entire training program. They were very enthusiastic and eager to
learn more. They felt that the participatory methodologies and training
was more clinical and case based and addressed their current needs.
They interacted with the faculty; many of whom are senior clinicians
treating PLHIV. One of the doctors said “We had the opportunity to
obtain information which are very useful and relevant to our practice”.
State Level Program Coordination Committee
The fourth State Level Program Coordination Committee meetings
under the Global Fund Round 6 Program were organized with SACS
in the states of Gujarat, Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh,
Bihar, West Bengal and Uttar Pradesh. The progress of the program
was shared and plans for the next quarter were finalized for the
respective states in consultation with the SACS.
Financial Management Workshop
A Regional Workshop on Financial Management was held at
Kathmandu, Nepal between 29 and 31 March, 2009 organized by
The Global Fund. The participants from Principal Recipients as well
as Sub-Recipients of The Global Fund HIV/AIDS programs on TB,
HIV and Malaria were oriented on performance improvement, legal
compliance and management of sub recipients. The workshop involved
presentations, exercises and group discussions. The participants were
oriented further on EFR Applications, financial reporting, budget
management process, analysis and review, linkage to programmatic
performances, co-financing and audit procedures. The Global Fund
invited Senior Grants Manager, PFI, Mr S. Vijayakumar to make
presentation on Sub- Recipient Management. The session also included
a workshop on variance analysis linking both program and finance.
CMIS Trainings at Community Care Centres
Computerised Manage-ment Information Systems (CMIS) has been
developed by PFI for the
Community Care Centres.
Trainings were conducted
for the Round 4 ACT
Program in Bangalore and
Dimapur for the
Community Care centres
CCC CMIS Training Participants in
Ahmedabad 27-29th Jan-2009
of Freedom Foundation,
St.Joseph’s HIV/AIDS
Care Centre, Meetei
Leimarol Sinnai Sang
(MLSS), Moreh and Development Association of Nagaland on CMIS.
The PFI-PMU also organized training programs on Computerized
Monitoring Information System (CMIS) for Community Care Centres
under the Round 6- PACT Program during January-March 2009. Staff
from 44 CCCs under CBCI and HLFPPT was trained in CMIS. The
CCCs trained include 5 in Uttar Pradesh, 4 in Madhya Pradesh, 4 in
Rajasthan, 9 in Gujarat, 5 in Bihar, 5 in Orissa, 4 in Chhattisgarh and
8 in West Bengal.
Reviewing quality of care at Community Care Centres
Population Foundation of India conducted a study on the quality of
care provided at the Community Care Centres (CCC) set up by its
partners, CBCI and HLFPPT under the PACT Program. The purpose
of this study was to examine the quality of services provided at the
CCCs, from the perspective of clients, family members, and service
providers. The study was conducted at 4 CCCs in the states of Gujarat,
West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh. The results of the
study were disseminated to partner organizations and PFI regional
units on 20th January 2009.
The following were the recommendations of the study:
• The role of the care centres need to be redefined, so that the
centres can reach out and harness their maximum potential
• Family members are a significant source of support and care for
the clients, and centers have to systematically plan their
involvement in care, for sustainability beyond the care centre.
• Counseling needs to go beyond the primary information giving
role and to offer clients the space to articulate and ease their
deeper stress and concerns. The capacity of the counselors needs
to be built up accordingly.
External MIS Audit
PFI conducted external MIS Audit with the help of Indian Institute
of Health Management Research, Jaipur. The audit was conducted to
check the reliability of the data recorded in the reports with regard to
their accuracy and consistency. The audit also checked the validity of
the clients by verifying the authenticity of enrollment of PLHIV. The
audit results were disseminated to partner organizations and PFI
regional units, on 21st January 2009.
The following were some of the recommendations suggested for
improving MIS formats
• To develop formats in Hindi as all the District level Networks
visited were from the Hindi speaking states
• To institutionalize the system of providing feedback on monthly
reports to improve the quality of performance
Potential for Impact Analysis of the ACT Program
To understand the potential for impact of the ACT program in the
lives of the PLHIV, a study was commissioned by PFI and conducted
by Catalyst Management Services. The study was conducted in the
states of Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra and Nagaland. A
strategy analysis exercise was conducted at the national level to
summarise the analysis from the field and also to draw overall
conclusions. Results of the study were disseminated to the partners
in the Round 4 program on April 14, 2009.
The study concluded that the program is making a difference in the
lives of PLHIV in terms of providing them with psycho- social
support, coming to terms with their status and behavior change
communication. As summed up by PLHIV participants during FGD
in Andhra Pradesh (Krishna), treatment has increased life span,
improved health and reduced opportunistic infections. It has given
the PLHIV the courage to get on with their lives and the belief that
they can also live a normal life and support their children.
Continuum of Care for Injecting Drug Users (IDUs)
including IDUs Living with HIV, in Imphal City:
Current Situation, Needs and Gaps
To move towards the goal of having continuum of care for IDUs
(including those living with HIV) in Imphal city, a study was conducted
with the following objectives:
To assess the current situation of the various drug- and infections-
related medical/non-medical services (Govt./NGOs/CBOs/
PLHIV Networks/Private sector) available for IDUs, including
those living with HIV, in Imphal.