PFI Brochure 1990

PFI Brochure 1990

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Dedicated to the
Promotion of
Human Welfar
Family Planning

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Established in 1970, the Family Planning
Foundation has emerged as one of India's premier
non-governmental organisations in the area of
family planning, throwing light on the strengths
and weaknesses of the programme, seeking to
enlarge the former and minimise the latter, en-
couraging experimentation and research with that
end in view, supporting innovative efforts condu-
cive to the weaving of family planning in the
larger spectrum of development and demonstrating
through model programmes, with the people as
the major participants in them, how promotion of
human welfare itself can lead to greater accept-
ance of family planning. Today, in 1987, the
Foundation finds itself in a better position to carry
on the tasks it had assigned to itself.
Increasing realisation by the country's
prominent industrialists, led by Mr J R D
Tata, and dedicated social workers that
rapid increases in population threatened
to neutralise the major gains of progress.
The conviction that popu lation regulation
programmes had a better chance of
success if they are integrated into the
total spectrum of development and carried
out not by the government alone but by
the people through active collaboration of
non-official organisations and individuals.
To help raise the level of family planning
beyond its traditional confines by focussin~
on the variables restricting its operatior
to support innovative research, experi-
mentation and social action from the poin'
of view of bringing the grey areas intc
bold relief and throwing up viable, replica·
ble programme models

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to involve the best scientific talent in
the country in these efforts
to serve as a forum for pooling of
experience and sharing of professional
expertise to strengthen and enlarge the
operational base of the programme
to support efforts all round to place
family planning on a sounder footing
to assist official and public agencies in
the advancement of the cause of promoting
human welfare through family planning
and other development programmes.
Finances for the Foundation are provided by
men and women of goodwill sharing common
concern for the future of India. Public good,
not private gain, is the principal motivation of
financial support rendered by leaders of industry
and others. All donations up to Rs. 5 lakh are
tax-free. These are welcome.
The Governing Board, headed by Mr J R D
Tata, with Dr Bharat Ram as its Vice-Chairman,
guides the Foundation in formulating policies and
programme strategies including priorities of funding.
The other members of the Board are:
Dr B I< Anand
Mr M V Arunachalam
Mrs Tara Ali Baig
Dr Dipak Bhatia
Mr S P Godrej
Mr Justice G D Khosla
Mr H P Nanda
Dr V A Pai Panandiker
Dr D P Singh
Mr Hari Shankar Singhania
Mr B G Verghese
Mrs Avabai B Wadia

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Mr S S Dhanoa (Ex-officio as Secretary,
Ministry of Health and
Family Welfare)
Mr Harish Khanna (Executive Director)
Advisory Council
The Advisory Council assists the Governing
Board in formulating the Foundation's policies,
plans and programmes and reviewing achievements
from time to time. Currently, its members, who
have a two-year term, are:
Dr Malcolm S Adiseshiah
Dr R S Arole
Dr (Mrs) Banoo J Coyaji
Dr P C Joshi
Dr Madhuri R Shah
Mr P Padmanabha
Dr V Ramalingaswami
Dr J K Satia
Dr M N Srinivas
Dr. K. Srinivasan
Dr (Mrs) Vina Mazumdar
Dr Yash Pal
Ms Meera Seth (Ex-officio as Commissioner,
Ministry of Health and Family
Advisory Panels
To advise the Council and the Governing
Board, the Foundation has formed twelve panels
on the principal subject areas. The panels consist
of individuals who are known for their outstanding
work in the areas concerned and are actively
engaged in activities directly related to human
welfare and related disciplines. The subjects iden-
tified are:
Health and Biomedical
Gynaecology and Obstetrics
Social Anthropology, Sociology, Economics
Politics and Psychology (Social Sciences)
Population Policy

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Community Participation
Rural Development, and
Social Health
In the sixteen years since its inception in
1970, the Foundation has supported 220 projects.
Several prominent institutions and persons com-
manding respect in their specialities have been
associated with these projects. The projects
helped break fresh ground in areas ranging
from search for new contraceptives to
development-based family planning pro-
grammes drawing strength from community
Identified the gaps in action programmes
and suggested corrective action
explored fields which had somehow failed
to receive adequate attention and supported
institutions/people having the will and
competence to tap them
encouraged research and experimentation
in family planning determinants
financed research institutions of repute
in developing suitable strategies for coping
with problems of high fertility
highlighted the intimate relationship
between family planning and such
variables as socio-economic factors, cultural
milieu, status of women and infant
mortality, with a view to assisting planners
as well as voluntary organisations in
formulating sound and practical pro-
helped in general in placing before the
public crucial issues relating to unstable

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population and its unavoidable social and
economic consequences in order to
obtain heightened awareness and stron-
ger commitment to indvidual and group
action as well as responsive policy inter-
Some of the projects supported by the Foundation
India wide study of the relationship between
population and economic development
Involvement of parliamentarians and legis-
lators in promoting family planning-
national scale
Diagnostic studies of population growth
rate and family planning in a development
perspective in the states of Tamil Nadu,
Orissa, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan
and Gujarat
Integrated rural socio-economic programme
linked with family planning-Uttar
Action-demonstration project for integrated
parasite control and family planning services
in UN ICEF-assisted area development pro-
Family planning action research project
in urban and rural settings -Andhra
Demonstration project in community-based
distribution of contraceptives- Karnataka
Mother, child and family welfare project-
Task group on injectable contraceptives-
Development of anti-pregnancy vaccine
and pregnancy testing kit in the AIIMS,
New Delhi
Clinical trials of contraceptive effectiveness
of Banjauri (Vicoa Indica) in Karnataka
and PGI, Chandigarh

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Studies of carrier proteins for water-soluble
vitamins in pregnancy-Karriataka
Orientation training of mukhya-sevikas in
health and family welfare-Tamil Nadu
Experimental project linking population
education with adult education-Orissa,
Haryana and Rajasthan
Identification of determinants of fertility
change-Tamil Nadu
Operation Concern: demonstration project
for primary health care and family planning
services through a milk cooperative infras-
Demonstration/action project in developing
grassroot worker-leaders: experiment in
leadership training -Tamil Nadu
District development demonstration project
-Tamil Nadu
Integrated health care delivery including
family planning with community participa-
Video software development for TV and
non-broadcast channels
Critical study of allocations for family
planning during 1971-81 in the context
of policy implications
The ongoing projects include one that seeks
to assess the most critica I factors responsible for
high infant mortality and consequential excessive
fertility with a view to designing appropriate
intervention strategies of ameliorative action under
diverse conditions. This research-cum-action pro-
ject is spread over the states of Uttar Pradesh,
Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, Karnataka and Bombay
and covers 1,20,000 households (rural, urban,
hilly, tribal) in 40 districts, 80 blocks and 800
villages. Field research for this project, jointly
funded by the Foundation and the International
Development Research Centre of Canada (IDRC),
is being conducted with the help of five prestigious
research institutions.

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On the basis of experience gained, the
Foundation has formulated well-defined criteria for
future project funding. It prefers projects which
development oriented
In tune with these criteria, the Foundation
is now sponsoring projects on the following
Developing a model for promoting contra-
ception in urban slums
Developing and testing a tripartite model
(involving management, employees and the
government) for promoting family planning
among industrial workers (with over 24
millions workers in the organised sector,
this could serve as a highly important
Identifying voluntary organisations and
building their capacity for family planning
Appreciation of grassroot level perceptions
of family planning and development of
suitable communication strategies and
effective population education materials
Study of programme management, parti-
cularly at the micro level, with a view
to identifying problems and deficiencies
in the system and suggesting practical
Designing of a course of lectures on
dynamics of population as well as strategies
of family planning in the foundation
training of IAS probationers and allied
services officers
Some projects are already on the ground.
Some more are in the pipeline.

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The Foundation has come a long way of
since 1970. It looks forward to the future with
faith, humility and confidence, hoping that the
heightened awareness of the grave implications
of uncontrolled population growth it has been
able to generate and sustain, and successes
achieved in several path-finding experiments initia-
ted by it in different parts of the country, will
provide the critical stimulus for more purposeful
activities in the years to come.
Family Planning Foundation
198, Golf Links
New Delhi-ll 0003.
Telephones: 619278, 6211 35, 697583
Printed at the Statesman Press, Statesman Ltd., Connaught
Circus, New Delhi-110001