Established in 1970, the Family Planning
Foundation has emerged as one of India's premier
non-governmental organisations in the area of
family planning, throwing light on the strengths
and weaknesses of the programme, seeking to
enlarge the former and minimise the latter, en-
couraging experimentation and research with that
end in view, supporting innovative efforts condu-
cive to the weaving of family planning in the
larger spectrum of development and demonstrating
through model programmes, with the people as
the major participants in them, how promotion of
human welfare itself can lead to greater accept-
ance of family planning. Today, in 1987, the
Foundation finds itself in a better position to carry
on the tasks it had assigned to itself.
Increasing realisation by the country's
prominent industrialists, led by Mr J R D
Tata, and dedicated social workers that
rapid increases in population threatened
to neutralise the major gains of progress.
The conviction that popu lation regulation
programmes had a better chance of
success if they are integrated into the
total spectrum of development and carried
out not by the government alone but by
the people through active collaboration of
non-official organisations and individuals.
To help raise the level of family planning
beyond its traditional confines by focussin~
on the variables restricting its operatior
to support innovative research, experi-
mentation and social action from the poin'
of view of bringing the grey areas intc
bold relief and throwing up viable, replica·
ble programme models