in detail with the writers, keeping in
mind the cultural milieu involved, so
that hotly relevant themes emerge.
This ensures that both information
and knowledge accrues to listeners
from the audio programmes for them
to use it in their best interests.
The invited scripts are edited for
dissemination of correct messages
before being submitted to AIR
for evaluating its broadcast suit-
radio programmes through their reg-
ular project activity. Every week,
ahead of a broadcast, the topic is
announced and its discussion initiat-
ed so that the community is motivat-
ed to tune in. The NGOs also join
community members during and
after the broadcast, enabling them to
discuss the radio drama messages in
Numerous are the script
topics for PFT's 52-part radio
drama series. They range from
pre-and post-natal care and safe
delivery, clean weaning, safe
abortion and medical termina-
tion of pregnancy to contracep-
tive knowledge, family planning
and welfare, male responsibility,
and personal and environmental
hygiene. Also in the list are
many more, such as food
and nutrition; communica-
ble diseases and their pre-
vention; acute respiratory
infections; safe and clean
drinking water; gender
equality; neglected girl
child, 0-6 years old; litera-
cy and education; empow-
ennent of women; devel-
opment through panchay-
ats; and population pres-
sure and development.
In Karnataka and in A script writers' workshop at Indore in connection
Uttar Pradesh, programme PFI's community radio programme.
production was assigned
to the AIR stations. But in Indore, it detail with listeners.
was done by PFI itself, with total
control on the material from its
theme and cultural context to record-
ing quality. The foundation wishes to
follow this production pattern in the
future also.
The NGOs, finding about the
accurate number of radios available
in the community, help PFI distrib-
ute them among the deprived, if
there are any, for maximum audience
reach/programme promotion.
The NGOs co-opted by PFl play
a vital role in implementing its com-
munity radio programme. Ahead of
such things as script-writing work-
shops, the NGOs help the foundation
gain knowledge about the target
community. The basic facts about its
general health and the social index
apart, information is also collected
about the community's media incli-
nations, the kind and number of
radios used by it, the suitable time
for programme broadcasts and its
specific health and social problems.
The NGOs help promote the
In addition to having a hand in
selecting script writers and organis-
ing script-writing workshops, the
NGOs promote the radio series
through word of mouth and the print
medium in other communities out-
side their own project areas, for
which the foundation meets the
A good response from listeners
sees re-broadcasts over the AIR sta-
tion with a view to expanding the
audience. If so requested, audio cas-
settes are made available by PFI to
the NGOs for use in their projects.
As well as AIR's mid-term eval-
uation, PFr has its own mid-term and
final evaluations of the community
radio series.The final evaluation of
Ujala in Uttar Pradesh was done by
the foundation itself, while Audio-
Visual Research Centre, Mysore
University, did the same for
Kusumale in Karnataka.
Encouraged by the success
of its three radio series in
Kamataka, Uttar Pradesh and
Madhya Pradesh, PFl is launch-
ing three more in Bihar,
Chhattisgarh and Orissa.
The principal aims of PFI,
enunciated by its founders, are
still valid for the socio-demo-
graphic profile of the country.
Their agenda was designed to:
(l)Help raise the level of
family planning beyond
its traditional confines, by
focusing on critical vari-
ables restricting its opera-
(2)support innovative
research, experimentation
and social action from the
point of view of bringing
the grey areas of the pro-
gramme into bold relief,
and throwing up viable,
replicable models for fur-
thering the objectives of
the family planning pro-
(3)serve as a forum for pooling
of experience and sharing of profes-
sional expertise to strengthen and
enlarge the operational base of the
programme; and
(4 )assist official and public
agencies in the advancement of the
cause of promoting human welfare
through family planning and other
development programmes
Among the PFl-sponsored and -
funded projects are those in the fol-
lowing broad areas:
Empowerment of panchayati
raj institutions; policy formulation at
the State level; development of data
base at the foundation; networking
with Government/non-Government
organisations; and NGO capacity-
building ...•.