PFI Brochure 2002

PFI Brochure 2002

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· Population
of India

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For over thirty years, Population
Foundation of India has dedicated itself
to the cause of human welfare through
Family Planning, Reproductive and
Child Health services (RCH) and other
Population Programmes.
Being a pioneer organization for
funding and promoting popUlation
related activities in the country, the
Foundation, since its inception, has
displayed a vision to make planning for
small families a socially acceptable and
sustainable behaviour norm. Its
activities have reached beyond family
planning and the immediate concern
with contraceptives, to holistic
reproductive and child health
programmes, and wider canvas of
popUlation and development.
Its commitment and work for the
welfare of people at large has placed it
amongst the leading non-government
organizations at the national level.

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The unique position of the Foundation
found recognition when its founder
Chairman, JRD Tata was conferred the
prestigious UN Population Award for the
year 1992. The Foundation was recognized
as an affiliate body of Economic and Social
Council· (ECOSOC)of the United Nations
with a consultative status.
Early Initiatives
The Foundation has been promoting and
advocating population stabilization
programmes, both as a tool for reduction
of high population growth, and as an
entirely new way of life in a developing
society, in which a family is not seen as
mere numbers but a valuable relationship
of shared growth. Initially the Foundation
supported bio-medical and socio-
behavioural research, and action
demonstration projects.
A change in the name of the Foundation
in 1993 signifies in itself the recognition
of a broader vision of the population
Another turning point in the Foundation's
mandate came after the International
on Population
Development held in Cairo in 1994. In line
with the recommendations of the ICPD,
Cairo and keeping in view the changes in
the policies of the Government of India, the
Foundation has fixed afresh its priorities
and thrust areas.
Changing with challenges
The Foundation keeps a close watch on the
changes that are taking place in the
national and international demographic
scenario, plans its policies and priorities, and
fine-tunes its activities in line with the
changing perspectives and realities of the
ground situation.

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To extend full support and provide
guidance in formulating and influencing
population policies and programmes
and to serve as a catalytic agent to
promote programmes at different levels
directed towards the goal of population
stabilization and development
To improve the quality of life of the
people through RCH programmes
with special emphasis on reduction of
neo-natal mortality, infant mortality,
lpment and popu\\at
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n, Oehra Dun
mortality, adolescents' health
needs, HIV/AIDS prevention and
care, unmet
need for
contraception, women's health
and their reproductive rights, and
gender issues
To strengthen non-government
organizations, community-based
organizations, self-help groups,
Panchayati Raj Institutions and
the orga n ized sector on
population, health and social
development issues with the goal
of empowering the community as
a whole
To advocate its programmes at
all levels to promote quality of
life and sustainable development
The Foundation now focuses its
activities largely on the socially and
demographically backward districts
spread over various states of the
In addition to financial support, the
Foundation provides intellectual and
technical inputs to non-government
organizations for implementing
projects effectively and efficiently

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The Foundation extends its support to:
Integrated population-development-
environment linked policy research
and action demonstration
programmes through supporting
innovative pilot initiatives
Reproductive and child health
services through a life cycle
Promotion of gender equity and
equality including balanced sex
of advocacy
programmes at various levels
Behavioural Change Communica-
tion strategies through mass media
and otherwise
Strengthening and capa-
city building of non-
government organizations
and facilitating effective
panchayati raj institutions
and other community-
based organizations in-
cluding self-help-groups.
Empowerment of women
Male responsibility
Quality of care in family
planning and reproductive
health services, including social marketing
Adolescent health and development
HIV-AIDS/RTI-STI - Prevention, manage-
ment and care
Bio-medical and socio-behavioural
research of critical importance on the
above issues
Areas of Activity
The Foundation's activities cover a wide
spectrum of areas as indicated below:
Advocacy programmes
State and regional/district
conferences on population, health and
social development issues

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JRD Tata Awards for Population and
Reproductive Health Programmes
Tata Memorial Orations
Special programmes for national and
state-level political leadership
Community radio programmes mainly
through low power transmitters
Programmes for the organised sector
Seminars, conferences and workshops
Production of video films
Publications of wall charts, and state and
district profiles
Publication of quarterly journal - "FOCUS"
All India Radio Awards
capacity building mainly through training
Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRls)
Non-Government Organisations (NGOs)
Community BasedOrganisations (CBOs)
including Self Help Groups (SHGs)
Other Programmes
RCH services and awareness
generation amongst the deprived
groups - slums, tribal community etc.
Working with adolescents
Service delivery through mobile clinics
Community based distribution of
contraceptives and health supplies
through social marketing
Data base on population and
reproductive health parameters
Publications on health, population
and development issues

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Governing Board
Dr Bharat Ram, who succeeded JRD Tata as
Chairman in 1993, heads the Governing Board. The
Board, with the advice of Advisory Council,
determines the policies and programme strategies
of the Foundation and sets priorities. The
distinguished members of the Board are:
Dr Bharat Ram
Mr. Hari Shankar Singhania
Dr B K Anand
Prof. Ranjit Roy Chaudhury
Dr (Mrs.) Banoo J Coyaji
Mr. B G Deshmukh
Mr. Jamshyd N Godrej
Dr. Abid Hussain
Begum Bilkees Latif
Dr V A Pai Panandiker
Mr. J C Pant
Ms Justice Leila Seth
Mr. Saleem I Shervani
Dr 0 P Singh
Dr. M S Swaminathan
Mr. Ratan N Tata
Mr. B G Verghese
Mrs. Avabai B Wadia
Secretary,Department of Family Welfare, Gol
Mr. A R Nanda, Executive Director, PFI
Advisory Council
The Advisory Council, consisting of experts in
related fields, such as Sociology, Demography,
Communications, Health Services, Environment,
Education, Management, Women's Development
etc. contributes to the formulation of the
Foundation's policies and programmes. The
present members are:
Dr M S Swaminathan
Mr. T V Antony
Mr.T. R. Satish Chandran
Mrs. Rami Chhabra
Ms Meenakshi Datta Ghosh
Dr SO Gupta
Dr S H Hassan
Dr B K Joshi
Dr Usha R Krishna
Mr. Ajay S Mehta
Ms Poonam Muttreja
Dr Saroj Pachauri
Dr Yash Pal
Dr Ragini Prem
Mr. T L Sankar
Dr E A S Sarma
Prof. G P Talwar
Joint Secretary, Ministry of Health 8- F.W
Mr A R Nanda, Executive Director, PFI
£ PopUlation Foundation of India
.l.T.l. B-28, Qutab Institutional Area, Tara Crescent, New DelhHI0016. INDIA
~T1!.l:. Telephone: +91 11 6867080-81, 6523741, 43. Fax: +91 11 685 2766.
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