Popfocu s
Qilib IIClrlllidlliVlillihlr
'Quality of care can be defined by the way the clients are treated by the system, or the actual process of care giving,
and by the focus on the client's or user's perspectives of the services. ' (Hull, 1994)
It is now an established fact that in
order to achieve population
stabilization, it is necessary to focus
on quality of health care services.
The International Conference on
Population and Development (ICPD)
Programme of Action (PoA) also
affirms that all reproductive health
facilities should have 'quality' as the
paramount feature in service delivery.
Effective advocacy for this is required
with policy makers, planners,
programme functionaries, media,
public-private health care providers,
NGOs, PRIs, women's groups etc.
As an effort to integrate quality of care
within the existing NRHM
framework, PH launched an initiative
titled Building supportive
for improved
quality of care through advocacy
initiatives in Bihar. The project was
supported by the Ministry of Health
and Family Welfare under the UNFPA
Country Program 6.
PH tied up with Bihar Voluntary
Health Ass..ociation (BVHA) to
implement the project in seven blocks
in two districts of Gaya and Vaishali
in Bihar. The blocks/villages were
identified based on their socio-
demographic and health indicators.
Objectives of the project included
activation and formation of Village
Health and Sanitation Committees
(VHSCs), sensitization of the
community leaders, PRI members,
government health functionaries
including the members of the Health
Societies at state / districts level and
Rogi Kalyan Samiti members at block
level on the issue of quality of health
care services.
A network of seven-field level NGOs
was selected for implementation in
seven blocks. Capacity building was
a critical aspect of the project.
A planning and orientation exercise
with the state and field level NGOs
was held in the beginning of the
project. The NGOs were given an
elementary understanding about the
Shri Chandramohan Rai, Hon'ble Health Minister (Centre),
Mr K P Ramaiah, Executive Director,State Health Society and
Ms Sona Sharma, Joint Director,PH at the planning meeting
concepts of quality of care in
reproductive health. .
The partners spanned out to 70
villages in seven selected blocks to
identify, form and orient village
health and sanitation committees.
Rogi Kalyan Samities, which were in
existence at the PHC level, were also
approached and oriented on quality
of care in reproductive health.
A mid-course review of the progress
in formation of VHSCs revealed that
although the committees had been
formed in all selected villages,
activation of these committees (a key
outcome of the project), was still a
challenge. Therefore, a decision was
made to involve the committee
members and assist them in
developing village advocacy plans
focusing on "quality of care" and in
the process, activate the committees.
A community needs assessment
(CNA) using participatory techniques
in 35 villages of the seven blocks and
a facility survey of the PHCs were
carried out in the two districts.
The exercise leading up toa village
health plan focusing on quality of
care, included two days of focus
group discussions and village
mapping exercises among the
community members to assess the
prevalence of diseases, the
awareness levels of national
programs, existing behavior related to
health issues, private sector facilities
available in the area and their
perceptions and feedback on the
government health services. The third
day was a planning exercise along with
the VHSC and other people from the
community. Partner NGOs were
oriented on the process and trained
to carry out the CNA exercise and
document the process and specific
case studies related to "Quality of
Care" in reproductive health services.
A state level dissemination and
planning meeting was organized at
Patna in June 2007. The State Health
Minister Shri Chandramohan Rai was
the Chief Guest at the occasion. The
meeting was also addressed by
Mr K P Ramaiah, Executiv~ Director,
State Health Society. Senior health
officials, state level NGO1, media,
community representativds and the
field partners participated in the
meeting. Presentations were made on
the campaign which highlighted the
objective, strategies, activities and the
broad outcomes, a special presenta-
tion was made on the process and
outcome of the facility survey, the
village health plans shared with
participants and an audio-visual
capturing the perspectives of various
stakeholders was shown. The meeting
brought forth some useful suggestions
for the next phase of the project.