"Kishanganj Population and Health
Profile" brought out by the PH
He gave a brief of the PFI and focused
on the past and present activities of
the Foundation. He mentioned that
the PFI has been striving, since its
inception, for population stabilization
and for bringing about improvement
in the quality of lives of the
marginalized section of the
population. In recent years, the
Foundation has been organizing
advocacy meetings with various
stakeholders in Maharashtra, Orissa
and the Hindi speaking heartland -
Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Uttar Pradesh
and Madhya Pradesh. The
marginalized section of the
population who live in the backward
districts of these states have been
targeted with the objective of
empowering them to take their own
decisions in all aspects of their lives.
While explaining the objectives
behind the PFI's efforts towards
organizing such district level
workshops in some of the identified
poor districts of Bihar, he mentioned
that with these activities the PFI aims
at highlighting the issues in
population vis a vis poor socio-
economic development so that the
stakeholders are sensitised on these
issues and are able to fulfil their
responsibilities towards bringing
about population stabilization,
sustainable health and overall
development in the relevant districts.
He appealed to the participants,
especially the PRI representatives, to
engage themselves effectivelyin social
responsibilities and work sincerely
towards betterment of the poor and
socially weaker sections to enable
them to fight against social evils such
as ignorance and illiteracy, which are
impeding the process of development
in the district of Kishanganj.
Dr. Almas Ali, Senior Advisor, PFI,
delivered the keynote address. He
presented an overview of popu-Iation
and health issues of Bihar as
highlighted in the district profile of
Kishanganj. This was followed by
presentations made by Mr. D. K.
Mangal, repre-sentative of UNFPA,
Madhya Pradesh, Ms.Kavita Singh
from UNICEF, Patna, Ms. Monika
Waghenbam of Packard Foundation,
Mr.Akhtarul Imam, MLA, Bihar
Legislative Assembly, Mr. Murlidhar
Mandai, MLA, Bihar Legislative
Asembly, Mrs. Raju Kumari, MLA,
Bihar Legislative Assembly and
Mr. Braj Kishore Singh Prabhat,
Executive Secretary, Bihar Legislative
Concluding remarks by the Speaker,
Mr.Uday Narayan Choudhary and a
vote of thanks proposed by Mr. Gopal
Agarwal, MLA, Kishanganj, marked
the end of the session.
The open session of the seminar was
held in the afternoon of the same day
at which the health functionaries of
the districts also joined along with
the elected PRI representatives from
all villages. Almost 5000 participants
registered for the open session.
The session had been designed in
such a way that it included
presentations by the elected
representatives from the district, block
and village levels of Kishanganj,
eminent resource persons and
performances by cultural groups in
the form of street plays, songs, and
puppet shows with themes on socially
relevant issues.
The advocacy seminar was the first
of its kind in more ways than one.
It was the first of its kind in that such
a seminar on health and population
issues had not been held before at
Kishanganj. It was for the first time
that the Bihar Legislative Forum had
organized a seminar at the district
levelwith active participation of MLAs
of Kishanganj from all parties and the
district administration. The document
titled "Kishanganj: Population and
Health Profile", containing detailed
information on the health and
population status of Kishanganj
district and all the blocks, prepared
for the seminar in English, Hindi and
Urdu marked a first as well.
Adolescent Initiatives in
has been adopted with funds being
channelled through the World
Food Programme. The HIHT is the
technical agency for the same.
DrVartika Saxena of HIHT made a
presentation on the key processes and
activities of the project. She outlined
the basic objectives of the project and
described the activities, which were
classified under different heads such as
baseline survey, capacity building,
health service delivery, and the
activities of the Adolescent Resource
Centre (ARC). Some components of
the programme like the Pehal radio
programme and the career fairs had
received very good response. In less
than two years of its implementation,
there was plenty of achievement in
terms of setting up processes, as the
programme catered to married,
unmarried, school going and out-of-
school adolescents and included
components of awareness on
adolescent reproductive health, service
delivery,setting up of resource centres,
activities on Behaviour Change
Communication (BCC), capacity
building of the three partner NGOs on
all of these aspects and maintaining a
Management Information System to
capture field data.
A presentation on the findings of the
external endline evaluation of the
project was made by Dr.Lalitendu
Jagatdeb of the PH He highlighted
the efforts that had been made to
refine the research design of the
project and the contribution made by
Dr. M.E. Khan towards the same.
He described the process of area
selection and sampling done for the
baseline survey in both the
implementation and the control areas
of the project and the efforts made
to train the NGOs for carrying out
the same. He also described some of
the key findings of the evaluation,
lessons learnt and good practices of
the processes.
Participants from the three
implementing NGOs and the field
staff of the HIHT shared their
experiences related to the project.
An open discussion at the end of the
workshop brought forth many
suggestions from the participants.