highlighted human rights
perspective to ensure universal access to care and treatment. He
mentioned that the country’s program should aim to be “equitable,
sustainable, affordable, accessible and comprehensive.” Mr Taufiqur
Rahman, Regional Team Leader of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS,
Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM) announced approval by The Global
Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria for continuing the
treatment, care and support program for another 6 years. Mr KK
Abraham, General Secretary of the Indian Network for People Living
with HIV (INP+) pointed out that District Level Networks for
People Living with HIV are ‘key’ to the success of treatment, care
and support program.
In the consultation,
various sessions were held
on crucial issues related
to HIV. The session on
“Universal Access to
Treatment, Care and
Support” was chaired by
Dr Damodar Bachani,
Deputy Director General,
NACO. Panelists were Dr The session on “Universal Access to
Rajesh Gopal, Gujarat Treatment, Care and Support” chaired by
State AIDS Control Dr Damodar Bachani, Deputy Director
Society, Dr Ashok Rau, General, NACO
Freedom Foundation, Dr Priyo Kumar, Jawaharlal Nehru Hospital,
Manipur and Ms Saroja Puthran, Karnataka Network of People Living
with HIV (KNP +) . The session highlighted important efforts made
by Gujarat State AIDS Control Society (GSACS) in scaling up access
to treatment, care and support in Gujarat. Dr Rajesh Gopal, GSACS
spoke about the state government initiative to start the Jatan Project,
supported through a grant of Rs 1.8 crore, which provides travelling
allowance for PLHIV to the nearest ART centre. He further added
that all PLHIV families who are below poverty line are included in
Antyoday Anna Yojana and that widow pension to those living below
the poverty line entails a payment of Rs 500 a month and Rs 60 a
month per child up to 18 years of age (for two children) by the
Department of Social Justice and Empowerment. Out of 713 eligible
PLHIV, 254 have already availed this benefit. He informed that the
Department of Social Justice and Empowerment, Gujarat, has declared
support of Rs 500 a month for PLHIV for sustained nutritional
support. Gujarat was the first state to have a Link ART Centre (LAC)
to bridge the gap arising out of lost to follow-up. He recommended
strengthening public private partnership, improving quality of
counseling and strengthening functional linkages through an effective
referral system. Dr Priyo Kumar opined that lack of access to
information and treatment in Manipur is a major problem. He informed
that JN Hospital has an HIV-friendly atmosphere and have achieved
good results through an efficient system by sensitizing clinical staff.
He mentioned that drug abuse is a vital problem in Manipur and it is
important to have adequate preparation to deal with it. Initiatives
like making Opioid Substitution Treatment (OST) and needle exchange,
having recovery centres with trained manpower to handle Injecting
Drug Users are ways through which HIV could be combated in
Session on “Community Based Care and Role of Networks” was
chaired by Dr Anjali Gopalan, NAZ Foundation. The panelists were
Mr Umesh Chawla, India HIV/AIDS Alliance, Ms Kavita Chandok,

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International Training and Education Centre for Health (I-TECH),
Mr VS Gurumani, Project Concern International (PCI), Dr
Sanghamitra Iyengar, Samuha Samraksha and Ms U Kasthuri, District
Level Network, Ariyalur. The session highlighted different aspects of
communities being engaged in caring, rehabilitating and normalising
the lives of those infected and affected by HIV. It also bought out
some powerful stories from the exemplary work being done by the
Positive Networks both in creating awareness and helping positive
people lead a life of hope and dignity. Mr Umesh Chawla mentioned
that one of the key learnings of the CHAHA programme was that
children and women who are affected by HIV and AIDS are unlikely
to come to you. Rather, service providers have to identify and reach
them. Ms Kavita Chandok highlighted the importance of Home Based
Care in the context of a resource limited developing nation as it is a
less expensive form of providing care and support to infected and
affected people. Dr Anjali Gopalan in her concluding remarks
reinforced the need for communities to respond and more importantly,
to reach out to those who did not get community support, especially
children. She said that multi-pronged strategies would be needed to
bring the neglected into the support network.
On the second day, an important session on “Role of Law in Promoting
and Protecting Rights of PLHIV” was chaired by Dr Alka Narang,
UNDP. Ms Shivangi Rai, Lawyers Collective, Mr J Niranjan, TANSACS
and Ms Kousalya, PWN+ were the panelists. This session highlighted
a number of testimonials from PLHIV. J Niranjan explained that
Legal Aid Clinic for PLHIV is a mechanism for PLHIV to get
professional assistance for legal and non legal problems related to
their rights and for fighting stigma and discrimination. The clinics are
established in district hospitals and ART centres to enable PLHIV
easy access to social, legal and non legal services and facilitates
livelihood opportunities for PLHIV. So far, in the five districts of
Namakkal, Dindigul, Madurai, Tirunelveli and Cuddalore 401 legal
petitions have been registered. Of this, 194 were settled and 207 are
pending. Of the non legal petitions, 1647 cases have been registered,
736 settled and 911 pending. Ms Shivangi Rai spoke about
discrimination that PLHIV face like in employment, education and
armed forces. She mentioned that urgent remedies that can be
implemented include state-writ petitions in the High Court or Supreme
Court; against private entities especially at the workplace and the
need for an anti-discriminatory statute. The focus of the session was
to draw attention to gaps in the legal framework and to create
sensitivity, awareness about the basic human rights of PLHIV. Dr
Alka Narang mentioned it is imperative that PLHIV know their
rights and have an environment where they can ask and demand legal
services. She emphasized that it has to be a collective effort of the
community, NGO, civil society, SACS, NACO, Government and the
media that can help create a fair and just society.
The session on “Social Security Schemes and Health Insurance” was
chaired by Dr Indrani Gupta, Institute of Economic Growth (IEG).
The panelists were Dr Anit Mukherjee, The National Institute of
Public Finance and Policy (NIPFP), Dr Nishant Jain, Deutsche
Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ), Ms Debapriya
Sen, PSI and Mr Jagdish Saini, DLN, Jalore . The session discussed at
length the need for having a strong social and insurance sector that
could cater to the needs of those infected with HIV. Dr Nishant Jain
enlightened on Rashtriya Swasthya Beema Yoyana which is available
in 21 states in India. Initially there were only two insurance companies
that were offering the scheme and now there are 11 companies.
Eighty one million cards have been distributed and 32 million people
enrolled. Twenty states have signed a MOU with the central
government/states. Each of the states implement it through different
government departments, so while in one state it could be through
the Health Ministry in another it could be through the Labour Ministry.
He mentioned that in future the scheme would also harmonize with
existing micro health insurance schemes and use smart cards for other
purposes. Ms Debapriya Sen spoke about the PSI Connect project
based on building partnership models and strengthening systems in
public private partnership in HIV/AIDS/TB. The project strategy
involves working with the insurance sector to identify and explore
key opportunities to better serve the needs of PLHIV. With the result
of a partnership between Star Health and Karnataka Network of
People Living with HIV (KNP +), the first HIV Health Insurance
Policy was launched in Karnataka in 2008. Presently, the Star Netplus
Policy has covered over 2,500 PLHIV in Maharashtra, Karnataka,
Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh. After multiple modifications the
policy at present has no age limit, the group size and premium has
been reduced and hospitalization coverage included.
PLHIV were at the centre stage of the national consultation. It also
provided an opportunity for PLHIV to exhibit their talents. The
national consultation provided an opportunity where they could forget
their worries for few days and relax with their friends. PLHIV from
14 states came together as a family, shared their experiences, inspired
and learned from each other. Through singing, dancing and other
cultural events they made the consultation lively.
On World AIDS Day,
Population Foundation of
India, Maharashtra State Unit
released printed IEC materials
(posters, greeting cards and a
booklet containing songs and
poems) developed by PLHIV
members. Dr. Kudalkar, Project
Director, MDACS and Dr.
Maulik ART consultant MDACS
were invited as Chief Guests
and Mr. Anil Dalvi, Board
Member of Network of
Maharashtra People Living with Poster developed by PLHIV
HIV (NMP+ ) were the honorable guests in the event.
Population Foundation of India conducts advocacy meetings with
the health and non health departments of the Government for
mainstreaming HIV. An advocacy meeting was organized in Ganjam,
Orissa on 4th November, 2009 in the Conference hall of District
Rural Development Agency (DRDA), Chhtrapur, Ganjam. The
participants were Government officials, members of Panchayati Raj
Institutions and members of PLHIV networks. Mr. V.Kartik Pandiya
(IAS), the District Magistrate and Collector of Ganjam inaugurated
the workshop.
Mr. Pandhiya shared the need for such advocacy efforts and asked
DLN members to approach directly for any kind of support. Mr.
Dharanidhar Behera, President of the Zilla Parishad, informed that
the issue of stigma and discrimination would be addressed from now
on in the Gram Sabha meetings. He requested network members to
participate in monthly Gram Sabha meetings. Dr. Umakanta Tripathy,
Consultant (C&ST) OSACS encouraged the participants to come
forward and spread awareness about HIV.
This workshop facilitated PRI and Community Based Organizations
to work together in raising awareness about HIV and promoting
access to services. It was decided to conduct advocacy meetings at
subdivision levels. Important stakeholders like CBOs, SHGs, Parent

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Teacher’s Association and Health Committees to be invited in such
Madhya Pradesh Regional Unit of Population Foundation of India
organized a two day state level exposition in Bhopal focusing on
empowering community and strengthening networks of PLHIV. The
event was organized on 16-17 November, 2009, in close collaboration
with MPSACS. Around 100 PLHIV from across 22 districts of
Madhya Pradesh participated in the event. Mr. S R Mohanty, Principal
Secretary, Health and Family Welfare Department, was the Chief
Guest. Mr. Mohanty stressed on the power of mass media to spread
awareness about HIV.
Mr Omesh Mundra, Project Director, and Mr Rakesh Munshi,
Additional Project Director represented MPSACS. Various
Government and Non-government organizations, multilateral and
bilateral agencies and Community Based Organizations participated
in the event. The exposition facilitated discussion on ways to enhance
access to services, treatment literacy, treatment adherence and
promote positive living. Dr. Namita Parashar, SMO, Jabalpur ART
Center devoted a session on ‘Importance of ART’. Experts from
departments of Women and Child Development, Social Justice and
Empowerment , NREGA, NABARD and Mahila Chetna Manch
participated in the event. They informed PLHIV about available
social security schemes and livelihood options.
One of the achievements of this exposition was that the Food and
Civil Supplies Corporation has agreed to provide Below Poverty Line
(BPL) card to all PLHIV. NABARD has consented to tie up with
Madhya Pradesh Network of People Living with HIV(MPNP+) to
provide technical and financial support for Income Generation
An informative play
called “Ummeed Abhi
Baaki Hai Mere Dost”
was organized by PFI.
The play highlighted
discrimination that an
individual faces when
he/ she becomes
aware of his/her HIV
positive status.
Participants performing in the play “Umeed
Abhi Baki Hai Mere Dost” at the Madhya
Pradesh state level exposition
The Imphal East District Level Network has started a
Green Mile Biotech Project with the support from
Horticulture Department of Manipur. Here the
members of DLN have started tomato plantation. The
Green House has been provided free of cost by the
Horticulture Department of Manipur. This is a result
of advocacy efforts by members of Imphal East DLN.
Indian Network for People Living with
Ph: 044- 22254670-74
Freedom Foundation
Ph: 080- 65966445
With Contributions from:
Confederation of Indian Industry
Ph: 0124- 4014060-69
EngenderHealth Society
New Delhi
Ph: 011- 26851948/49/50
Hinduathan Latex Family Planning
Promotion Trust
Ph: 0120- 4673673
Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India
New Delhi
011- 23344474
Population Foundation of India - Regional and State Offices
Population Foundation of India
B- 28, Qutab Institutional Area
Tara Crescent, New Delhi- 110016
Ph: 011- 43894100, Fax: 43894199
E-mail: popfound@sify.com
Website: www.popfound.org
PFI- Andhra Pradesh
Ph: 040- 65999770
E-mail: pfiapsco@yahoo.com
PFI- Tamil Nadu
Ph: 044- 24329074
E- mail: pfichennai@gmail.com
PFI- Karnataka
Ph: 080-41285706
E-mail: pfibangalore@gmail.com
PFI- Manipur
Ph: 0385-2445072
E-mail: pfimanipur@rediffmail.com
PFI- Maharashtra
Ph: 022- 65029710
E-mail: mahapfi@gmail.com
PFI- Nagaland
Ph: 03862- 234009
E-mail: popfound_nagaland2yahoo.co.in
PFI- Rajasthan
Ph: 0141- 2210680
E-mail: pfirajasthan@gmail.com
PFI- Madhya Pradesh
Ph: 0755- 2550647
E-mail: pfi.madhyapradesh@gmail.com
PFI- Uttar Pradesh
Ph: 0522- 2353838
E- mail: pfiuttarpradesh@ gmail.com